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Hell Nirvana.9045

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Posts posted by Hell Nirvana.9045

  1. On 9/24/2021 at 1:08 AM, Icuhtnurh.9146 said:

    Not really.. Direct x11 is not apparently supported on Win 7

    It is, just not with all the feature levels. And Anet hasn't disclosed which one they're requiring. I hope they've done their homework on this.

  2. 38 minutes ago, xlion.3065 said:

    (A)   It took many years for the developers to admit that not only the main thread but also DX9 was a bottleneck.

    (B) When your code crashes/hangs every few minutes, you should not bother users with testing it. Not even your internal Testers/QA. I know that a lot of developers have this "Successfully built and didn't crash after 10 seconds -> ready to be tested by someone else" attitude, but this is just lazy.

    Johan wasn't lying; he was just wrong.

    But what is still true is that switching graphics API isn't a magic bullet. I gain far more performance from things like hiding the UI (25% more frames per second!!!). I'd like Anet to look at the rendering of CoherentUI as well.


    Sorry to hear if your system setup has crashes every 10 seconds. But don't opt-in if that's the case, and report your findings. "Epic Fail!" helps nothing but your ego.

    I experience a freeze every now and then. Mostly in Mistlock Sanctuary.

    When more and more people report issues in specific locations, Anet can go there with proper debug tools to check what could be happening.


    Edit: I forgot to mention about d912pxy source code. If you'll read the Licenses, you'll notice that it's utilising other projects. It's not made from scratch. But comparison between it and game source code is comparing apples to oranges.

  3. 20 hours ago, xlion.3065 said:

    doesn't have access to the game's source code

    Which was what I was referring to. Translation layer can bring performance benefits, but it cannot help the game itself take benefit of the newer graphics API features.

    20 hours ago, xlion.3065 said:

    they liked us to believe that DX9 wasn't a/the performance bottleneck for many years

    Source? I haven't seen them ever say there was no bottleneck.

    20 hours ago, xlion.3065 said:

    So we should expect even more performance improvements when the game **natively** uses DX11 instead of DX9 as the backend

    Main purpose is to get rid of render thread bottlenecks. Game may never perform better in native DirectX 11 than with d912pxy, but it's necessary to be rid of DirectX 9 limitations.

    20 hours ago, xlion.3065 said:

    What I'n not happy with is the current stability or rather the decision to include DX11 code in the beta while it obviously wasn't ready.

    This is a beta test for a reason. Instability and other issues are to be expected. If that doesn't suit you, do not opt in.

    When is it supposed to be "ready"?

    • Thanks 1
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  4. 7 minutes ago, xlion.3065 said:

    It always baffles me to see that open source software created by some individuals has more/better features and runs smoother and more stable than the code produced by a company with hundreds of employees.

    Translation layer and native implementation are not the same thing.

  5. 10 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    All of this will be moot for me when I finally take the plunge and stop booting into windows and boot exclusively into linux. I'll just live with a whole new level of glitches there (when it comes to wine) when the time comes.

    It ain't problem-free, for sure. But one thing I noticed was that translation from DirectX 9 to Vulkan made the camera stutters go away, similar what the native DirectX 11 implementation is doing now.

  6. I saw these people actively switching their templates multiples times per second. This is different from just role playing as a Christmas tree 😁


    These stutters could even last a couple seconds, when people in the know how to do this are doing it as quickly as they can. Multiple people were complaining about this in my instance of Mistlock Sanctuary.

  7. I think this could've been a foundation to make Weaver fun again.

    Of course you gotta bring down the barrier gain down by a lot, and not have it activate on harvest nodes, trying to mount up while in combat etc. And make it combat-only.

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