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Everything posted by Arimir.5864

  1. Here's my 2c worth..... ofc all my opinions I'd rather there be a requirement to earn and maintain a certain amount of ranking XP (rabbit, deer, dolyak, etc) for each profession/major-build-change a person has/makes before it's allowed to even enter any ranked or tournament pvp. I'd rather see decay on that and a certain amount rank XP (rabbit, deer, dolyak, etc) earned to be allowed to enter per season as an entry condition. I'd even go as far as increasing the placement rounds to 12. Decay on league rating does nothing really except cripple people who don't play often imo Too many times I been caught with teams or 2s/3s players who have never played the profession or build they have queued with, and it hurts those who want to see green +{numbers} in the game history, and fairer games I'd also rather see people who have a sizable 'being reported' history in match instances have their ranking XP (rabbit, deer, dolyak, etc) diminished for AFK/match-making, etc. I'd also rather see league divisions (bronze, silver, gold, plat, legendary) become unlockable, based on the same algorithm matchmaking uses, the glicko2 algorithm. Ie; usually a silver player but briefly got to gold? Imo you should need to win so many matches at silver rating for either a season (or two?) to unlock gold. Usually a gold player but get teamed up who don't demonstrate that in the match? You should not be matched with them in the first place, but you should also not be demerited because of it either... yes, I know the glicko2 algorithm has a "confidence score" on your rating via accumulative residual deviations, but maybe it needs to do historical regressions against all team players in a season's history to figure out your expected rating better (something for the big brains at anet who balance these things) Of course, these are just my opinions, but I personally see a reprimand on ranking XP (rabbit, deer, dolyak, etc) as an extra condition to entry a more suitable "reward" for these players Many people say ranked pvp is just for gold, or, the tournaments every 2 hours is just for gold. For others, it's the primary game mode they want to play and/or are mostly invested into. IMO having that approach to ranked pvp is like saying, "but I have a L30 necro, I want to come to HT CM with my friend who is new to the game and a L12 guardian". There's unranked for all the reasons that it exists, as there are servers in the game browser people can use.. or the Arena Waypoint to 'try things out' Being a gold or plat player (or whatnot) and having to be on a 2 week work trip should not invalidate your badge imo. I reckon being a "bad player" or trying new (major build changes) should make that player "earn" their way back Lastly, get rid of the ability to swap characters, or builds when the queue pops. You queued with a particular character + build.. that is the choice you play with imo!!! 😄
  2. haha.. i hear you... especially on matches where it's literally been a loss at 500:499 and you loose a tonne of points.. like: https://ibb.co/mtv2VHb !!!
  3. I feel personal contribution could be tweaked for ranked pvp on your personal performance... a big overhaul over a long period of time most likely, but I reckon that'd make things better?!? eg; if all a person did was spawn and run to get killed without decapping one-tick, or softening up other enemy players that the team kill in the process... type of thing, iykwim
  4. Funny you mention that.. I know this will pee a lot of people off, but imo I reckon ranked should be tied to character + build.. ie; you have WON X matches on "PlayerA", Chrono mesmer build unranked + placement within the season qualifier period... that character/build combo can do ranked... but if "PlayerA: changes to mirage, then that aint the player/build combo that did the work beforehand, and therefore should not be deemed as "experienced" enough to play ranked... just a thought I had! Sick of peeps trying new toons/builds where you loose 501:230 because of it. lol Given the algo used, the RD and sigma would be critical in how carryover would work... prolly why you see top players with low match counts. they proly play every 2nd day upto 2-3 matches to minimise volatility (sigma) and increase RD, if they have steady win:loss !!! Anyway, always fun speculating and dreaming !! LOL
  5. Thanks for the heads up... and interesting... so if GW2 ranked pvp used the glicko2 algorithm, surely anet will see that the volatility (the 'σ') would be very high for a lot of players and should be looking at how this + the RD would be distributed as a means of normalisation, matchmaking, rating points calculated. Given many players AFK, game-fix, et al, this would have a match RD calculation that would be quite wild. Anyway, hopefully something anet looks at and thinks about how compounding/accumulative calculations affect the systems at play
  6. Hi Drax, If this appeals to you, lemme know and I'll add you and your mum too :D
  7. Hi Thrandir, We are a new and small guild in the process or organising ourselves into regular content. Feel free to check out our guild recruit and if this is something that aligns to what you are after. Happy to field questions, and help however possible.
