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Everything posted by Yoci.2481

  1. Thank you for your work. I think it looks good, but maybe one thing is missing. Mesmer mobility is bad, especially on core. In WvW outside of duel-like situations mobility is one of the most important skills for a roamer. Mobility is needed to chase down enemies, move around the edges of a zerg battle and for getting out of sticky situations. At this point in time Mesmer is one of the worst (perhaps the worst) profession when it comes to mobility. Even Necromancers can reset a fight against a core Mesmer if they use their teleport skills. At the same time Mass Invisibility is a must have escape tool, but even that fails to do its job more often than not when it's untraited.
  2. PvE balance shouldn't even be an issue. Just balance PvE encounters around whatever balance is necessary for PvP.
  3. Well we have three options: 1) Crying on the forums.2) This thread.3) Doing a Kickstarter to buy out ArenaNet. Number 1 is my favourite but while fun it is not very effective. Number 3 is the most effective solution but a bit unrealistic. So we should probably do number 2.
  4. Yes that would be 3 buffs and 1 nerf. I don't know why you struggle so much with that concept.
  5. I will try your WvW build but I am afraid I have the bad habit of getting into into a "situation". Then I need a lot of stealth and mobility to get out. ^ . ^ '
  6. So far I have not been able to make a power Chrono build work in WvW. I am not yet saying it is absolutely impossible but so far I don't see how. You are just too squishy with little escape potential and you don't have the burst potential meme one shot Chronos had 1.5 years ago. If you are set on Domination and Dueling, which you pretty much need to do damage, taking Chaos or Inspiration is almost always better than Chronomancer. They give you sustain, mobility and escape abilities. Chrono gives you... a worse burst and some quickness/alacrity?
  7. This seems very disingenuous. If the next patch was lowering the cooldown on five mirage skills by .5 seconds and removing distortion would your next post be 5 buffs/1 nerf? You don't need their help in coming up with a metric. You have an opinion on a maggot vs a butterfly, you don't need someone else to define the difference between quality and quantity. If the next patch did that then yes, that's how I would count it. That's how it has always been counted.
  8. core is even worse then mirage, so they either keep it bad, and buff mirage to be good, or buff core and implement trade offs for mirage.core right now is kitten at dueling and has horrible mobility, so by default no matter what you have to give up to go mirage, its going to be better due to mobility alone.remove kitten like IH, dodge while stunned and buff core fix bugs and we guchi Yes, this.
  9. Also you can't use it as an escape ability because it ports you back to where you are. In certain 1v1 situations this can be useful but in general WvW this will get you killed. Power Mesmer is already super squishy and relies on its ability to get a kill quickly. In and out. Now the only cover you have is stealth, but you can't get PU because if you slot Chaos instead of Domination or Dueling you lose a lot of damage. At that point you ask youself why do you even play Chrono, just play Core.
  10. What is their biggest issue with MC? Being able to use it while stunned, or being able to use abilities while invulnerable?
  11. Sure, how do you compare the quality of that? You can create some hypothetical situations but they are completely arbitrary. Find me a metric that does what you ask for.
  12. I think it needs something about core. In the past many core traits and skill have been nerfed in order to adjust perceived or actual overperformance of elite specs. Core builds have been hit by these nerfs as collateral damage. Now that we are at a point that the elite specs are basically dead in PvP and WvW bringing them back should also be done with core traits and abilities in mind.
  13. Okay, let me rephrase that. The problem with your comparison here is that you just focus on quantity of the buffs/nerfs, but you completely ignore quality.You are counting IP as "just 1 buff", while all the nerfs for the individual shatters as "3 nerfs". But effectively, the change with IP is buffing every single of these shatters. The quality of the buff is way better than the quality of the nerfs. If you consider both the IP change and the individual nerfs of the shatters, then every shatter here is buffed in the end. Even if there has just been 1 buff to the class and 3 nerfs in your comparison here, in total chrono is improved. What you are saying doesn't make any sense in my mind. The three shatter nerfs are counted separately because they are in fact three individual changes independent of one another. The loss of IP was never ever counted as 4 (5 really) individual nerfs, it was always counted as one nerf. So logically getting IP back is one buff. One buff that affects four skills, yes, but that could be applied to any buff that affects multiple skills. And we never count them as individual buffs or nerfs. If the great sword trait was changed to give 150 power while equipping a great sword that would be counted as one buff, although it would actually buff any skill that does power damage. That's just the way we always count buffs. I don't understand why in this particular case all of a sudden we should count differently just so that the patch looks better.
  14. I said it is a buff, but getting self shatter back is just one buff. I don't count it as 4 buffs, one for each shatter. That would be silly.
  15. you look at it poorly.you list addition of IP as buff, and the reduction of F3 daze as a nerf.while in truth you can use yourself to shatter with F3 to interrupt, so its straight up better, similar how you mention losing 1s of disort ends up being F4 nerf, but in reality it never mattered and being able to F4 without a clone is HUGE bonus is some occasionOver all for mirage nothing changes, core nothing changes, and chrono gets huge buffs that make the spec playable, not gr8 but playable.And Im honestly happy they did what they did with chrono, last thing we want is them overbuffing it, from now on we will see how much more buffs it needs to be good, They are two different things, self shatter is one thing which I counted as a buff. The reduction of F3 daze duration is a nerf. You could make the argument that a shorter daze duration might allow for an additional interrupt, if you have your clones lined up perfectly, but in general it's a nerf. Chrono doesn't get "huge buffs", it gets one Chrono specific buff, self shatter. At the same time it loses F4 distortion completely, gets a big increase in F2 cooldown, which hurts condi Chrono builds a lot, and loses alacrity duration. This will not bring Chrono back into WvW or PvP.
