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Posts posted by Len.1879

  1. @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:


    Color gains you no advantage or benefit in a competitive game mode, the point of which is combat. Even still, using your own example, it would be entering a competition of which the point is to be pink, but you refuse to, even though it is available to you, and someone asks why, and you say "because roaming builds exist".

    Yes! That is absolutely the point! Because you seem to believe we all enter the competition of "potentionally fighting 1v1s", but some of us don't. So the whole argument about underachieving is null and void. I am here explaining to you that to some players that 1v1 part is just not important in some cases and therefore improving their chances is irrelevant.

    Now, after asking that question in your example and someone gives "roaming builds" as a response, you would say "what does that have to do with your choice?". Roaming builds have nothing to do with it, it is the persons choice to avoid 1vs1 combat regardless of build.

    Totally! I am absolutely with you on it being personal choice to avoid a fight. But please, do keep your assumptions about our general capabilities to yourself ("you can't be bothered to learn or fight"). I am very much capable to fight duels if I am set up for it, just not on my Necromancer that only has gear for zerg fighting, while I have two more Necros that are equipped for smallscale. Engaging into battle with a diamond legend Soulbeast with ascended food buff that comes for me all all fire and fury is neither heroic nor clever.

    You are also still claiming I mean the opposite of what I explicitly stated. If that is what you feel in your own head, I can't control that, however whatever mental gymnastics that go on in your head to get to that assumption has no bearing on the fact that stating "roaming builds" is an excuse and nothing more.

    I am not sure in how many more different variations I can word this to make it comprehensible to you. There is nothing to be excused, as you and I seem to have different views on what is "right" to do. So it is not an excuse. It is an explanation, since OP asked. And it is very much a valid explanation, since, as I told you, I have 28 characters, each with a single build. Feel free to fund me 28 more sets of gear to switch between builds to adjust to the situation, then I might consider it.

  2. @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:Where, yet again, did I say I have a problem with it? I stated that WPing away is totally fine, so please do quote me on where I said this, because you seem to be interjecting what you want to here. If you do not, and continue on in this direction, I am just going to assume you are being disingenuous and ignore you."Your mistake" has to do with refusing to use the tools available to you. However, rather than just stating you can't be bothered to learn or fight, you just say "roaming builds". I am not, nor have I stated you have to, I am just pointing out that "roaming builds" is an excuse and nothing more.

    Again, you are talking about "refusing" or "can't be bothered to". I "can't be bothered to" because there simply is no issue. Say I open a thread where I complain about not everyone running around coloured entirely in pink armor, although they have the tools at hand, since colouring your gear is simple and free. People would rightfully be confused and probably explain to me that they prefer other colours. Me then telling them "that's your mistake" sends a pretty clear message how I think there is an issue when there is none, beside the one in my own head.

  3. @"Zexanima.7851" said:I think the issue comes down to wanting to play the game. When you wp on a fight, you dont play, they dont get to play, so then what's the point of even being logged in? I get the mentality behind waypointing away and not saying it's unreasonable, I just don't agree with it myself. The combat is what's good in this game so fight everything all the time. Who cares if you lose, it doesn't cost you much of anything except some time. You get similar complaints as this from zerg players when smaller zergs wont fight them. It's all around this not wanting to die mentality. Who cares, its a game, burn all your skills and hope you get lucky and go out in a blaze of glory.

    Nah, the issue comes down to the same old argument that is being had in every single thread like this: that there is absolutely no consistency among the player base as to "how" WvW is supposed to be played. To not take a stance here and word it neutrally: there are several views on this and each claims to be right, usually condemning all other ways of playing in the process.

  4. @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    I don't see anyone saying people should play a given way, I see an OP asking why people just WP without even trying, and then I see people making excuses of "roaming builds", which has always been used as the excuse, now that we have templates it's "I can't be bothered to do that", because there are no excuses left.

    Well, you are magically seeing a problem in players teleporting to avoid fights -- whatever their reasoning on that may be. That seems pretty much like your personal problem. Not something everyone else has to adept to, as implied by "your mistake".

    I am with @Cyninja.2954 on that one. All I did was giving you an explanation on why people might not be keen to use templates.

  5. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    @Len.1879 said:

    @primatos.5413 said:New meta... at least every second build is able to do some funny clown things before running away. So there is a 50/50 chance to meet such can cer. By porting away u reduce the chance to zero and won't be wasting time with the bulls hit meta builds

    You risk nothing other than being mildly annoyed though.

