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About Hotride.2187

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  1. Did hearts again, its better now. Still pretty lame to wait for events in Janthir Syntri, but you have to wait for fewer events now. That works for me.
  2. It instantly made me wonder why are not all multihitters like this. Playin SPB with only GS2 as a multihitter, I'd love it. It'd pull a lot of teeth out.
  3. And these other war specs, are they with us in the room right now? Core spear was the only thing that was ran other than SPB.
  4. There will be more moaning, I don't think the nerfs have been the right ones / enough. So prolly many people will continue to be upset or be newly upset. But that has been inline with game balancing for as long as I've played competitive so...
  5. That has been the way it is for years now. Not sure why it would be news.
  6. Prolly more changes (nerfs) will follow. You know, the regular intervals profession balancing.
  7. The problem with cele is players of that skill level (well, prolly lower but not by much) on it. Or packs of players on it.
  8. I have not been 1 shot by any of those. I've barely seen SLBs tbh. I can comment on core hammer guard though, since I regularly play games vs one of the good ones. Seeing how often the player "misses" hammer 5, its not a simple thing to do the stunlock properly. And without the stunlock the build is like most non-meta builds. It does high dmg, sure, but nothing absurd. I actually like fighting the build a lot; it seems way harder than WB builds.
  9. The problem was (was) that you had to choose to condi cleanse or to stunbreak. Now that its no longer 2 ammos on 75 sec CD, its not that much of a big deal. It was 30 sec CD for defense and 24 sec CD for strength, then they did the utility skill CD rework and it went to 24 sec CD also for defense. Considering cleansing ire on defense, I dont think SPB is torn between stunbreaking or condi cleanses anymore. Especially since the build dropped mending after staff addition. Condi cleanse doesnt seem to be a concern for the build anymore... I've seen enough builds since spear release that dont even run shake it off. And for strength SPB you just have to kite the condi, as it was before. Its just way easier now that shake it off is not on such a long CD. Not sure how it plays out for non-SPB non-defense builds, but I barely see any of those. Prolly the core spear build just goes for a nuke and it that fails it tries to run.
  10. Which of them lasted more than one balance update? I remember bladesworn being obnoxious after some EoD launch tweaking, then it got axed. Condi SPB didn't survive the adrenal health nerf. I don't even remember the timeline of condi zerker, it was there and then it was gone. I'm not talking about current balance state; I've been playing this whole time. I know what I've fought and for how long. You are saying "warriors are stuck in 2020-2021", I don't agree. A few broken builds here and there that got axed, and defense SPB for some time now. I agree for defense SPB (between adrenal health nerf and adding staff), that was a solid build. I've fought it on str SPB, it doesn't feel more BS than the usual meta builds, it had weaknesses to exploit too. No, I said most players I fight, that are on a condi build, are not very good. I'll stop here, I'm just repeating myself at this point.
  11. Broken in the way of, the forum explodes, fix this. As in now. So yeah, I am ignoring them. To me they are results of overtuning things; they last only until the next balance update. See many condi spbs, condi zerkers, bladesworns? Me neither, so yes, I wave them away. Defense SPB is the only thing that stuck through several balance passes, so its the only meta build I acknowledge. I'm not sure where that came out of. I don't like condi and most duelists I've dueled don't like condi; they play power when power is an option. Its not a question of, is it overpowered or not, is it a problem or not. The gameplay itself is just fairly meh - condi vomit. No idea why this is turning into a discussion here. I've already said my piece on how defiant stance interacts with condi. Condi build functions on duct tape and magic, condi vomit and bunkering. Condi vomit has (like everything else) downsides, not just upsides. It gets punished, e.g. by defiant stance. I have no sympathy for the build type that got punished; that is all there is. I'm not trying to argue what is OP, what isn't, who likes what and who doesn't and why. Dont really care about that, every build can be played well. I've fought condi players who are very skilled (usually ele players). Its rare but I don't judge.
  12. If you say so. Condi builds are already rare in conquest (someone good playing the build very rare), creaper is essentially the core necro from a few years back. The other condi builds are subpar to power builds. I am happy with a state like this.
  13. Tbh that has been the case ever since the defense rework, if you dont run defense yourself. It has become the 2nd mandatory traitline for everything but bladesworn. And to me that spec is dead on arrival, no one wants to fight core shouts with ranged dmg and more stuns. Staff ofc made things worse. The only good thing is that most wars I run into nowadays are not very good. I still remember pre EoD, the opponent SPB running to home node at the start of the game, looking at the plat badge and thinking "oh dear". Unfortunately that also means no good mirror fights, it used to be way more exciting than "I let two bursts hit me, this will now drag on for even longer".
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