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Everything posted by Yoci.2481

  1. Would you prefer vicious expression over power block for wvw (mostly solo) roaming too?
  2. And even that can be done better by someone else: Thief.
  3. Mesmer seems very mobile? Core Mesmer? Mirage just after PoF release, with double mirage thrust, blink, illusionary ambush and three jaunts on the original (shorter) cool down was very mobile, but still less mobile than Thief and Warrior. Mirage has lost a lot of that mobility these days. And core Mesmer has a lot less than that. At this point I think even Necromancer can be faster. Core Mesmer has one mobility tool, that is blink, on a 35 second cool down. Almost no access to swiftness and the only 25% passive movement speed increase comes from runes. That's it. Okay there is illusionary leap, but that requires the target to be almost in melee range, so you can't chase nor run away with that. And half the time it doesn't work anyway because the clone AI bugs out. Mesmer doesn't have good mobility and core Mesmer has one of the lowest mobility of any WvW build.
  4. It's a video. Everything can look good in a video. And he is a really good Mesmer player. Put an equally good player against him on any number of builds that counter Mesmer and he will lose 90% of the time.
  5. That's not the definition of a condition. Many conditions don't do any damage at all.
  6. Yoci.2481


    You can't jump in GW1. I would die.
  7. Yoci.2481


    We should start a cloud funding, buy Arenanet and tell the devs to fix the game.
  8. Yes. Well Thief portal just got nerfed in PvP, but in WvW it is vastly superior to Mesmer portal, except when you want to port a whole zerg, at which point you need several people with portal anyway. Preparation lasts 60 seconds and the cool down starts when you activate the first portal unlike Mesmer portal, and it grants stealth. Mesmer portal can port more people and goes both ways, but those advantages are very situational.
  9. And it's not because core has suddenly become good. It is as weak as ever. In fact it's worse.
  10. I don't believe you. So we'll leave it at that. You're talking complete nonsense. In SPvP mesmer has completely dropped off the map. It sees very little play in ranked. And in the MATs it wasn't taking into either the Semi-Finals or Finals at all. If Condi Mirage was a god tier 1v1 spec we'd see mesmer mains playing it on the side nodes in MATs. We don't. Condi mirage has among the lowest damage of anything in the game, even compared to other condition builds. That's a mathematical fact. I've tested it. It just doesn't have the damage numbers to compete with other classes sustain and put them down. cmirage has actually one of the highest condi bursts in the game, but it's quite squishy and can't sidenode Again, math and testing shows that this is 100% not true. you can't rly use math in a game like gw2 and maybe you're just a bad mirage :) Of course you can use maths in a video game. Make your point more clear please. no you can't use maths in a game like GW2. When you do that you are just looking at 2 players running full skill rotations with no evades/blocks/ccs. GW2 combat you can apply maths but its not always true to the reality of how it would play out in a fight.Well the game is literally maths, but anyway if in an ideal scenario (maths world) Mesmer sucks it's not going to get any better in the actual game, it can only get worse. So really you are working against your own point here.
  11. I don't believe you. So we'll leave it at that. You're talking complete nonsense. In SPvP mesmer has completely dropped off the map. It sees very little play in ranked. And in the MATs it wasn't taking into either the Semi-Finals or Finals at all. If Condi Mirage was a god tier 1v1 spec we'd see mesmer mains playing it on the side nodes in MATs. We don't. Condi mirage has among the lowest damage of anything in the game, even compared to other condition builds. That's a mathematical fact. I've tested it. It just doesn't have the damage numbers to compete with other classes sustain and put them down. cmirage has actually one of the highest condi bursts in the game, but it's quite squishy and can't sidenode Again, math and testing shows that this is 100% not true. you can't rly use math in a game like gw2 and maybe you're just a bad mirage :)Of course you can use maths in a video game. Make your point more clear please.
  12. Add prot holo to the list of builds that roflstomp mesmer.
  13. I am trying to adapt this build for WvW. I am not yet sure that staff really works here. There's no fighting on nodes, and there are more situations where the stealth from torch #4 might help one to get away. I am still experimenting.
  14. Balance isn't even the most important thing. Perfect balance is unachievable anyway, but the game should always be fun. That can be the case if there is a clear vision for each profession. Obviously not every class/build can be great at everything, but there should be a nice place for each one. Unfortunately the vision for Mesmer seems to be: "You shouldn't even exist!" It feels like that at least.
  15. I do too in WvW, with grieving stats, but I don't use staff. Depending on my mood and the situation I use Method of Madness and Bountiful Disillusionment with the signet heal, or Master of Manipulation and Prismatic Understanding with the manipulation heal. To me this is one of the most "mesmery" builds. Not full power, but also not full condi, stealth, conditions and boons, pretty hard to catch and lock down. Clone production is not super great, especially because of the scepter #2 nerf. I tried Malicious Sorcery to make up for it, but in the end Master of Fragmentation seems to be the better choice.
  16. Someone merge this:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105013/can-mirage-atleast-get-swiftness-on-dodge
  17. But with Seize the Moment and 3 clone F2 spam you have basically permanent quickness with means you can restore your clones very easily with scepter auto attack. Then you can F2 shatter clones almost every 5 seconds. If someone isn't paying attention to you that is a lot of confusion coming their way. It's not a good build but very fun when it works.
  18. I often lose a lot more than 1/4 and then their support heals them back to full within the blink of an eye, while I have to wait 15 seconds for my heal to get off cool down, which will get me from 27% to 63% HP.
  19. Yes but the argument was that most Thieves are bad so it's no problem that they hard counter Mesmer.
  20. Good Thieves are just as rare or common as good Mesmers. People don't suddenly get better if they switch class. The argument is invalid.
  21. Even if it's fake the fact that Mesmer has been treated in a way that something like this is totally conceivable says it all.
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