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Everything posted by Yoci.2481

  1. I like that idea or in general the idea of turning Mirage shatters into some kind of ambush and building Mirage around that.
  2. A small bone to Chrono but overall pretty worthless.
  3. Sadly there's zero reason to play a class that doesn't even do the most DPS while having 11k hp and zero utility in instanced PvE. Mesmer 1 shot spec or inspiration mirage are fine in PvP(one shot is overpowered and needs to go away forever). Warrior is weak, though. The story of the perma stealthing Mesmer who keeps one shotting you for 20k is debunked. Someone was hacking or you made it up.
  4. Mesmer doesn't have perma stealth. Torch stealth is 3 seconds at a cool down of 30 seconds, 2 seconds from signet (35 second cool down) and 6 seconds from mass invis (75 second cool down, 60 traited) for a total duration of 11 seconds (16.5 with PU trait). If you add Decoy (3 second stealth, 45 second cool down) you lose the daze mantra. One shots are rare but yes, Thief is one of the professions that actually can get one shot occasionally. Although it's not really a one shot, it's a combination of at least 5 different skills (not counting stealth) and can only be done once every 35 seconds (28 with Master of Manipulation). If you react quickly you can often just dodge the damage. Use your second dodge for Phantasmal Berserker and pressure the Mesmer, because he now has nothing left to hurt you for another 8 or so seconds. If what you describe really happened like that the Mesmer was hacking in some way.
  5. People should stop encouraging them to make bad decisions. They have two choices: 1) Make work what already exists. It's not like we don't have enough skills and abilities in this game. If anything we have too many. But this is hard and makes little money short term.2) Add something that is new, shiny and op, to make people buy the expansion. This will make them some short term money and who cares about the long term health of this game when the new stuff gets inadvertently nerfed into the ground a year later. Guess which option they will pick. :p
  6. Yes, if you have a good Mesmer vs. a good Thief the Thief will win 90% of the time, and if the Thief loses it's because he made a mistake, not because the Mesmer did anything super clever.
  7. As a hot fix before they address this more thoroughly they could at least unsplit the skills and traits for Mesmer and use the PvE ones for WvW and PvP. This would at least help Mirage and Core. I think skill splits should always only ever happen as a temporary solution anyway. Classes should not play this differently between game modes. PvP and WvW should define class balance and PvE content should be designed around that existing balance.
  8. Super speed on shatter should just be the default behaviour of clones, it shouldn't be a Chronomancer trait.
  9. I think part of the discontent(†) is that it creates an environment where those bunkers are able to load up on conditions to fight each other while Toughness/Vitality/Protection/sustain keeps them pretty safe from bursty builds. † - For the sake of fairness, I will note that there will always be discontent about something, though, and a great way to completely ruin the game is to uncritically listen to all of it. So any "solution" here does need to be studied very carefully. I think this is true. Condition builds don't rely on many offensive stats, usually just condition damage is enough. Expertise is just a little bonus, because the hard hitting conditions will often be cleansed before they run out naturally. That leaves a lot of room for defensive stats. Power builds on the other hand have three offensive stats they want to maximize, every increase in defensive stats comes at a noticeable dps cost.
  10. A game that works and is fun doesn't need new content. When was the last time new content was added to football? New content is what you produce to get more money, not to make the game better.
  11. Take a look at this thread:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103068/power-mesmer-in-wvw-chrono-or-mirageEven though it's called Chrono or Mirage it has a core power build that I recommend.
  12. But mega servers were also needed because half the servers were dead. Perhaps they should have closed them and moved everyone to the more active servers, but then how do you get money from transfers.
  13. Is enjoyment something that can be measured with a bar?I certainly don't think so. @Everyone (and myself) no need to be hostile. @Fueki.4753 It is perfectly okay to enjoy Mesmer that way. Nothing wrong with it. What some people and I are saying is that enjoyment of Mesmer is currently a bit limited to those areas, in other areas one has to put in a lot more work and still get mediocre results. People who also want to enjoy their Mesmer in PvP or WvW are experiencing a situation that is not so full of fun. And that is not a new thing but has been the general trend since 2018. And this has made people who like to play Mesmer in those parts of the game a bit angry. Many have left and the rest are a bit bitter. That's why you sometimes get negative reactions when you say things like "Mesmer is in a good spot because I enjoy doing the raptor egg event in Province Metrica on my Mesmer." Are you wrong to enjoy that? No, of course not. But is it the right thing to add in a discussion about a player who stopped playing Mesmer?
  14. I usually use ether feast over mirror, but I've been considering that as an option. I don't think I could ever justify dropping Arcane Thievery for the Mantra though. Arcane Thievery is a viable alternative for the Mantra or for the Signet, especially together with Master of Manipulation. I think it comes down to personal taste and situation. Personally I prefer the Mantra for being able to interrupt key skill at range, which with this build also steals and rips boons (but doesn't get rid of condis of course), and I use the Signet of Midnight for covering Mantra recharge under pressure, and for semi safe stomp / rez, but if I had another utility slot Arcane Thievery would be my next pick.
  15. I think if you want to play power Mesmer in WvW at the moment you should go core. Senqu posted the build I use and I believe it is pretty close to the maximum you can currently achieve with power. Faith Navii also has a very good power build using Inspiration (signet build) instead of Chaos and using Power Block. His build is stronger against condi pressure and has better self healing, but less stealth uptime and mobility. Overall both builds probably work equally well. I wouldn't rate them top tier and they both have many counters, but it's the best we currently have and you can have fun with them.
  16. Well sure, you can do most of that with a naked level 2 character, so of course Mesmer is fine there.
  17. No it would be bad. Shatters would have to lose their AoE component because you can't have untargetable indestructible NPCs hurt players.
  18. I think that would be much too strong. Perhaps their hp could be increased slightly, but destroying clones and phantasms should remain legitimate counter play to Mesmer. To help Mesmers become relevant in zerg fights perhaps something else should be considered, but I don't know what. Laser beam Mirage was the closest yet, damage wise. Expand on that. Perhaps a new Mirage trait that slightly increases radius and target cap on the great sword pew pew. Or maybe finally bringing back glamour builds.
  19. We don't really need any new spec on any class. They should make work what we already have.
  20. After 120 votes cast not a single person voted for Guardian.
  21. The good thing about Mesmer is you can come to the forum and complain about the sorry state of your class and not feel dirty because in this case you are actually right.
  22. This is my version of Jables build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi0AEx/lJwuYUsEGKOqKdnTA-zVRYBR9nnYQhnSmCheFBdroaZiq4DQA/dUNDA-w The sigils on greatsword make a big difference in my opinion. Sigil of severance can make your burst hurt a lot if you time it right, with its 250 stat boost to precision and ferocity, and sigil of absorbtion has really good synergy with the domination traits shattered concentration and vicious expression. Ideally you interrupt just before the big F1 burst to get the +250 stats, strip all their boons, get 15% more damage from vicious expression and of course the damage increase from superiority complex. That can one shot glass cannons and really hurt sturdier builds. Use stealth and super speed to dictate the flow of combat and use power lock (the mantra skill) to interrupt important skills or to set up bursts. It's not the easiest build to play and there are many roaming builds that will cancel this, but it is a very fun build once you get used to it.
  23. Yoci.2481


    Necro is so broken now. I tried 4 different builds against it, no chance.
  24. Actual 1-shots are very rare, maybe in the 1% - 3% range. A lot more common is baiting cooldowns and then bursting them down from half hp.
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