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Everything posted by Sindrener.1592

  1. Thats a lie ive climbed solo from bronze to legend mind u it was in HoT tho Also done placements and got legend several times from it
  2. Simple answer, move faster without hesitation and plus one faster. Also picking what fight to +1 is essential
  3. Yet again it turns into soloq!!!111 its garbage as well, pretty much made it worse than it already is lUl matchmaking better l ma o
  4. Even if they get partner anet does not promote or support them
  5. Mobility across the game needs nerf and bring back portal for complexity in the game, make ”bunker/bruiser” 1v1 builds not be an endless stalemate but actually about skill and timings/mindgames. Make teamfights be about coordination and timings w bursts.
  6. i mean ur downstate to absolute tr a s h players and complain about na being better is this hidden camera or some sort of joke? i just casually open ur vid and see this i mean i dont even want to continue lookingnot to mention u queue at the absolute most dead hours, imagine that
  7. I get what ur saying man but it's very strange being at the mercy of ur rng team especially if u do not duo que. I've seen some of ur uploads where u and ur duo partner can't carry with the potatoes teammates u rng'd lol how often do u think others can carry if often times u cant? U can't tell me those instances where u just romp around the map cuz it's useless aren't frustrating and wouldn't be less frustrating as well as show a more a accurate depiction of ur skill if u were rated on ur performance and participation? Its awesome having 4 outa 6 top stats decapping like a mad man and +1ing peeps that die in seconds anyway just to lose a match and go down in rank. Also wanna say love all ur vids, always a good watch. Basically only gw2 vids worth watching these days imo and hope u keep posting for a while lolKids cute!U should give eso nightblade a real chance Haha yeah I kno u think the combats kitten :) My winrate at 1800+ is still at 75% and in s6 it was 90% that means i clomb, if im at 50-55% ofc ill end up losing
  8. I will stream it, and wintrade it ez
  9. Gw2 is the only community where being in a certain tier with a 50%winrate expect to win more and lose less. Lmao
  10. So wrong, lets say back when improv didnt have 2x charges it would be considered to be skillfull to interrupt glob in mes thief 1v1. I dont expect you people to understand the complexity at higher tier
  11. It's just like how you ask for nerfs to Deadeye and Condition Thief at every opportunity. the fact that you try to compare de/condi thief to this is beyond laughable lmao Condi thief is definitely a couple tiers above power mesmer right now. But DE is a perfect example since similar to power mesmer maybe four people played it at a plat2 level or higher on EU and NA but that doesn't stop the play style from being fundamentally noxious.I had issues with DE when they had 3 sec of stealth on dodge, not the current iteration nor do i have any issues with power mes whatsoever, if i see a power mes in my game on the enemy side its a free win. The only one that i found obnoxious was mirage when it was on steroids since it was so elusive once they were caught they could easily get out of any situation due to portal and the million dodges they had. A core power mes does nothing outside of its burst and has zero escape, if you have issues with a core power mes due to the high powerspike you would have issues with a core DP thief with crit / DA spikes since it can 1 shot you with assassin signet, i don't see anyone crying about that cus IT IS T R A S H just like core power mes
  12. It's just like how you ask for nerfs to Deadeye and Condition Thief at every opportunity. the fact that you try to compare de/condi thief to this is beyond laughable lmao
  13. I dont know if this was meant to prove how terrible core mantra mes is, all i see is you downstate at least 6 times vs a non thief/rev comp lol
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