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  1. tried the event 5 times today, all times were bugged, we are getting kicked out the last fight after 4 minutes it has started. This is also a lock for acquiring the turtle mount as it is a step in the final collection (personally the only one I need)
  2. How exactly is timegating challenging ? The skyscale was just wait for timer to reset and do boring stuff with it, and then go on several fetch quests. I do think that challenging content should be rewarding , but there is literally no reason to lock mounts behind them, as I said it would be better to put a cool skin locked behind the meta, like a void siege turtle skin. The same for the skyscale btw, let ppl just get the mount and have fun with, and put a nice skin behind a boring timegated collection, that i not challeging at all Also it is not a matter of challenge as well with a open map meta, having to just roll enough events until you get the right map, where people know their builds, know the mechanics , then another rng check for the boss not doing iframes enough is not challenging, its just grinding a lottery roll. The collection of the siege turtle is easy, but at the moment it is impossible to finish because the event that locks out an item is bugged, is there a challenge in this? Because the only challenge I see is another roll of the dice until I get an instance that is not bugged or wait until the devs fix the issue. If getting to the point of the story where getting one would actually make sense is not enough , then put it behind something a strike mission, then you can enter with a well coordinated group, learn the mechanics together, beat it and earn it, this is way better than having to rely on blind luck. Or just sell in a vendor for 500g, that way people can work their way up to that amount whichever the way they want by enjoyng the content.
  3. To add insult to injury , after finally beating the event when it got nerfed (total of 18 tries, i.e 36 hours playing lottery until I got a good group with a good boss rng) now the Seitung Province meta event is bugged , kicking players 4 minutes into the 10 min boss fight, , this is the very last event I need to complete the collection of this kitten mount that seems I am not supposed to have at all. This feels like the same kitten they pulled with the skyscale, except worst as it is not an actual time gate although it might just as well be one. Five days into the expansion and I still dont have the kitten mount that was advertised , in fact I got to play it more without paying for the expansion than I did after paying for it, is just kitten ludicrous. For once Anet should just give us the mount when we get to jade sea story point, just give it to us, let us have fun with it, thats why we paid for expansion, lock titles and skins behind collections and metas. We are the kitten hero of tyria that killed gods and dragons to save the world from destruction , cant we get a freaking mount for free ? All I got out of this was to hate the Jade Sea meta and the certainty that I will never do it again no matter what.
  4. I am glad that you are working but please take it to heartfor the next content drop, that long boring collections and impossibly hard content take out the satisfaction of acquiring something that is so essential to an update, it would be all fine if it were a secret mount, but it a widely announced and hyped mount and that even locks ppl out of completing the masteries , getting it after trying for a total of 24h (12 tries) wont definetly make me like the mount or feel an accomplishment I will just be glad that I will never had to do that meta ever again
  5. Please , lets us unlock the mount collection by just completing the story step that leads us to Dragon's End. I have used over 20 hours now trying to beat the meta. I have seen everything from people being toxic to new players in the map to other purposely sabotaging the meta now. The whole thing is not fair to players that cant invest hours upon hours in the game and also people that can.
  6. D> @Curse.7368 said: It's not that people crack, if you made that in 1 day think of people who have only 2 to 4 hours a week. The amount of time equals 6 weeks based on 4 hours week wich could even be longer when there is less time on hands then those 4 hours. I won't be grinding on a mount 4 hours a week, fun will just deplete like a fart. Don't even bother with that guy , all he did was defend this stupid broken system and pretend that there are no valid reason to be upset about it.
  7. That was me yesterday! I took a screen cap as I was standing at the last egg and it was 8:02. I missed it by 2 minutes. I'm just logging back on to continue now a whole 25 hrs and 41 minutes later. I'm still wrapping my head around the dev's thinking that forcing the players to stop playing the game for over a day is somehow a good business model???? that was me on launch day. WHAT WHERE THEY THINKING !
  8. Well the moment I saw they were blocking me from a whole day of progression due to 10 minutes, i decided to stop playing. If you enjoy your mount I think you already got your reward no ? Waiting for a time irl to reset is hardly work tbh, actually that is the reason many of us didn't enjoy this system to begin with, it blocked us from content we wanted to play for no reason at all.
