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Everything posted by Kaalcifer.8249

  1. Hello there :)I'm planning buying a mac and unfortunately, the only game I'm playing is GW2...I'm ok to use GeForce Now and have try (free FGN account) on my girl friend's mac mini. But even i have a really good connexion, i dont feel it confortable (good graphic, good speed) . Does the hardware using GFN count ? Does GW2 woks at his best on GFN ? How can i do it for the best ? Does the gaming quality depend of arena or nvidia ?Thanks for helping and feedback ^^
  2. It's doesn't work at this time. There was a problem downloading file d3d9.dllThe URL might have changed or the server might be down for maintenance.Check https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/ for more information.Will continue in 5 seconds…Any idees ? `@ECHO OFFsetlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion set gw2client=Gw2-64.exeset arcdpsloc=bin64set file1=d3d9.dllset url1=https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/d3d9.dllset homeURL=https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/ tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %gw2client%" | findstr "%gw2client%" >nulif %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto RunningGOTO NotRunning :RunningCOLOR 0CECHO.ECHO Guild Wars 2 client is already running. This window will close in 5 seconds...ECHO.timeout /t 5 >nulGOTO END :NotRunningECHO Checking for latest version of ArcDPS from %homeURL%... CD %arcdpsloc%ECHO.if exist %file1% (ECHO ArcDPS found. Will search for update) else (ECHO ArcDPS not found. Will install)CD .. wget -q -N "%url1%" -P %arcdpsloc% --no-check-certificateIF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (ECHO.ECHO There was a problem downloading file %file1%ECHO The URL might have changed or the server might be down for maintenance.ECHO Check %homeURL% for more information. ECHO Will continue in 5 seconds...timeout /t 5 > NUL ) CD %arcdpsloc%if exist %file1% (ECHO. && ECHO ArcDPS && FOR %%? IN (%file1%) DO (ECHO Date : %%~t?)) else (ECHO ERROR: ArcDPS not installed) CD .. ECHO.ECHO Starting Guild Wars 2 in 5 seconds... timeout /t 5 > NUL start %gw2client%goto END :ENDexit`
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