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One Kiss Away.9180

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Posts posted by One Kiss Away.9180

  1. @Sobx.1758 said:Hey. Go play guardian? :DYou're pretty much complaining about the fact that you need to hit stuff as a warrior. That's what warrior does, it slaps things and that's perfectly ok imo. (yes, I know war's sustain isn't limited to that and so do you)

    I have a Guardian and he does rather well, habdles everything thrown his way. I have read these post and my warrior is doing better. I run beserker with 'For great Justice' 'To the Limit' as a heal, Wild Blow and outrage... elite is Signet of rage. I like thr build, Might Makes Right has improved it alot. TYMy problem is that once he starts losing health he loses it fast, nut I have learned to get away, run around till Yo the Limit comes back up and the shouts.

  2. Bump........ The Reverent needs along range weapon. I know you eventually get a short bow but that not really a long range. I find him very powerfull and his ability to doge and heal is great. I just like to not have to be on top my enemy all the time. I use the Sword/Axe and the swap between the Hammer and staff. I am learning.Do they Anet consider the hammers #1 skill long rang? The staff seem to throw you into the NPC.... I have just started using it and am halfway through the Herald.

  3. While the Rev can dish out punishment, switch between to great spirits, inst it lacks a real long rang weapon. The Staff really is not long range, the hammer does have the #1 skill that does a little long range, skills that allow you to fly around and do damage, but it need some type of weapon that can allow you to get away from danger when you are in trouble. PLEASE no rifle!

  4. Yes my main Characters are Warrior and Guardian. Guardian has plent of self heals and condition removal, but lower overall ealth then a Warrior. The Warryuo has more overall gealth but very few ways to heal. It has Shake it off as a trait, a trait that heals you for a littke when you apply might but not mucj more in healing. I mainly play ny myself unless Sally is around and the Necro and Mesmer does hekp in healing, but alone you really have to watch your health.

  5. These are all good points, but there needs to also ne more traits to make the Spirit Weapons more usefull and powerful I sometime use them with both my Dragonslayer and Firebrand builds depending on types of enemies.

  6. I have the Skritt harvesting Tool which is HI-LARRY-US to use. Is there going to be a Skritt Mining and Logging tool released, It crackles me up to see my Huge scary Charr scream and cower when the Skritt pops out and harvest plants, ewwwww Shinies ..BOOM

  7. The Guardian had the Spirit weapons reworked which made them very useful and they were finally functional only to have them reworked again where they no longer follow the target and only have one trait. After the first rework the targeted opponent could not just step away from the weapon as it followed its target. Now when they are targeted at an opponent and the moves, the weapon was wasted.

  8. Since the Spirits are now stationary and can be summered to where you move to by rehitting the skill, there should be a trait, like the Ritaulist had, that would heal the spirits for a certain amount allowing them to live longer and have better AOE range.You can't really compare them to the warriors banners inability to me moved, cause as you pick them up their recharge skill accelerates.

  9. Rangers seem to be constantly nerfed. Next balance, Anet will probably nerf long bow range by 30% because other people think that is unfair .... crazy. Necros (minions), Elementalist(Lesser elementals and Greater Elementals) that follow them around like a train. Rangers really do not gave a whole lot of great Utility Skills as it is. Please make it possible to not have to always have a pet with you.

  10. @Shailyn Slay.7234 said:eh, we already have that since like forever? It's probably not clearly documented anywhere, but if you change your skill while being underwater, this will only change your underwater skills and not affect your skill choice on land.

    The news article on the build templates even shows that the templates will be able to save both underwater & land skills separately.

    Ty ill try that, so you can change your skills but what about t.raits?7 years still learning,,,

  11. It seems that the Greatswords damage and speed of on the Guardian has been slowed down and damage has gone down? I find it better to use my Longbow at times.

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