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Everything posted by Imperadordf.2687

  1. The amount of people requesting nerfs to thief because of a cheese build makes me :facepalm:
  2. I wouldn't mind an ocean based expansion where we can sail and have ship fights with a tiny bit of underwater content. But I just don't like UW and Blood Legion Homelands interests me much more than Cantha or the Endless Ocean.
  3. I am pretty sure Centaurs in Harathi Hinterlands are BBQing some weaklings who couldn't outrun them.
  4. You forgot to say your character is male or female since armors look drastically different in between. If female, try the Spearmarshal leggings with the Krytan coat. That looks mildly similar to the Hoody outfit. There are only a handful of non-trench coat skins to rotate around when you're bored. Sorry :c My character is a female. I'm going to try what you've suggested. And any outfits you could suggest?
  5. I have a Human Engineer. I desperately need a good looking adventurer set because I absolutely despise trenchcoats. I've been using Holosmith's Lucent Vent + Scout Armor + Radiant Gloves + Leystone Leggings + Duelist Boots for a long while but now it's time to change it. I need a lone adventurer look. Thanks in advance. Cheers ❤️
  6. My suggestion would overall hurt condi engi, for reasons unknown, but yet be monstrously OP as Coro pointed out. I think that's a bit contradictory... Still not sure what you think Streamlined Kits gives specifically to Condi Engi. It's nothing great. Trading a fire shield/2s super speed every 20s for really good condition removal is not hurting Condi Engi. Nevermind, I have comprehension problems. "How to balance every single thing that's bad on Engineer >>>>>>> [PvP] <<<<<<<<". I meant the Mortar kit SK trigger Gunk which is a part of the Condi Engi's rotation in PvE. Otherwise I don't think the condition removal will be "OP" but I think it will be powerful more than it should be. The CD should be increased to maybe, 15 seconds. Or you can give it a global CD for all kits, but only 5 sec CD.
  7. I think it would be better if the Med Kits' toolbelt skill had a reduced cast time from 1 second to 0.75 seconds and it cleanses conditions or it gives you resistance for 6 seconds. I think Bandage self should go down to .75s cast as I've suggested before, in addition. However I do not agree that tying core Engi condi removal more heavily to Med-Kit is smart. Med-kit has great condition removal for a healing skill as it is. You're right but I don't think Streamlined Kits is the right way. Changing SK will hurt Condi Engi even more. Really, how is condi Engi dependent on current streamlined kit effects? In my opinion the ability proc effects are largely unreliable fluff. Keep in mind when you only get swiftness once every30s as currently, versus scourge and Spellbreaker you could be without swiftness from 1-29 seconds.It's not really "dependent" but this one will surely reduce it's power. I'm not talking about the swiftness part though. I'd take 10 sec swiftness every 10 seconds over 20 sec swiftness every 20 seconds every day. Just, it's unreliable but it still benefits condi engi. I think Anet should go for something offensive for SK instead of something defensive. Just my opinion. And as @coro.3176 mentioned HT + 4 kit build will be too powerful imo.
  8. I think it would be better if the Med Kits' toolbelt skill had a reduced cast time from 1 second to 0.75 seconds and it cleanses conditions or it gives you resistance for 6 seconds. I think Bandage self should go down to .75s cast as I've suggested before, in addition. However I do not agree that tying core Engi condi removal more heavily to Med-Kit is smart. Med-kit has great condition removal for a healing skill as it is.You're right but I don't think Streamlined Kits is the right way. Changing SK will hurt Condi Engi even more.