  9. Why did you decided to not make the acquisition of the mount part of the story line and use a collection after the story was over ?
  10. If you're going to come on and talk about how many comments there are, please take the time to actually skim/read them before commenting, so you can actually know what our criticisms are before considering them "baseless complaints." what the kittent you going on about, I was commented on the number of comments on the topic after merging of multiple threads, and I was one of the earlier commentor on the negativity of having timegateshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/919098#Comment_919098 what my latest comment is to address the difficulties of finding the balance for the dev to ensure player can stay engaged with the new content for as long as possible This is the interesting part, the golem backpack from Sandswept Isles have timegate too, yet where are hoards of the complaints? I think this pretty much streamed from player's expectations of !!!bam!!! Skyscale day 1 yet Anet pretty much said, no no no, Skyscale is a prestige mount, like the griffon, so you will need to put in some effort WP does have a pretty good point on Teapot's stream, INKS also have a pretty good counterpoint, that just think about when ascended weapons and armors just came out, well, even to this day, how long it will take to craft them with the ascended crafting material timegate without purchasing from TPTeapot makes a even better point though. Any other type of content could be timegated. A legendary skin for the skyscale would be a great idea, they could also had made so getting the legendary skin for the skyscale would unlock a set of matching skins for the other mounts they players could buy in the gem store.
  11. Sorry about the long comment, I am posting it here as I think a new one about the subject would just get merged anyway.Anet could just have given the mount at the first 10 minutes of story and we could still have the same collection (or a better one) + do that with a shinny new mount. I know some people may cringe at the idea but let me explain: I think the whole issue is not timegated content or whether people should "work" for something or have instant gratification. The issue is mainly twofold, breaking a pattern about how mount acquisition works, putting on par with legendary gear (at least many in this thread have made the comparison). People act on patterns and create expectations based on these. There is a reason that old office layout where menu items would change position based on how often was they were used was abolished, it's just a well known design guidelide, patterns = good. The second issue was the total lack of forewarning and communication about this change. Not only during the marketing phase, with the streams and all, but also in game. Since GW2 still wants to pretend that it's a game without quests, they cram them into a "achievement collection" form factor, to add to that, the locked achievements get buried on the bottom of the interface after all on going achievements and the completed ones. So it is pretty unlikely that anyone will see those locked achievements at the bottom. This imo was the recipe for the small disaster that this aspect of the episode was. Now for the question of timegating and having to "work" to get things. Timegates are not by definition bad design, hard time gates (timegates that reset on daily reset for example) make sense on group content like raids,fractals and ofc daily activities. However if the purpose is story telling then this sort of timegate doesn't work at all. Like for example a player having to wait 2 minutes for Gorrik to find a place and another player having to wait 23+ hours, another issue here is that let's say a group of players decide to work on the collection together and because of a pause of 5 min of one player he may be locked from doing the collection together with the rest of his friends. Designs that leave margin to things like these are bad design. So in some cases timegating makes sense and even in those cases it has to be right kind of time gate for the type of content. Fortunately Anet heard the feedback they got and put a better system in place although there are still some cases that could be improved imo. With regards to players having to "work" for it. I agree that players should go through something to get a reward, but the something is really important, as it is the actual content of the game. The first part of the collection is basically 3 fetch quests that must be done sequentially, which will make the player come back to the same place on the map 2 or even 3 times and press F, there is a total of 56 items you must do this, and counting the ones unlocked by the 3x10 event on each lane achievement we have a total of 61 items. Now that could definitely be improved just by removing those repeated spots and making sure that the reamining spots on places where events spawn. That way it it would be a more organic flow to the content and the "work" we put into it. There is a lot of room for improvement on other steps too, but I will keep to this one so keep it short. With that said Anet could just have given the mount early in the story or after the first collection and keep the players engaged by making the rest of the collection about things that already have a pattern to be timegated, like ascended gear and skins. A cool suggestion I heard was to have the skyscale we train at the end to fly to us daily and gives us an item it found during it's own adventure in Tyria. There is no reason for keeping a mount behind such a grindy and long time gate. The feeding may be fun and can help the player create a bond with the mount, but such a bond could have easily been established in the story without removing the part of us feeding a newborn timescale. Imagine having it going into kralk with us and helping us get to some place while aurene was fighting on another side of the map for example. Anyway I think the whole thing could have been done in a much better way, ofc course not everyone would enjoy this, but better communication and design patterns would have come a long way. Even some small tweak to the story could have been made to give us the mount during it and I really hope Anet takes this release as a lesson on how to to do things for future content.
