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Everything posted by Yoci.2481

  1. What if it worked like this: Your clones aren't invulnerable and can be targeted and killed, but they will immediatly respawn until you shatter them, or if you get out of combat. That way we have a resource mechanic that can't be messed with, just like other classes.
  2. I don't think clones should be invulnerable, but they should be harder to kill in blob fights. Or perhaps bring back that old trait that makes clones do damage when they are killed.
  3. Imagine if Guardian skills just didn't go off and went on full cool down near an enemy blob.
  4. The funny thing is while almost every Mesmer build (especially power) got nuked to ashes the annoying trailblazer staff condi Mirage that is oppressive and very annoying to play against 1v1 still works rather well, even though it was the thing that ultimately caused this 3 year period of Mesmer nerfs.
  5. They haven't even addressed the most basic problems of Mesmer and you people talk about the next elite. I don't understand this.
  6. Removing distortion from F4 but getting back the second dodge sounds like an acceptable trade to me, but not in a vacuum. Mesmer in general has problems that need to be addressed.
  7. Phantasms should be invulnerable, switch targets when their original target dies or uses a detarget and always turn into a clone quickly. They should never just despawn and do nothing. Clones might need a small HP buff. Killing a clone that wants to shatter should trigger that shatter effect at the position of the dead clone as if the clone had successfully shattered. I think a trait that gives clones superspeed should be more accessable. With those changes in mind Protected Phantasms should give aegis to clones instead of phantasms, together with a few seconds of protection and and retaliation. I think these changes would help shatter builds in blob fights.
  8. Mirage Cloak's Speed of Sand does not cover more ground than a dodge. A dodge covers 300 units. Speed of Sand grants 66% movement speed for 0.75 seconds. Base movement speed in combat is 210 units per second.210u/s 1.66 0.75s = 261.45 units. That's a lot less than the 300 units from a normal dodge. Speed of Sand is also affected by movement impairing conditions like chill or cripple. In that case it covers even less ground. And it only works in the forward direction, not sideways or backwards. All of that combines into a pretty reasonable trade-off. edit: And you can't dodge jump.
  9. The trade-off is the lack of directional mobility on dodge.
  10. Well from a Mesmer point of view "barely usable" is pretty much meta. We are not aiming high these days.
  11. What we will get: A single clone that works sort of like a Soulbeast pet. Phantasm skills will switch the type of the pet.
  12. All of Mesmer, not just Mirage, has been nerfed to the ground. They must bring the other classes down to our level or undo at least some of the nerfs and rework some traits and weapons. We have compiled long lists of changes we want in the past. You could fill a small book with them. They get consistently ignored. At least from the perspective of WvW roaming and I guess PvP.
  13. Good bye GW2. I gave them over two years to fix Mesmer. Turns out it was two years too many. See you in a different game maybe.
  14. I thought the metabattle support Chrono was the boonstrip version?
  15. Yeah that was a really bright idea. Portal on the class with the highest mobility and highest on demand stealth uptime in the game. Brilliant. A single thief in a enemy keep going for the lols can easily entertain 5 - 10 opponents who may chase him for hours. And you can not ignore him, because he will port his zerg into the keep as soon as you go away.The downside to their portal is it is one way only and they can only port 5 people, but if one of those 5 is a Mesmer...
  16. Don't worry I already had a full minstrel setup.
  17. So I took my Chrono to Drizzlewood Coast and put her in full Minstrel gear. Weapons were GS and sword/fokus. I picked the same traits and utilities I usually have for WvW roaming. My opinion is: It is doable, but tedious. It works, but it it takes much longer to kill stuff. And while you don't take as much damage, fights last much longer. So you end up taking more damage that way. If you are okay with a very slow laid back playstyle this might work for you.
  18. Like solo open world content? Forget it, minstrel Chrono has no damage at all.
  19. It was a choice between being weak to projectiles or being weak (even weaker, really) to thieves. Now that choice is gone.