  9. This thread has been on for so long unnecessarily that I can't even remember what I've voted for.
  10. Your example would happen exactly like that with my idea if you choose the elixir gun as your skill 1-3 rather than the one weaponswap kit. I’m not going to argue semantics, seems like there was a misunderstanding about your example statements. I don’t understand the second one too to be honest. Why would I want Elixir Gun’s #1 and #3 only? Or why would I want only some of the skills of a kit? I just want to swap to my kits whenever I want, and swap to my weapon again whenever I want. Engineer’s rotations (or whatever you call them) include swapping to your kits and weapons quickly. Let’s take a look at Raid Power Holosmith Rotation for example; When you hit %100 Heat, you swap to Rifle use #3 #4 #5 and swap to Grenade Kit use #2 #4 #5 and swap to Bomb Kit use #2 #1 #1 #1 then swap to Grenade Kit again use #2 then swap to Bomb Kit and use #1 until your overheat cools down.There are tons of examples which you swap kits over and over again. Losing flexibility of quickly swapping kits is not worth for just 1 more utility slot. Especially when the swap has a 10 second cooldown. Edit : Typo
  11. Basicly, all engies get one "free" kit at the cost of weaponswap cd. The thing is, we can change from kit to weapon or weapon to kit anytime we want. Your idea would get us stuck in let’s say Flamethrower, which is a condi weapon, but can’t swap to rifle, a power weapon.I would hate to get stuck in a kit or can’t pick up the kit anytime I want. Cooldowns - a big no from me.Since when are you "stuck" with a weaponswap? It's the same limitation all other classes have. I didnt say remove all other kits from the skill slots. You could still run 3 skill kits with 0s cd - and a 4th kit on weaponswap cd. Pick and choose which kits you want on 0s cd - or dont even kitten choose a weaponswap kit, engie would be the same as now no change. Example scenario:Use p/p/toolkit. Start with p/p. Swap to elixir gun, fire cleansing field. Swap back to p/p on 0s cd. Weaponswap to toolkit. Swap back to elixir gun, 0s cd. Swap back to toolkit. Still whatever cd remaining on weaponswap before you can swap to p/p. Swap to bomb kit on 0s cd. Swap back to toolkit. Swap to p/p as weaponswap cd is done. Swap to bomb kit on 0s cd. Swap back to p/p. Etc etc etc. This change would literally be a free extra kit for the engie, clearing up one skill slot for other things at a minor cost in flexibility.We are not stuck with a Weapon, we are stuck with a Kit. Most kits are used for their #2-3-4-5 skills (Except Bomb Kit). Then swapping back to weapon. For example, let’s say I have Hammer/Elixir Gun. In a teamfight, I use my hammer #3 to engage, then I have so many condis on me, I swap to Elixir Gun, use #5 and #3 for cleanse, then swap back to hammer. Use #4 to block some damage and #2 to deal damage/reflect projectiles. Then swap back to elixir gun to blast my water field (Regenerating Mist/Elixir Gun toolbelt) with #4. Then swap back to hammer again. That won’t happen with your idea. Another example. I have a Rifle. I’m 1v1ing in a side node. Why would I swap to Flamethrower at all? Zero damage if I don’t have any Condi stats equipped.Then Toolkit. The worst kit of utility kits except the #5 Pull.Kits should have low cooldowns and be swappable anytime.
  12. Basicly, all engies get one "free" kit at the cost of weaponswap cd. The thing is, we can change from kit to weapon or weapon to kit anytime we want. Your idea would get us stuck in let’s say Flamethrower, which is a condi weapon, but can’t swap to rifle, a power weapon.I would hate to get stuck in a kit or can’t pick up the kit anytime I want. Cooldowns - a big no from me.
  13. I think this update should be tested for a week after the project is halfway done. Let’s see what happens for a while. We need a test server.
  14. Infusing the ring doesn't mean putting an agony infusion in it, it means upgrading the ring with mists essences so it has the text (Infused) and an additional infusion slot (for example: Ring of Red Death (Infused)). Just putting an agony infusion in it won't give you anything. That is Attuning* Infused is the random drop you get sometimes which gives another infusion slot. The correct situation is for example “Attuned Ring of Red Death”. This is wrong. @Dzjudz.9142is correct. Infusing and Attuning are mutually exclusive. A ring can be either, or both. The process for Infusing is exactly as @Dzjudz.9142 stated; while it can be a loot drop, it can also be done explicitly. Attuned is a different process, and can be preformed on a infused or regular ascended ring. My bad >.> Didn’t see the “Mist Essences” part.
  15. Infusing the ring doesn't mean putting an agony infusion in it, it means upgrading the ring with mists essences so it has the text (Infused) and an additional infusion slot (for example: Ring of Red Death (Infused)). Just putting an agony infusion in it won't give you anything. That is Attuning* Infused is the random drop you get sometimes which gives another infusion slot. The correct situation is for example “Attuned Ring of Red Death”.
  16. Excuse me, I am a pleb but isn't Engineer in a good spot in PvP at the moment and wouldn't these changes make it beyond broken?
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