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that baby stealing dingo.7

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Everything posted by that baby stealing dingo.7

  1. I will suggest first of all to stop using level 80 boosts. Try leveling up each class (or at least a few) from 1-80 the old fashioned way. You will learn as you go, and it will make the game slow down for you, as you learn the mechanics. Now. Banner Warrior might be up your alley. You do have to target the banners when placing them, but then you just forget them and go back to fighting with 1-5 buttons. A Shout Warrior is even simpler, because Shouts require no targeting (they also have the benefit of insta-cast, several of them). Either way, you're also supporting allies, which is nice. And of course, the class mechanic for Warrior (Burst skill) is among the simplest, and least-buttony mechanics in the game.
  2. Deleted my comment for being completely irrelevant, because I didn't read closely enough. All I have to contribute here is, Carrion gear is good for leveling your Ele. XD
  3. I've been playing for years, and also like classes that are mechanically simpler to execute (in general). Any of these should do: I. Minion Neco, as mentioned. Other Necro builds can be straightforward, as well. II. Warrior with Banners. You drop the banners, giving you and allies continued boons over time, and just attack with your weapon buttons. Other Warrior builds can be simple. III. Most Ranger builds. IV. Many Thief builds are very straightforward to play, but require practiced timing for attacks and dodges. Lower health pool.
  4. I. Ian mentioned incorporating more Torment into the sword, via Arms traits. I agree with this, and any other way of getting a little more Torment in. I state the obvious, but one problem with relying on Bleeding is that 20 stacks may be cleansed as easily as 1. Having more access to a secondary damaging condition (Torment) helps. II. Make the default Cripple duration on the Sword auto attack 2 seconds. This would be helpful in general, but more specifically with Leg Specialist. III. I honestly don't think it is too much to ask for Final Thrust to be made Unblockable.
  5. Honestly not much else, any more. I have a shortbow Ranger from way back that I still like to play now and then. A bit of Blood Necro. But it's like 80% core Warrior characters I play nowadays. With all the weapon choices we enjoy, I'm just constantly dreaming up new builds. Maybe not good builds, but new builds to try at least 😆 Edit: Almost forgot the "and why?" Shortbow warrior: This is honestly the only Ranger I've played since launch. I have a lot of fun with the flanking aspect, and run with two Devourers. It's an annoying, hard-to-pin down condi build that I just have fun with. Good survivability with Rabid gear. Blood Necro: I run a support Warrior (among my other toons), and enjoy support Necro as well. The whole AOE rezzing/healing thing is a great way to get allies back up. I run with condis. Again, it all comes down to gameplay and style that I find fun. Everything I play is core anymore. I spent some time with Spellbreaker, Berserker, and Scourge, but went back to basics.
  6. Lol I'm an idiot. Will delete, and thanks for explaining!
  7. Edit: feel free to ignore, I am not very observant today. Actually not working at all. Does not grant Protection, whether used in or out of combat. I'll submit the ticket and all that, just curious if anyone else experienced the issue. I'm running Defiant Stance for healing, and have the Stances grandmaster trait.
  8. Core Necro also has a ton of chilling skills. Just another option.
  9. Crazy thing is, I was starting to enjoy where banners were at: The light field, the stat boosts, the 100% uptime when managed properly. I was learning how to use them very effectively. And now this? Oof. At least the Battle Standard still has the res/kill function for WvW. I should shut up before they take that away too.
  10. Well they already have a transform skill with Rampage, that's close enough to a shroud mechanic for me. Rampage could certainly be improved, including a shorter cool down, to make it more useful. What I want (as a core warrior player) is for burst skills to be reworked for longbow, axe, mace, etc. Many of the core weapons in general need to be updated. Shroud for warrior is not a horrible idea, but there is a lot of fixing I would choose before that.
