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Posts posted by ASV.7819

  1. ArenaNet MUST nerf Bladesworn, it's healing, it's condi cleansing, damage from DT, CC and sinergy from the Tactic's traitline.

    Same thing about harbinger, it's too tenacious for a glass cannon and requires a lowered bonus from Death Carapace. High risk, high reward, what can i say.

    Mechanist's mech need a HUGE nerf of dmg, hp and breakbar.

    Vindicators must learn mirage's pain of a minuscule dodge window, because their fly while node is caping is obscene plus bugged animation of dodge when u think u can hit them BU-UT they're hecking dodging.

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  2. Nerf mehanist please. It's impossible to kill while 1v1. His mecha is unkillable, uncontrollable and breakes you in no time, plus gives engi perma alacrity.

    Now about virtuoso. You said every new specializtion will get more mobility. Where is virtuoso new mobility skills?! Every new spec get it, even mehanist. And add immobilize to Blade leap instead of cripple.

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  3. I'll start with the following words: ArenaNet are VILE POTBOILERS who do their work so clumsy that I have no words. They do the worst in every game mode. I haven’t seen adequate patches since 2018. Mesmers nerf hard every patch, the other classes do not receive any balance.This patch is the worst patch of all time of the game. Instead of balancing broken powercreep Anet nerf everything indiscriminately.MesmerMesmer is the most sensitive part of the game. It has been nerfed hard since 2018. First you made chronomancer piece of , now you reached to mirages. You reduce endurance of mirage by 50 for PvP and WvW. Did you test it? What is the reason for this ****? Daredevil has 150 endurance, the other classes have 100 and mirage has 50. Are you kidding? Mesmer is no better than training golem dummy. Then you will make it impossible to play for core mesmer. Then what? Delete it?NecromancerYou reduce the number of converted boons for axe, scepter, dagger and Boon corruption. Why? Why do you detract necromancer’s essence? Kinda for balance? You don’t make any trade off, don’t add additional effects, just cut it blankly. You don’t reduce amount of buffs for other classes but just reduce their duration. What is the point? Even changes for scourge do not make anything new. You just giving back the old version of F2 for scourge shroud. It will not work.ElementlistNow condisword weaver is one of the strongest metabuilds because of broken healing, evades, damage and stances. Condi weaver is a unkillable dodgebot with endless evades and healing who can stack about 20 stacks of burning on you. Do you thinks this is normal? Lightning rod trait can crit and applies a lot of weakness. You don’t care. The main problem for you is Mesmer.WarriorThe most broken class in the game. Especially spellbreaker that is a unkillable killmachine. Permanent cc + dmg 20-50% of hp suggests the need to nerf it first. Don’t forget about permanent 25 stacks of might. WARRIOR MUST BE NERFED.RevenantPower Gerald constantly spams buffs and deals more dmg than you can heal or negate. Buffing the demon traitline, you open the way for new condi spammers, rom which everyone will cry. Renegade traitline didn’t receive any development. Renegade could be the one of the strongest supports. But why? Let’s just nerf one of a unpopular line LOL.RangerAnd nothing again. Dumb cutting of damage and healing is unlikely changes anything. Rangers still will play with longbow and greatsword. What about pets: you do nothing. The only viable pets for pvp is a smolescale, gazelle, siamoth and snow owl. You even don’t try do make the other pets more useful.GuardianYou reduce amount of converted boons for necro, increase cd for mesmer’s mantras, but ignore completely symbolbrand. Guardians mantras an axe is too op and need serious balance.ThiefThieves need the reduce of stealth duration provided by Shadow arts traitline, nerf of deadeye and d/p core.EngineerNothing.On top of that regular client crashes doesn’t add any fun and pleasure.To summarize I can say that An# et only exacerbated the disbalance in the pvp.

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