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Everything posted by BattleRattle.5420

  1. Running on around 25 attempts, killed second round of mini bosses 6 times, one attempt got under 10% - at which the lovely tail + swoop combo kicked in... Have tried all from random pugs, to the most organised with sub groups, proper builds, roll distribution, all buffs (food, event buff, jadebot buffs, etc.) and every time the rng - especially at the last 20%, at which it feels like swoops becomes extra prevalent - always results in fails. If it's not constant swoops or tails (even after the supposed change to the amount of bite attacks), it's useless cc phases that only happens when tail is up, when she swoops or right before she phases. At this point I just don't know how I'll ever be able to get this event done even once other then pure dumb chance of luck. I got optimal gear, optimal buffs, optimal squad, all mechanics done with only seconds of mistakes, and it's still not enough, unless rngsus decides not to screw you over. So to answer OPs question, you might be blessed by rngsus and get it within a few tries, or you might never be lucky enough to even consistently get to the last phase. This is not a designed meta, it's a 2 hour gamble.
  2. I know this has all been said., I just need to rant. I've spend all my time after finishing story to complete the meta. After around 20+ tries I have gotten to the second split phase a grand total of 3 times (ONLY after they changed it), and managed to complete it only once. The one run, despite only getting 3 useless cc phases when it was 1% to next phase, that seemed like it could be it, and then at the end the boss decides to spam tail and swoop from side to side, and nothing else, while a vast majority got stun locked by bubbles / whirlpools / mobs. Failing with 5% left after 8 hours of trying, and I just can't anymore. In one particularly bad attempt I tried to count, just to see how bad the rng was. In the first 6 min we got 3 hand slams, 2 hand swipes, 6 tails, and I stopped counting after the 10th swoop. Oh and 1 cc phase, at which she instantly does tail, then swoops 3 times in a row, wasting all of it even after we somehow managed to break the bar. We spend as much time just moving and waiting to be allowed to do damage, as we did hitting her. This amount of rng is bordering on it not even being a designed encounter anymore, it's just pure chance. I don't even care about the turtle anymore, I don't want any loot, I just want to be allowed to have a chance to enjoy the meta.
  3. Same problem. Tried different treasures and made sure to hit at least 2 multiple times, no progress at all.
  4. Did it three times, never skipped a room, at the end an elite spawned and even when killed I still didn't get it either.
  5. Completely agree with Khisanth, it seems like you (OP) are is still unfamiliar with how some of the game works, so something like GW2Efficiency - while certainly useful - might not be all that helpful at the moment.I would recommend giving Mighty Teapots "Guild Wars 2 Ultimate Beginner's Guide" series on YouTube a look, he goes over pretty much everything you need to know about mechanics, gear, etc., and they are nicely timestamped so you can jump to what you need. [ ]
  6. I think I saw a vid from woodenpotatoes a long time ago where he mentioned something about if the racial skills got implemented like masteries could get around the whole race elitism problem, by giving all races equal access. I think it was in a vid around when HoT was still new, sadly no clue which one however.Personally I think it could be an interesting way to make racial skills more valid, but also properly way more work then it's worth, but still a fun thought.
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