  20. Not a good enough reason and I think it's a great trait and used in a lot of Mirage builds to compensate for the loss in dodge bar in pvp/wvw. It's an extremely passive trait that just allows you to spam invulns (and if traited reflects and ambushes) on top of enhancing every signet. And while mesmer right now might not seem to be that strong, the trait itself is just toxic and promotes very lazy and 0 iq playstyle. I'd rather see it changed so you actually have to apply more than 2 brain cells in order to make use of it. But that's just my opinion, yeah. Mesmers AREN’t strong because of all the whiney players that had us get more nerfs than any other class out there just because “low IQ” players don’t know how to adapt or improve their own skills when encountering a Mesmer. Additionally, the blurred inscriptions is just another defends mechanism so it’s NOT lazy at all and if it was, how about we take a look at other professions that have overloaded kits with better survivability than us. And so far, you want the trait changed but not going in depth as to what to change it into to compensate.... Again, if you don’t like fighting against a Mesmer with Blurred Inscriptions then I suggest not entering WvW/PvP and picking a fight with one because we’re at that stage in this game where Mesmers SHOULD not be getting any passive nerfs just because ‘children’ need a handicap when fighting us...periodt I main mesmer myself. The fact that other classes have "low iq" mechanics doesn't serve as a justification of having them in our own kit, in my opinion. I think it's much better to promote high risk - high reward playstyle. And this trait doesn't succeed at that. If you like it, it's all cool, i'm just sharing my point of view. Are there unhealthy Mesmer traits? Yes, but to talk about them as if they exist in a vacuum is not helpful at this point in the game's life. Mesmer is already the weakest class in competitive game modes. To nerf it further now in the name of conceptual purity is silly. The time to nerf Blurred Inscriptions or Continuum Split is after the rest of Mesmer is fixed. I didn't say I want mesmer nerfed, I said I want to see the trait rework and distortion part removed. If the trait is unhealthy, it should be changed no matter how broken or weak the class is. The same happened to perma reflect trait which was super toxic and avoided nerfs for far too long. I (and apparently devs too) also don't think mesmer is in such a bad spot right now that you will get "fixed", you can at maximum expect some sustain buffs, and that's it. And what is this reasoning behind "yeah, this should be nerfed but not right now, cuz right now mes is kinda weak". We've seen this happen so many times when they actively ignore something unhealthy, trying to balance it out by nerfing other things, and then when they finally realize it's not working, they remove your dodge bar. It's not like this trait is a cornerstone of every mesmer build either, it's just lazy af. Your example strengthens my point. The Evasive Mirror nerf destroyed the trait. Maybe it was too strong, but now it's useless. Even when it was strong it was competing with Blinding Dissipation, and most people chose that instead. So now we have another dead trait. Passive ICDs are bad anyway and should be used as sparsely as possible.
  21. Not a good enough reason and I think it's a great trait and used in a lot of Mirage builds to compensate for the loss in dodge bar in pvp/wvw. It's an extremely passive trait that just allows you to spam invulns (and if traited reflects and ambushes) on top of enhancing every signet. And while mesmer right now might not seem to be that strong, the trait itself is just toxic and promotes very lazy and 0 iq playstyle. I'd rather see it changed so you actually have to apply more than 2 brain cells in order to make use of it. But that's just my opinion, yeah. Mesmers AREN’t strong because of all the whiney players that had us get more nerfs than any other class out there just because “low IQ” players don’t know how to adapt or improve their own skills when encountering a Mesmer. Additionally, the blurred inscriptions is just another defends mechanism so it’s NOT lazy at all and if it was, how about we take a look at other professions that have overloaded kits with better survivability than us. And so far, you want the trait changed but not going in depth as to what to change it into to compensate.... Again, if you don’t like fighting against a Mesmer with Blurred Inscriptions then I suggest not entering WvW/PvP and picking a fight with one because we’re at that stage in this game where Mesmers SHOULD not be getting any passive nerfs just because ‘children’ need a handicap when fighting us...periodt I main mesmer myself. The fact that other classes have "low iq" mechanics doesn't serve as a justification of having them in our own kit, in my opinion. I think it's much better to promote high risk - high reward playstyle. And this trait doesn't succeed at that. If you like it, it's all cool, i'm just sharing my point of view. Are there unhealthy Mesmer traits? Yes, but to talk about them as if they exist in a vacuum is not helpful at this point in the game's life. Mesmer is already the weakest class in competitive game modes. To nerf it further now in the name of conceptual purity is silly. The time to nerf Blurred Inscriptions or Continuum Split is after the rest of Mesmer is fixed.
  22. I wish they applied all the PvP changes to WvW as well.
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