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Everything posted by Yoci.2481

  1. Well yeah, people _are _asking for power Chrono nerfs. I can see that CS is very powerful, but what they needed to do to compensate Mesmer if they took that crutch away... oh my god! And even with it Mesmer isn't competitive. It is and always was a noob stomper.
  2. You made an Asura so you did everything right that actually matters. Your build looks fine. I guess the idea is to maintain quickness using Phantasmal Haste and Persistence of Memory and spamming phantasms, while keeping your health up by killing trash mobs. I don't see why that wouldn't work. But it's open world PvE, so builds don't really matter there anyway. If you like that play style you will love Chronomancer! Personally I would die of sluggishness on core Mesmer without runes that provide 25% passive movement speed, but if you don't care about that Vampirism is fine I guess.
  3. Good point, let all classes have that pleasant experience.
  4. I don't have a special build for open world PvE, I just use my WvW roaming builds.
  5. my pleasure, im happy you like it <3i have a few with audio, either from the team communication during at and i think one big rotation guide with voice explaining (which was months of work bc of the audio alone for barely any interest/ views tbh). the problem is, that my audio quality is pretty low (dunno why, already bought new headset and stuff) and also i rly like to have the music in my vids, so when i would talk, music would be in the background only and for that i would use different music, which only worth for background and not too distraction (what is like a limitation for the music choice and its quality). also for me i am not rly good at speaking english freely and im kinda shy and would talk a lot of ääähm uuhhm... :joy:so i would need to edit such kitten out what needs a lot of time. thats why i usually prefer to make text guides with just great music in front. but if you rly want audio commentary i will try to do one :) is there any guide topic you would like me to explain? Thank you, your videos are very educational and fun. I often find it hard to both read your explanation of what is going on and watching you do it, at the same time. So when I read what you are doing I have to then pause or go back a few seconds to watch you do it. And there is nothing wrong with that but it interrupts the flow and the music. I can of course ignore the text and just watch you play and enjoy the music or just watch the video a few times like I usually do. It's just a lot easier to listen to commentary instead of reading it while watching. As far as ideas for a topic, well mostly anything that is fun to you. I generally prefer WvW over PvP in principle, and I hardly ever play PvP. So I know much less about it and most things PvP are interesting and useful to me. I know it is a lot of work and you do it all for free in your spare time. So I am just telling you my ideas, you don't have to do anything I say.
  6. Just give us the PvE version of our traits in all game modes. Mesmer fixed.
  7. Thank you for the video. Will you do videos with audio commentary in the future? That would be cool. :)
  8. I like this quote: Ohh, even CMC. Well if even the big Mesmer supporter CMC says it. =)
  9. Seems like there isn't a single decent Mesmer on this planet. Too bad that people forget to be good as soon as they log in on Mesmer.
  10. Yes it is a sad situation and for a long time already. I dont know why the developers dont care. :(
  11. Power Mirage can be made to work in WvW with Deceptive Evasion, Blurred Inscriptions and Desert Distortion. It has decent damage, AoE too thanks to the laz0r beamz, a bit of healing and condi cleanse and great mobility. But it is also rather one dimensional based around spamming invuls and picking up mirrors. Vallun has a build guide on Youtube. I enjoy playing it for a while and it's really good for roaming, but the fights feel a bit boring and not very interactive.
  12. Are you an Arenanet developer in charge of balance? I am asking because you sound like one.
  13. They should fix their concept for "Mesmer" before they even think about adding any new elites.
  14. +1 Escanor, as a reminder...this is not the True Mesmer Profession from Guild Wars and wonder why it is broken- beyond repair and make no sense-Never will!! because it is not an authentic Mesmer in Guild Wars lore https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21734/how-mesmer-design-was-ruined-in-gw2 -here is the real Mesmer-https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mesmer Have a nice day I don't understand that line of reasoning. So in a different game there's a class with the same name, but it is different. Uhhh okay. 'Why don't we start with a rundown of what exactly the mesmer is?' 'Anet: So, the mesmer. This is the super-best-kept secret, eighth and last profession for Guild Wars 2. He is a scholar which means light cloth armor like the elementalist and necromancer. It’s kind of a hybrid of magic and melee – a fencing, dueling, finesse, mind game profession. We’re trying to keep a lot of what was there with the first mesmer in Guild Wars 1. We felt it was a pretty iconic profession for us.' 'The big things that he does to carry over that tradition – the Guild Wars 1 mesmer controlled the resources of the game. There was energy, skill interrupting, and all that stuff.'The mesmer manipulated and controlled those resources. That was how he fit into the puzzle.' 'In the original Guild Wars, the mesmer was more of a support class. What specific steps did you take when you decided to bring this class to Guild Wars 2 to move it away from being a support class?' Like I said it's a different game with differenc classes that use themes and names from the old game to help carry over the player base. That's it. How GW1 Mesmer works is completely irrelevant to GW2.
  15. +1 Escanor, as a reminder...this is not the True Mesmer Profession from Guild Wars and wonder why it is broken- beyond repair and make no sense-Never will!! because it is not an authentic Mesmer in Guild Wars lore https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21734/how-mesmer-design-was-ruined-in-gw2 -here is the real Mesmer-https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mesmer Have a nice day I don't understand that line of reasoning. So in a different game there's a class with the same name, but it is different. Uhhh okay.
  16. Thief, followed by everyone else. Like what _doesn'_t counter Mesmer these days?
  17. Of course, but I would rather play to be in a war zone. But it's a matter of personal taste.
  18. WvW is 100 times more dynamic, unpredictable and fun than PvP. PvP is a stale, predictable, repetitive, choreographed and sanitized mock-up of a fight. It's like comparing a Judo tournament with a war zone. That said: How on Earth is one shot Mesmer a problem in WvW?
  19. nah i disagree here too. its rly not that bad. the overall power lvl is in a good state and the state from other classes should just be brought down to that. ^ . ^ okay
  20. i not saying it is one of the best specs in the game or anything, im just sceptical that it needs all these reworks you guys are suggesting. for example, IH is fine, it actually competes well with elusive mind right now. some of the changes in the doc are quite complicated and not guaranteed to work so have a risk to end up wasted effort. some things inread in the doc sound broken as well, such as jaunt with 20 sec cd + leaving behind mirror. the simple change i would do is to restore two dodges and remove energy sigil from PvP.You could allow Mesmer to have 4 trait lines instead of 3 and it still wouldn't be OP. That's where we are right now.
  21. Have you ever pointed your GS at an enemy blob?
  22. Great video and very fun play style. I will try it out.
  23. You have room for a utility spec like Inspiration or Chaos. That's it.
  24. One time my character was bugged and DE would spawn clones even if I wasn't in combat. The clones would just stand there looking pretty. I changed my outfit before spawning the next clone and then there were four differently clothed versions of me. I wanted to make them dance but they didn't. :anguished:
  25. The one from months ago or they did it recently ? Yesterday. TeaPot is the one that said Mirage was "Still OP, quite scary" while CMC nodded in agreement. What... how... I mean... why.... ~ . ~ '
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