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Lumpy Forehead.2193

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Everything posted by Lumpy Forehead.2193

  1. Can't you see that it's Anet's tactic to force people to buy the expansions and play the elite specialisations, and off the core.
  2. I have a bad feeling that they will release the expansion on the 10th anniversary of this game
  3. Why the surprise? Female sylvaries have breasts even though they don't breast feed.
  4. Well you have to fix the matchmaking first, too many unbalanced matchmaking out there.
  5. Only if they start to put pips in unranked. Also weak players will stay in silver, so they won't bother you too much.
  6. Anet's thinking is that elite specialisations has to be more powerful than the previous ones, or people won't take interest in it, because it's "elite". That's the source of your power creep.
  7. Same can be said about your whinging of soulbeast.
  8. Go play the Tequatl meta, make sure you don't do enough damage to make it fly, and he'll give you a tsunami that will wipe out all the players. It's hard to achieve because we rarely fail the meta event.
  9. Well think about it the other way, if they can kill a god, the gods aren't so godly after all, they are just humans who can manipulate magic.
  10. I like glowy and fuming items. Anet please don't listen to them.
  11. We already have that, that's the throw wrench toolbelt skill
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