  16. Mesmer has been getting nerfed constantly for over 2 years now. Most people (see poll in the professions section) agree that Mesmer is currently the weakest class in the game. So how did ArenaNet address this? Let's see. Chronomancer gets IP back: BuffSplit Second damage change: NeutralRewinder cooldown change: NerfTime Sink daze duration reduction: Nerf (although it may increase interrupt opportunity so maybe neutral?)Continuum Split duration change: NeutralContinuum Split distortion removal: NerfMaster of Fragmentation CS duration: NeutralInspiring Distortion: NeutralFlow of Time alacrity duration: NerfSeize the Moment quickness duration: NeutralMind Spike tooltip change: NeutralPhantasmal Swordsman spawns near target: BuffMirage Retreat loses detarget: NerfChaos Vortex target cap change: BuffCrystal Sands: Buff So in total we have 4 buffs and 5 nerfs. If we split it up by elite specs we get this:Core: 1 Buff 0 NerfsChronomancer: 2 Buffs 3 nerfsMirage: 3 Buffs 1 nerf So if you play core with sword offhand you get a small buff, but I am not sure it's worth it. We will see. As Chrono you will be happy to get back IP, but you lose some alacrity and very importantly distortion. Also say good bye to F2 spam builds, not that they every really worked in PvP/WvW anyway. Mirage benefited the most on paper, but who really uses Crystal Sands? At least no one uses Mirage Retreat either, so the nerf isn't really felt. Mesmer was in a really bad spot in PvP and WvW, with no meta build at all. This patch didn't change that. Most changes are small and cosmetic or touch parts of Mesmer that are irrelevant. The core problems remain unaddressed. Mesmer has no place in a WvW zerg, its core mechanics (phantasms and clones) are neutralized in a zerg fight. Mesmer also has no meta roaming build. The so called duelist profession gets outmaneuvered, outdamaged and outsustained by other classes roaming builds. Similar to that other classes are better at the job in PvP. Currently the only reason to play Mesmer in any of those scenarios is a sentimental attachment to its play style and optics. Dear ArenaNet, it's time to turn this ugly maggot of a profession into the pretty butterfly it is supposed to be.
  17. Ambush becomes available after the dodge... hmm... could be interesting.
  18. Well yes, it was unplayable for a whole year, thanks for noticing. You are not killing anyone "quickly" on Chrono unless they afk. 1.5 years ago there were some meme builds that could do that, after that no. Chrono just disappeared.
  19. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that. Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword. Are you talking by any chance about pve? And what has 50% less damage with the 50% nerfs to do directly Oo If your build was some wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch. Dodging the second hit from split-second will halve your shatter damager. The first burst isn't a problem, you have double skills to lockdown and damage them. Afterwards, it might prove difficult to keep them still for 2 seconds every time you want to shatter, and you'll start to feel the loss of mental anguish on the second hit. tldr; your first burst as chrono is better than core, every burst after that is a little to a lot less but you burst more often. You speak in mystery’s my friend xD Are you telling me there are people playing power chrono right now? I don’t really know if you are aware of the fact that chrono has right now no IP to do a „ wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch„ - combo Mantra of distraction is a utility skill that cc's at instant speed. Delayed reactions gives slow on cc. Mental anguish and superiority complex give more damage on cc. And danger time gives more damage on slow. If you weren't taking advantage of that then there is nothing to complain about. It would be similar to any burst dom/dueling/illusions core would put out. Now with IP back, it is way more, and the following bursts are way less. xDDD the Guild Wars Police again I'll make this very simple. For a quick combo, chrono is stronger. For a short fight, core is stronger. For a long fight, chrono is stronger .Your complaint seems to be that it is not stronger than core all the time. But nothing is stopping you from playing core in sPvP.What? Chrono is stronger? Power Chrono is unplayable now in PvP and small scale WvW. Getting IP back while losing distortion will most likely not change that. Do you even play this game?
  20. Main reason to play Chrono is you don't need runes with 25% movement speed. ^ . ^ '
  21. Well in some way it's a smart change. It reduces "one shot" damage while not changing dps much. I would be fine with this being applied to all Mesmer builds even IF they address the other issues Mesmer face in WvW and PvP. Lack of mobility, lack of sustain. Glassy burst builds with stealth don't exist because every Mesmer player is a meme troll. They exist because it is the only way to play power Mesmer. You can not go toe to toe bruiser style against anyone as Mesmer. They will all shrug off your mediocre dps and outsustain you. They do more damage and have more toys. All power Mesmer play today is: Burst kite kite kite burst kite kite kite stealth burst. If they can't deal with that they die and you win. If they negate/absorb your burst or don't let you kite/stealth they win.
  22. How does it even work? Do the clones stay alive between the first and the second hit? What if they are cleaved?
  23. I don't play a lot of zerg but in my experience Mesmer damage in a zerg is pathetic even if you go full power dps, and condi is worse. It is almost impossible to build up a good condi burst as Mesmer in a zerg. You will hardly ever have more than one clone alive and that clone will die instantly when it gets close to the enemy. For damage it is probably better to go Mirage with double GS and maximal endurance regeneration and pew pew lasergun into the enemy blob. If you don't care about damage then it's probably better to use some Mantra backup support build for emergency condi clear and stability and veil. If it's just a random zerg you can of course play whatever you like. If it's more of a regular thing you can ask your commander what he wants you to play, but he will probably say "not Mesmer!" ;p
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