    So you have a choice between being mildly annoyed, and not being mildly annoyed, and you are are wondering which choice players take?

    @Clownmug.8357 said:I'd at least try fighting something once to see if it's possible to win.

    Who says players haven't? Doesn't take a genious to figure out that if you are on a pve or squad build, most roaming builds will severely outperform you.

    @Clownmug.8357 said:If I lose a few times and seem to be countered, then maybe I'd start porting away just to save everyone time.

    That's exactly what is happening. Only that the players died to someone else and not you, but they did learn their lesson and port away if their build is not a roaming build.

    The "wrong build" excuse does not work anymore, what you mean are unskilled players who don't have protection of a group to carry them so they run. This is why I am glad templates came out, the "roaming build" excuse people loved using does not apply, you have less buttons to push to change your build to this uber powerful roaming build everyone talks about than it takes to WP. The thing is, it has never been about roaming builds vs zerg builds, rather it's always been about skill level of those who do not want to fight. Templates just shines a light on it.

    Now, nothing wrong with running, no reason to give a free bag if you can't 1vs1, however just admit it.

    If you don't want to risk getting into a fight you MIGHT lose, why even play PvP game modes? Not taking those hard fights also means never learning, when I run into someone who is a hard fight, I GO BACK, why? Because it's something to learn, its about improving your skill, you don't get better fighting bots, you get better by fighting those who can out play you and changing things up and trying new things to see what works.

    Example, I ran into a thief who killed me, granted it was a 2vs1, however I was focusing him and not the ranger and he was countering everything, and I play DH which is more or less a thief counter. So I PMed him to kitten talk to get him to come back and fight, and he did, we actually ended up getting to know each other and now hes on my friends list. And guess what? I learned his build and rotations, he is still a very skilled player, however it went over the course of an hour, from him wiping the floor with me, to 50/50 win/loss. I also realized how lazy I had gotten fighting thieves because it had been so long since I had run into a good one.

    Pretty bold to assume players are going to slot a zerg- and a roaming build just because they could. I have 28 characters, each of which being equipped and built in a singular way. Some for zerg fighting, others for roaming. Will absolutely not equip my zerg chars with another set of roaming armor and vice versa just so I can min-max my performance in any given situation.

    Thats your mistake.

    @primatos.5413 said:New meta... at least every second build is able to do some funny clown things before running away. So there is a 50/50 chance to meet such can cer. By porting away u reduce the chance to zero and won't be wasting time with the bulls hit meta builds

    You risk nothing other than being mildly annoyed though.

    So you have a choice between being mildly annoyed, and not being mildly annoyed, and you are are wondering which choice players take?

    @Clownmug.8357 said:I'd at least try fighting something once to see if it's possible to win.

    Who says players haven't? Doesn't take a genious to figure out that if you are on a pve or squad build, most roaming builds will severely outperform you.

    @Clownmug.8357 said:If I lose a few times and seem to be countered, then maybe I'd start porting away just to save everyone time.

    That's exactly what is happening. Only that the players died to someone else and not you, but they did learn their lesson and port away if their build is not a roaming build.

    The "wrong build" excuse does not work anymore, what you mean are unskilled players who don't have protection of a group to carry them so they run. This is why I am glad templates came out, the "roaming build" excuse people loved using does not apply, you have less buttons to push to change your build to this uber powerful roaming build everyone talks about than it takes to WP. The thing is, it has never been about roaming builds vs zerg builds, rather it's always been about skill level of those who do not want to fight. Templates just shines a light on it.

    Now, nothing wrong with running, no reason to give a free bag if you can't 1vs1, however just admit it.

    I am an avid WvW player spending most of my game time in WvW atm on multiple classes.

    I have dedicated WvW characters with multiple template slots for different builds and classes.

    Even I don't run WvW roaming builds on each of my characters. Why? Because I spend most of my time in squad evening WvW and closed internal guild groups.

    If you assume that the tiny off fraction of players who actually roam (not gank) make up most of WvW, I have a boat to sell you...

    Again, your mistake.

    This has to do with the player WPing and not some magical "roaming build". You have the tools at hand to be on level footing, but you (for whatever reason) refuse to. That is a L2P issue if I have ever seen one.

    If it makes you feel better to see it that way, sure. But last time I checked the only people complaining about it were the ones trying to force other players to play the way they want them to, feel sad that it doesn't work out, and then take their frustration to the forums.

  6. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    @primatos.5413 said:New meta... at least every second build is able to do some funny clown things before running away. So there is a 50/50 chance to meet such can cer. By porting away u reduce the chance to zero and won't be wasting time with the bulls hit meta builds

    You risk nothing other than being mildly annoyed though.

