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  1. It is irrelevant how often or how rare I used the tonic. I also had no idea of any of the other changes, like the Flamekissed skins and such. They were all things that happened before I started playing the game, thus also irrelevant. I also didn't know they changed the marionette enemies (I didn't play the LS1 episodes), and while that is annoying, they didn't mess with something I had in my wardrobe. The issue is this. Imagine you bought a painting. It's hanging nicely on your living room wall. While you were away, the artist who made it broke into your house and sneakily painted over some areas. The artist might think they improved it and even claim such a thing, but you liked the painting exactly the way it was when you bought it. Now imagine that same artist offers you another one of their paintings. Why would you buy anything from them ever again? How can you know they won't break into your house again and ruin another painting? You don't, and therein lies the problem. I can see how sad my friend is when he mentions the game to me, and how he wishes I play again because we did so many things together. We encouraged one another to keep going and suffer through the grind of Aurora and Vision (the latest in a long string of things). He mentioned the festival. I can't say I care anymore, but today I logged in for the first time since I noticed the tonic change and did dailies. I wanted to see how playing the game makes me feel, if perhaps I overreacted. What I felt was bitterness while playing the game, like hanging out with someone who betrayed you. You can't trust them anymore. The trust is gone and it will never come back.
  2. I love how the shills brush off any complaints saying how it doesn't matter, that people who complaim are weirdos into robot booba or that we are grifters who only log in or post on the forum to complain about GW2. I have played GW2 for at least 5 or 6 years (could be more, but I don't remember exactly, and I do not plan to log in either to check because I said I am done with the game unless they change the tonic back to what it was), I made twelve fanart paintings for this game, and I have been playing almost daily since I got the game. I had just gotten Aurora and Vision and was about to get the legendary amulet too, and next I was planning to go back to WvW to have some fun and get the two legendary rings from there (I've gotten the armor and the backpack long ago). After that, I was planning to go back to the new maps and explore to my heart's content. Despite all that, that one tonic shattered any illusion of owning anything in this game. Nothing feels safe anymore. All it took is one thing to be changed (that I liked a lot), for me to lose that trust. I don't care about the enemies (though I think those shouldn't have been changed either), but if my wardrobe isn't safe, why should I even bother? How can I know they won't 'improve' or 'bring to modern standards' something else that I love? I can't know, and thus I see no point in wasting any more time with something that can be taken away from me at any time.
  3. Why did you change my Infinite WatchKnight Tonic, anet? I bought it because I liked it just the way it was. You changed a product I paid for. I will finish dailies today because of my mild OCD and afterwards I am done with the game. It's not so much about the breasts and the posterior, but about the principle of it. If you ever decide to stop imposing your ideaology on other people and shaming us women for the female form, then I might consider coming back to the game. Until then, adios!
  4. Tried Harbinger just now and I absolutely despise the Elixir mechanics and pistol on necro. Just a personal preference I guess. I'll stick to Reaper and Scourge.
  5. Phalanx Armor skins. I want the boots for my guardian but they're not on sale. =/
  6. I love it but I don't understand why all the new weapons are so big. They look ridiculous. =/
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