  11. Throw in a couple seconds of Cripple and a leap finisher, and I'm sold.
  12. +1 to what Umbra said. Condimancer has a lot of flexibility in approach. I've used pure Carrion, mixed Carrion with Rabid to work in some Precision, etc. I've heard good things about Celestial, even. Meta is probably Trailblazer or something, but honestly a set of Carrion or even Dire is fine lol. You should probably post this in the Necro forum for best replies.
  13. Spirit Shards are worth like 10,000 to a peso. Just keep a stack of Tomes of Knowledge in the corner of your bank for the day when you do feel like levelling an alt. I've been playing this game for years, but I almost always have a new alt I'm trying out.
  14. I don't think GW2 is much like WoW, but I think it's a very quality MMORPG. "What i fear in games these days and for example as you said, in WoW i go to a dungeon, a raid, a world boss or events and so on and i have a chance to get a piece of gear, a better weapon or a mount for example, and i fear that other games instead of rewarding the players, or make us feel like we achieved something awesome and important they instead "reward" players by placing the best gear or better looking in a store, same for the mounts." The best gear in the game is the gear you craft. Any awards you get from completing end game, instanced content (i.e., raids) will be as good, but not better, than the guy next to you who never tried a single raid in his life. He just made it with materials gathered from the game world. Mounts are earned, not purchased through the in-game store. There is zero reason to spend money in the gem store if you don't want to. It all cosmetics and quality of life things. You can purchase certain items that help with loot generation (mineral nodes to mine in your home instance, say), but nothing that changes the game balance between players in any meaningful way. In summary: I can't say GW2 will be as enjoyable for you as WoW, but your main concerns are unfounded.
  15. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAMx7lNwAZiMMWJW2OVreA-zVQYrSITFMBXKJUAhFC1lA5GBuNLF5pB-w Summary: Hybrid using sword/board and longbow. Armor and weapons are Carrion, with accessories being Valkyrie. Runes are Rage for Fury uptime, sigils are (for sword/board) Torment and Celerity. Longbow uses Smoldering and Fire. Defiant Stance and Adrenal Health keep that massive Health pool up. Shield Bash + Flurry with Quickness melts pretty good. With so many strikes (Flurry hits 11 times in 2 seconds, Fan of Fire shoots 3 piercing arrows, Combustive Shot with a huge AoE pulses 9 times, etc.), crits are happening even with a 25% crit chance. The gear is cheap, excepting Rune of Torment, you only need one. I dunno, just having a blast with this in WvW and open world PvE. Obviously not a roaming toon, but great in WvW group fights small or large.
  16. It's like Anet took all the discarded ideas from the other elite specs, and dumped them all on Warrior. I'm baffled.
  17. Go to a black lion merchant (the trading post), and search specifically for level 80 exotic armor and weapons. Sort by cost, cheapest to most expensive. You'll find some surprisingly affordable armor and weapons. I have a core condi warrior running Settler's gear and Runes of the Undead that can tank mobs with confidence. Takes a little longer to kill enemies, of course, but going full glass in HoT is rarely recommended. You can also experiment with Carrion gear (Condition damage/vitality/power) and others that provide more survivability. Good luck!
  18. Thanks for the inspiration. I've been looking for fun core builds.
  19. Thanks guys. I ask because few months ago I saw someone in-game who was advertising their thief-only guild, and I was hoping to find that guild - or a similar one - here (can't remember what it was called). Just seemed like a really fun idea. Maybe I'll try the professions forum, as suggested.
  20. I'm a thoroughly average open world PvE and WvW veteran, looking for any active guilds that are thief-focused. Tried googling but didn't find much. Thank you in advance, and be well.
  21. I like to run sword/X/Longbow builds in general, I'm looking for any such builds you've used in WvW and enjoyed. Builds that use other weapons in the 2nd slot (sword/sword/hammer, etc.) are cool too, as long as the focus is a condi or Celestial type of build. My goal is to contribute decent damage and possibly support in group fights, and also hold my own in 1v1s.
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