    So you have a choice between being mildly annoyed, and not being mildly annoyed, and you are are wondering which choice players take?

    @Clownmug.8357 said:I'd at least try fighting something once to see if it's possible to win.

    Who says players haven't? Doesn't take a genious to figure out that if you are on a pve or squad build, most roaming builds will severely outperform you.

    @Clownmug.8357 said:If I lose a few times and seem to be countered, then maybe I'd start porting away just to save everyone time.

    That's exactly what is happening. Only that the players died to someone else and not you, but they did learn their lesson and port away if their build is not a roaming build.

    The "wrong build" excuse does not work anymore, what you mean are unskilled players who don't have protection of a group to carry them so they run. This is why I am glad templates came out, the "roaming build" excuse people loved using does not apply, you have less buttons to push to change your build to this uber powerful roaming build everyone talks about than it takes to WP. The thing is, it has never been about roaming builds vs zerg builds, rather it's always been about skill level of those who do not want to fight. Templates just shines a light on it.

    Now, nothing wrong with running, no reason to give a free bag if you can't 1vs1, however just admit it.

    If you don't want to risk getting into a fight you MIGHT lose, why even play PvP game modes? Not taking those hard fights also means never learning, when I run into someone who is a hard fight, I GO BACK, why? Because it's something to learn, its about improving your skill, you don't get better fighting bots, you get better by fighting those who can out play you and changing things up and trying new things to see what works.

    Example, I ran into a thief who killed me, granted it was a 2vs1, however I was focusing him and not the ranger and he was countering everything, and I play DH which is more or less a thief counter. So I PMed him to kitten talk to get him to come back and fight, and he did, we actually ended up getting to know each other and now hes on my friends list. And guess what? I learned his build and rotations, he is still a very skilled player, however it went over the course of an hour, from him wiping the floor with me, to 50/50 win/loss. I also realized how lazy I had gotten fighting thieves because it had been so long since I had run into a good one.

    Pretty bold to assume players are going to slot a zerg- and a roaming build just because they could. I have 28 characters, each of which being equipped and built in a singular way. Some for zerg fighting, others for roaming. Will absolutely not equip my zerg chars with another set of roaming armor and vice versa just so I can min-max my performance in any given situation.

  7. On the one hand, you are opposed to taking full Dire/Marauder gear. On the other hand, you complain about dying to fast in zergs. Maybe weave in some pieces of gear with main Vitality and Toughness? That addresses both your concerns at once.

  8. @"Lazze.9870" said:Right. If calling an answer dumb makes me rude, what do assuming my "understanding of data" (which I can assure you is perfectly fine and a necessity in my line of work) or speculating in my upbringing make you?

    The server list provides no data. It's shows server status. The real answer to the question is that the data is hidden. What you're doing is re-posting the same server status that OP already refered to when starting this thread, thinking you're all so clever.

    Are you even realizing that you're replying to multiple people?

    Yes, I do realise multiple people were extremely unhappy with me providing the only piece of information that was available and reacted extremely upset because it was not the speculation they probably hoped they would receive? I do also see that after multiple clarifications on my part, neither of you guys is capable of accepting that there simply is no more data to be shown (again: feel free to correct me on this). So sure, keep your endless cycle of asking for data, not receiving it, and then going on a line of wild speculations as to "why is my server full? Whenever I take a peek my team chat is empty, so that can't be right!". Good day to you, guys!

  9. @"XECOR.2814" said:Meh, if you cant differentiate between data(unprocessed information) and results then you aren't worth my time. Kitten arguing about semantics. What a waste of everyone's time. Also this is internet so you might want to toughen up a bit lol. Bad upbringing, what a joke.

    Yes, processed data is data in return. Sorry if the data doesn't show what you would like it to, but that's not really any of my business. Let me try to clarify one last time:

    gebrechen.5643 stated:

    It is now, Piken still is one of the fullest servers EU

    Duca di Ebonhawke.1045 asked:

    Based on what data do you tell it is one of the fullest ?

    To which I posted the server list. Now let me re-iterate one more time, because you seem to have trouble getting this into your head: this is the only data (yes, still data, even if you don't like it) available to players. So the answer to "based on what data" has to be this particular table, unless there is other data that has yet to be shown to me. If you wanted to see raw numbers and an implementation of the algorithm or manual decision progress, then you are just out of luck, because the developers have not shown them after having been asked again and again. The implication of me posting that screenshot is that you will not get any other answer besides baseless speculations, unless some dev decides to disclose more information, which is unlikely at this point, so deal with it and kindly put your lame insults where the sun doesn't shine.