  12. I really don't get why people are defending this system. Really. They have messed up badly on this part of the episode. I am glad that they realized that and that other players won't have the same experience I did. I think is about time for Anet to stop pretending they don't have quests and make a proper UI that reflects this. Even without all the issues of this release, this is still a problem. We don't have a proper quest tracking system, maybe they are changing gradually, the second step of the collection at least shows it, and maybe they did the same for the next steps ( stopped playing after completing the 2nd step in 3 hours and having to wait 21hours to continue with content).
  13. The fact that we are comparing legendary gear with a mount shows how the whole system is flawed. We get mounts in this game just by progressing in the story or a collection that takes a couple of days to finish. If you like the trend to time gate stuff that wasn't before to the level of legendary gear, I hope you enjoy this game, because I surely don't. Look, you don't NEED to get this mount. Pretty much everything in the current maps can be reached/traversed with the core PoF maps. We used to get mounts with quick collection or events, but that was for the mounts which were necessary for progression. Consider Skyscale to be another luxury mount in par with Griffon. If you just for a moment stop and think of Skyscale as a legendary-type reward (and why not - in the saddle thread i posted that if anything Skyscale is far more functional than Aurora) then the time gate and mat requirements seem reasonable. The story would be different if obtaining this mount is required for progression in story or map events. But it is not, so there is no NEED to have it. There is only "I WANT" to have it.It is so reasonable that the devs decided to change it, so yeah that argument doesn't stick at all. Why didn't they made it so the mount was required as a part of the quest ? I mean being essential part into defeating an elder dragon, beats the hell out of this whole time gated collection when it comes to making the player the having a connection to a mount. This is what they should have done after all the hype and marketing they did with this mount. They even made a stream where they decided not to tell us anything about this terrible system. Gives the mount during the story and then make this whole timegatted stuff about something else. Ascended gear, mount skin , anything that already has a precedent in being timegated this way. When they decide to omit such thing all they do is create the potential to very frustrating user experience. In my case I was locked out of content for o 24 hours because I was 10 minutes too late, I lost an entire day off work I took only to get this mount. Am I supposed to be satisfied by this ? All I felt after finishing that terrible fetch quest on day one , where you have to come 2 to 3 times to the same location just to press F and run back to the next, was frustration over the realization of how bad they decided to artificially extend this collection, I mean who here was expecting to just give the medicine to a sick skyscale and be done with it ? If GW2 had an actual quest system with it's interface and didn't try to disguise quests as collections where they get buried in that cluncky interface, perhaps that wouldn't have happened or even if they had told us in advance that certainly wouldn't have happened. The whole experience was so awful I just decided not to play the game anymore, it completely put me off it. The funny thing is that I am currently playing a game that has a timegate to train my mount, but hey it's not a hard time gate, where someone can either be locked out for hours or do the same action within 2 minutes of each other depending of when they do that action ( how does that even make sense in the story telling I don't know) . It's a time gate based on the time you do that action to train your mount, and guess what when they released this game they actually made sure to tell everyone how it was gonna work so people knew what they were getting to., instead of making it a "surprise" like Anet decided to do. It doesn't matter if it's a case of want or need, what matter is what kind of experience they give to players, and this one was pretty terrible all in all. There is no megathread about people complaining of how we get the new GS leggy for a reason.
  14. The fact that we are comparing legendary gear with a mount shows how the whole system is flawed. We get mounts in this game just by progressing in the story or a collection that takes a couple of days to finish. If you like the trend to time gate stuff that wasn't before to the level of legendary gear, I hope you enjoy this game, because I surely don't.
  15. Are there people still defending this terrible system ? Enjoy you time gated ala mobile game style MMO then, because it sure looks like the devs won't do anything about it by now, hope you all enjoy being blocked out for content just for the sake of "extending content". Maybe they should change the whole system and timegate Raptor along with the other mounts, afterall that we shouldn't be after instant gratification right ?
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