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Everything posted by CaffeinatedSugar.7283

  1. Hello everyone! As the title suggests, I'm a fun loving, artsy fartsy, nerdy and witchy extroverted person who is more on the casual side who loves to befriend and socialize with people. I enjoy both PvE and PvP, but prefer to play with players who know how to keep it easygoing and pleasant. Would like to join a guild who is LGBTQ+ friendly and 18+ and utilizes voice chat a lot in Discord as I bond with people best that way(I'm not into texting). Due to me being a freelancer, I'm playing often during the day and evening and night in the CT time zone. Please message me in game at CaffeinatedSugar.7283 if you have more questions or think I might be a good fit for your guild! Looking forward to playing with you all. 🥰
  2. Ranger is a good choice. But you should be aware that Longbow isn't a weapon used in high-end PvE for the majority of content, aside from "pushing" certain adds in raids on Druid, and some precast damage from Barrage when playing Soulbeast in fractals. Essentially, Ranger isn't played primarily as an archer style profession That's quite odd in my opinion but good to know!!!
  3. Okay, thank you guys so much for your help! So far it seems like I should choose between Ranger, Elementalist, and Guardian. While Elementalist does seem fun, Ranger and Guardian seem closer-ish to my experience playing as a Ritualist and Monk in GW and what I'm looking to play. I know these games play differently, but I do see a few aspects that are similar and can be compared in terms of professions. I think I'm going to give Ranger a proper go as it sounds like what I want and it'd also be a pretty new experience for me (I never play archer-styled classes even though I do like the look of them haha) and if I'm just not liking the feel of it, I'll just start fresh as Guardian! Thanks again guys, you've really helped me out a ton. :)
  4. Elementalist in general might be a good class for me to give a good go at. There's enough challenge there to keep me intrigued(it seems like) and they seem pretty dang versatile! Definitely considering it. Oh sorry! I didn't list all the professions because I've only tried some of them for real. While Thief does look fun and I do have a very sexy rifle skin I very much wanna use...I don't know if I want to play a pure DPS-oriented class, I really love supporting and such. :T They seem really cool so I could make one as my second character in the future!
  5. Hey everyone. I'm not really a new player but I'm also not super experienced with this game either (meaning there is a ton of content I haven't actually played through or tried). I played the first Guild Wars and absolutely loved it, it was my first MMO, so I really want to give this one a proper try. I hate asking this question because I am aware that at the end of the day, what class I decide to play or I feel is right for me, well, is up to me, but I really could use some help in deciding. I am genuinely stuck and find myself deleting characters just to start over again and again... My issue is that all the classes seem fascinating to me for one reason or another, especially because I have a nice PC to play this game on so melee/close-range classes are now viable for me! But I really don't have the time nor patience to level up one of each class. I'm really just a one or two character type of gal. So the question is... What class should I main? So, about me... I tend to play classes that are support oriented, usually healing though I have picked up tank/DPS/CC type classes before. In Guild Wars, I mained Ritualist, Mesmer, and Monk. Now, I tried Mesmer in this game and for me, it just doesn't quite fit the bill for me personally (beautiful effects/animations though). I really want to try most content in the game such as raids, fractals, dungeons, pvp, pve...(WvW is sort of an iffy to me but if I love the class I'm playing, then it might be fine) so I'd like to pick up a class that is very versatile and viable in all of those game modes. I mean, I am a firm believer that if you're a skilled player, you can make all sorts of builds/classes work, but if there are certain specs that are needed, that might help me make my decision. It is hard to decide in this game because I am so used to other MMOs and the holy trinity, there was always that one healer class or tank class and I could just go 'oh perfect, bam. done!' but this one has several classes that can heal and damage and support and tank... It's making me feel overwhelmed haha. Okay so more info, I've come to realize that I just don't have a huge DPS mindset. That doesn't mean I can't do it but I have discovered that I enjoy playing classes/builds that help other people do well, that's what I enjoy most (I would love to do this in PvP too if possible). Another thing I'd like, is if the class is a bit challenging to pick up and learn but once you figure it out, it's highly rewarding. After playing a certain game that was PvP oriented and playing a super squishy healer build...I think I'd like to play a class that can take some hits in and out of PvP so I can have a real chance at surviving and doing something instead of just getting stunned once then one shotted (grrr). Here are the classes I have recently tried; Mesmer - Beautiful class and definitely cool, but it doesn't play how I played my Mesmer in GW so not a fit for me. It's still awesome! (tried chrono and mirage) Necro - Now, I actually played this class BEFORE the expansion packs/specializations, so who knows, this might be one I should try again. I'll admit, I found this class a little...boring. Engineer - I really wanted to like this class because there isn't many of them and I leveled it twice, this time trying scrapper. It's cool but I think it's a little too clunky and I'll admit, I don't care for the aesthetic too much. (don't judge!) Thief - This seems like a really cool class, but I've never had the right mindset for these types of classes. The hard-hitting sneaky types. They're rad though and props to the people who nail them! Elementalist - Again, played this class before expansions/specializations were a thing! Gotta admit, Tempest seems reeeeeeeally cool!!! (Weaver might be awesome as well and super challenging). Okay and one more thing, warriors are an absolute no. I just hate the class in general in any MMO I've ever played. They are not at all my cup of tea. I have both expansions! So please, let me know what you guys recommend and why. What do you main and what do you love about it? Thanks again for any and all help. I know this question has been asked before but I wouldn't have asked it if I wasn't so darn stuck and also, YIKES, this is longer than it needed to be lol!
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