  8. Hi ChuckleFanny 🙂 The server you are on is per each individuals account, and only really matters for grouping up for World vs World at the moment. Even though it is fun to play that game mode with your guild and anyone else on other servers (home worlds), you can still go into it yourself and group up with commanders in the maps themselves. Not long ago ArenaNet enabled a beta period of "World Restructuring", which enabled guild members to align with other guild members to be able to group up together for WvW. Highly anticipating this happens again... very soon!! I'll throw you a guild invite, and you can go from there 🙂 Looking forward to doing some game time with you 🙂
  9. Hello ChuckleFanny, Welcome to GW2... If this suits, let me know and would be happy to accommodate 😄
  10. Hi Katherine, If this appeals, feel free to message us. Most of us are of "working age"!!
  11. Hi mate. We are NA/AU (Australia). If interested. drop us a message.
  12. hi there mate.. we are happy to do content for all experience levels.. feel free to check out >>
  13. Hi mate. We are NA/AU (Australia). If interested. drop us a message.
  14. Thank you for clicking on the link and reading our post. For an invite, please leave us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, you can message Arimir.5864 in game as well. Who we are We are a newly minted GW2 guild, in the process of establishing, who dwell in the halls of the Gilded Hollow and are focused on helping players improve their game by including them in all we do. What we do We love playing the game. And with that, we are here to help all players from their initial levelling, gearing, all the way through to organised group content such as strikes, Guild Missions, fractals, raid, sPvP, Tournament PvP and WvW for new-timers and experienced players, to having fun with experienced players and veterans. Where are we We are mostly North American and Australian, and welcome everyone from anywhere Who we cater to Players new and old wanting to improve, explore, and do content with buddies, mentors and commanders People wanting to experience more of what the game offers and have fun doing so along the way People wanting to get to be part of a community that organises guild runs for PvP, Strikes, Fractals and Raids, all the way from first timers to challenge mode veterans What we are looking for Leads People to help with assisting and leading group focused activities, be it PvE or PvP, etc Members Players wanting a guild that focuses on having its members be included in content People who want to improve and have fun So, if you are a vet who can make some time to lead instanced content, or a new player who needs help along the way, we are open to this and everything in-between. Our aim Our aim is to not be a huge guild full of people soloing content for years, but to help people have fun as a guild and improve in their knowledge for the game... and, did I say, HAVE FUN?! ! What we are currently focusing on Growing the guild Growing and/or preparing content leaders Regular strikes and fractals Regular PvP Leading up to raid training Be part of the greater community of gamers A Night Off is a collective of gamers who come together to game and have fun experiences in the games they are interested in. We are a large community of gamers from across many different games. We originally started on world of warcraft where we have 9 raid teams on two raid factions Our goal is to connect gamers from all over together to enjoy the games they like to play most!
  15. After taking a long hiatus due to IRL stuff and coming back, thinking about re-establishing the (now a defunct) guild provided there is enough interest to help make a home for us in our timezone . If anyone is interested, drop me a message either here or in game and I'll get back to you to see what we can do. I'd prolly need willing leader types that can help take charge and not leave everything all up to one person (me)... but everyone is welcome to come :)
  16. Thank you all for your messages and questions :) <3I threw out some ginvites to:@KitFennec.2367@Guild Wars Guy.4731@MissCee.1295
  17. Can accommodate people from Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and South East Asia. come one come all :)
  18. Still looking to get some folks. He have an really awesome and inclusive community :)
  19. G'Day @The Hamster.2750 :)Thank you so much for taking the time to read and fill in. Will ginvite when I log in next :D
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