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Everything posted by Truth.5279

  1. Hello Devs: Is it possible to bind our Glider and Mount Selections and dyes to our Equipment Profiles? I would like to see that! It would make this player happy.
  2. Longtime player, and I say this specifically to the current devs and staff: Thanks for your work here. I get the impression y'all are "in the zone" as a team, the game is officially on the right track. I look forward to enjoying this update and the soon-to-be new content. Let's go!
  3. I don't think this trait has actually recharged a "random utility skill" in a looooooong time. Thanks for looking into this.
  4. I am having the same problem currently with our Ehmry Bay Stock Exchange [EBAY] Lost Precipice.
  5. 10 of queued into a ranked match. I got an error. "The login server could not be reached." The round didn't start and after 15 minutes of making the best of things, the score remained 0-0. The timer continued into a negative countdown, when someone mentioned that the exit button was grayed out. At this point I clicked "Exit to desktop," then received a pop-up that I would receive a timeout of 0 minutes. ZERO... but I do think a newbie learned how to /dance. +99 = 99 -Eric
  6. Dearest Devs, I was thinking it might be more fun to have a bit more control of the way character customizations interact. Maybe "Link to profile" buttons or a "Link All To:" button. There are some elements of character layouts that seem not to be linking when I change Equipment or Build, such as glider or say disabling the appearance of a helm. Perhaps this is a selfish concern, and I know you're all super busy. Maybe it's possible though. -Thanks!
  7. I have personally played almost 10k hours throughout Guild Wars 2's up time. I bought a lot of gems, which sure greases the wheels, but from a deeply committed player please accept my thanks and gratitude for all the work you've all put into this game. Fans and players alike are heard and appreciated. Consistent updates and excellent security have kept me entertained and safe from outside interference. Polish and balance in End of Dragons creates confidence in the current team, most of whom have probably worked through the epidemic. While this is not a perfect game, and a lot of people bring complaints and hate in here and in-game, the overwhelming experience is without equal, it's been a constant in my free time for a reason.
  8. Hello GW community, Of course this is coming on the tail of patch day, and it's not about this patch... for what it's worth: My simple idea is to make variation in dailies among each player each day. For example there may be a group of players with Fractal Dailies, XYZ and a group Fractal Dailies ABC. Maybe one player is offered a mission to capture a Keep in WvW, maybe another is X Amount of Healing. That sort of stuff. It might be healthier for the community and help recapture the spirit of exploration. Thanks for Listening.
  9. I am a silver league player. In 100% of my matches there are at least 2 bots, sometimes as many as, maybe 6 or more, it seems. I report the obvious ones, others are less obvious and I can't be sure if I would be reporting an actual player or a bot, so I leave them alone. Why does this continue to be a problem after at least half a year or more? It's wearing on me that I am forced to team up with scripted opponents and teammates. Please put a stop to this blatant TOU violation!
  10. To ArenaNet Staff,Thanks so much for continuing to produce the game during these perilous and frightening hours. As an avid and longtime player who enjoys Guild Wars 2 very much, and contributes monetarily here and there, and I owe you my appreciation and gratitude. Many of you could probably have walked away a long time ago and not have seriously suffered for it, but your passion drove you forward and now we are seeing unparalleled greatness in Guild Wars 2 storytelling. Please know that whatever the future holds for the game I was there and I stand by your decisions. With Covid19 threatening the ways we work and play, it seems life always finds a way, and so have you. From my heart to yours, thank you.
  11. For roughly two weeks I have been spawning in at the Temple of Dwayna. Every time it is "pact controlled." I have heard both heard frequent complaints of events not respawning and escorts being bugged and personally witnessed some strange behavior throughout Orr for the same two weeks. I need to complete the Temple of Dwayna event to progress my Astralaria T4 collection. Thanks in advance for any time and consideration you may devote to solving my problem.
  12. My favorite infusion in the game is the breath of life added by today's patch. Thanks devs for favoring PVP and WvW in what has been a long cold winter. Ya did right by me!-Eric Trueblood
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