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Everything posted by notimelon.9512

  1. Quick Rework Idea to give Daredevil the deserved assassine-vibe it lacks. Also to bring back dagger dagger. Keep in mind all of this is just thought through for PvP, since thats where I spend my time. Deadly Arts: Dagger Training gets replaced by "Tormenting Poison" (Traitline names are obviously argueable) Whenever you poison a foe, also give him one stack of torment for 3 seconds ( 2 seconds cooldown ) Critical Strikes: Twin Fangs Additional to its old effects, Death Blossom gets replaced by "Assassination" Assassination Rush 600 range towards your target, leaving him dazed and damaged. costs 6 Iniative 0.5 sec Daze around 3.500 damage critical in PvP with Berserker Amulet (I'm bad at the calculating stuff) Daredevil: Brawlers Tenacity: Instead of 10 energy you apply to yourself now the buff "Used Opportunity", whenever you disable a foe with a physical skill. Used Opportunity: You deal 15% higher strike and condition damage for 5 seconds. Escapists Fortitude: Whenever you rush or teleport towards a target, gain 3 seconds Quickness. (12 seconds cd) At the end of a dodgeroll, gain a boon based on your grandmaster traitline. ( 7 seconds cd) Dash ( Resistance for 2 seconds) Bounding Dodger (Protection for 3 seconds ) Lotus Training ( Resolution for 3 seconds) Havoc Specialist: Affects now condition damage aswell. Pulmonary Impact: (PI) Instead of putting PI on a target when interrupting, you now put it on with using "Steal". hits around 2500 damage with berserker amulet. Fist Flurry: Instead of all 5 hits dealing vulnerability, the first hit deals now immobilize for 1 second. Palm Strike only applies one stack of PI. Distracting Daggers: Strike your foe with a dagger, leaving him stunned. 20 seconds CD 0.5 sec casttime 1 second stun 130 Range If your target uses a skill while getting striked, it removes 2 boons and puts PI on him. Impairing Daggers: Instead of its old effects, this deals now high damage, which is increased against stunned targets. around 3000 damage critical in PvP (Zerker Amulet) 20 seconds CD (cooldown) 130 Range 50% higher dmg against stunned targets 0.5 sec casttime Impact Strike: Instead of getting interrupted, when using other weaponskills between the chain, you can now use any weaponskill as long as the chain skill is up. I wanted to make both, Daredevil and core Thief, more unique. Since Deadeye has its own stolen skills, while Specter has a shroud, I made for Daredevil a new f2 skill. Stolen Skills on Daredevil: Stolen Skills get replaced by "Extermination". Extermination: Deal for each 300 Ferocity you have 1.000 fix damage. ( always the same, no matter how many might you have, how many Vulnerability stacks the foe has, no matter if protection ect.) Deal 5 stacks of poison, 5 stacks of torment and 5 stacks of bleeding on the foe for 0.5 seconds. ( gets highered by 2 seconds for each 500 condition damage) If PI is on the target, it gets instantly triggered. The damage and the additional condition duration get not affected by buffs, debuffs, condition duration ect. 30 seconds CD Chills for 4 seconds 240 range 0.75 seconds casttime Deadly Arts traitline "Improvisation does not make this an ammunition skill. Instead, it reduces its CD by 20%.
  2. Specter in pvp is a joke currently. Not only the shroud got nerfed with the october patch but also any traitline interacting with it , causing them to be now useless. Hungering Darkness triggers one time if you are lucky. I dont see how giving my ally 3k healing when he gets struck by an attack that would kill him is going to safe him that much. Also specter gets now affected twice in terms of lifeforce since you guys nerfed before lowering the shroud hp all traitlines that give lifeforce. Impressive how you destroyed in pvp within one patch with one change basically every traitline of specter and its sustain. So yes, if you ask me you should add the 33% dmg reduction to specter in pvp and im not even sure if its gonna do the job to make it good enough.
  3. *300 sec cd traits in the corner laughing their kitten off since 2 years*: respectable patch, have a great day.
  4. I think a lot of people forget the meta how it was before. The game was nerfed af and got pretty boring. Im not saying the new specs are in balance with the old one or fine, dont get me wrong. Still we should be carefully with our wishes for nerfs and should hope more for buffs. Things like harb elite or grav well need a nerf for sure. But i rather the old specs being buffed to deal dmg again, maybe have old traitlines reworked again (300 sec cd traits that trigger 2x a match wtf) and things like dagger dagger on thief made viable again. All i can say is, for the first time in years the meta is somehow enjoyable again if you play a eod spec. The trick now is to make the old specs enjoyable again and bring in some sort of balance. Mostlikely with buffs, not with nerfing the fun stuff to be unenjoyable again. In this state of the game, nerfs should happen only for the things that enable a non-skillbased gameplay (elite elixir on harb, endless stability on cata ect.) But i start repeating myself.
  5. I like how everyone is screaming for nerfs in here. U wanna go back to a completly nerfed meta with no dmg at all? Some of the nerfs people want in here just result in that again. - remove the 20% less CD on elixirs on harb and give elite elixir 105 sec cd - higher vital draw to 30 sec cd in pvp And there u go, harb will alrdy feel way better to play in. For willbender im personally doubting that it needs any nerfs. On specter maybe nerf the barrier that scepter/pistol 3 gives. Keep in mind we want the other specs to be also good. Get the 300 sec cd traitlines useful again. Buff other useless traitlines. If other classes and specs get strong, there is not much need for nerfs given. A totally nerfed meta isnt fun for anyone and will result in timer matches, bunker metas and games that are decided after the first 2 kills.
  6. Its always the same. SA Op, so we nerf core skills. They dont understand that they force players even more into the Sa traitline. And tbh even if they nerf SA, there isnt any traitline that could replace it without making thief nearly unusable in pvp. Specter will just rule the world of thieves AND THAT IS NOT A SHOUTOUT TO NERF IT. it would make things even worse. We need buffs on other traitlines, such as acrobatics, deadly arts ect. This nerf meta is slowly growing to be so terrible, the tempest buff is the first serious buff for like a year or smth. Warrior is now alrdy so long nerfed, still no buff. The tempest buff feels honestly like its just there to make ele in any kind useful in eod since the new spec of it just cant hold on to the rest. But arenanet logic would be here to nerf the rest so new ele spec is viable. When do you guys understand that sometimes, to find a enjoyable Balance, buffs are needed?
  7. idk for how long its bugged now but its insane and anet doesnt give a kitten again it seems.
  8. Same Problem here 200 ppl write that they got an issue and anet is just doing nothing. Wheres our support?
  9. literally anet pls do smth.this is slowly annoying me so fucking hard...
  10. i see, Servers again down. -.-Rollbacks for Rollbacks until we back to the release from hot :D
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