  10. @Lazze.9870 said:

    @Len.1879 said:

    @Len.1879 said:

    @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:Based on what data do you tell it is one of the fullest ? We have even no queue at the friday reset or just a small one in one border.


    You should get an award for this. Like 200iq. Man never seem someone so smart before. /s

    Not sure what you are being facetious about. That's exactly what was being asked.

    That list shows no data. It shows server status and is obviously what lead OP to ask the question of WHY Piken is considered full.

    People are being facetious because your answer is dumb.

    Apparently, you have troubles understanding what "data" is and try to compensate it by being rude. I assume you're looking for the word "numbers". So let me repeat what I already said: the server status list is the only data available to players to my knowledge, so I am pretty sure that's the data they went off of. Which is what was being asked. Which is what I answered. Should you or anyone else have any other information as to actual numbers reflecting population or activity, either from official or unofficial sources, feel free to correct me. But please keep your bad upbringing to yourself.

  11. @"LetoII.3782" said:Data that contradicts an unverified assertion must be discredited- truthiness 101Not sure if I am not understanding what you are trying to express, because what you wrote basically goes against the fundamentals of scientific paradigm shift, but okay. (Or is that even more sarcasm?) Someone said Piken is among the fullest servers. Someone else asked what data they are going off. I showed the only data that is to my knowledge available to players. Unless there is other data openly available or someone has insider information directly from one of the devs, everything beyond that is simple speculation, no matter how some players "feel" the charts must be wrong.

  12. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    @Len.1879 said:

    @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:However, you stated you want to flip structures back and forth and you want the pace to be faster than now, and you don't like fights. In other words, you want to move even more towards a ktrain like EOTM was?

    That's pretty much the opposite of what I said.

    Then explain what you meant?

    You stated that people don't defend after capping and it's capped back and after upgrading again, it's flipped again and you stated "I want those fights. But not in that boring frequency.". Which means you want to flip the structure back and forth more often. And you stated that: "I for one do not enjoy long fights in garrisons". you only like fights that have a back and forth swap. Because you don't like combat for combat, you want a short combat with a structure flip, and then a defense with a structure flip, this is called cap trading in ktraining. In other words, fights are ok, so long as they don't last long enough to get in the way of the reward.

    So, that seems like it is exactly what you said. Not trying to be rude, but I really don't see how else it is meant to be taken.

    I want to have long battles that can be repeated. Which is not the case in a high-tier garrison as soon as the attackers win, because that causes a long "cooldown" for such a battle, as the incentive for attacking the garrison is largely gone. The idea of having extended intense battles is independent of where it takes place. Could happen in the ruins for all I care.

  13. @Svarty.8019 said:Back at the beginning of the game, several factors combined to make garrison battles much longer than they are in 2019.

    I've been talking to people on TeamSpeak (yes, we use that on my server!) and the old folks there reminisce about those fights as being better than the ones we have now.

    I think the factors that have changed since the early days are these;

    • Bannering the Lord was removed.
    • Better discipline from attacking zerg, tighter balls (!)
    • Less forgiving combat: Enormous damage all over the place (there are two factors: players perfected their builds and gear/ Anet added powercreep via expacs).
    • There is more understanding of the environment - awareness of siege placements, pro scouting, orange dots
    • EWP - this replaced the timed waypoint (Anet later claimed it was a bug/unintended effect) that happened every 5? Minutes.
    • Communications with PvE - we can no longer call on PvE for reinforcements because of the Megaserver.

    If you can think of more, please add them below.

    Some of these things could be reversed/changed, but we wouldn't want to waste Anet's time [insert your own joke].So the question is: do we want to bring back epic Garrison battles?

    First of all, old folks will always reminisce about the old times. That's how old folks work.I for one do not enjoy long fights in garrisons. I do enjoy long fights with interesting back-and-forths. The problem I have with it is that those fights are not repeatable. You usually have a T3 keep, which is fought for in an epic battle. Then the keep is flipped. The attackers have little to none interest in defending it, so the usual story from here is: defenders take the keep back after five minutes. Tier builds up again over a long time. I want those fights. But not in that boring frequency.

  14. @Sansar.1302 said:Title says it all.Only fun I find in this game is fights in WvW with close too even numbers (spvp used too bee fun but too few working builds there now)rly dont care if it is 40 vs 45 but 20 vs 50 or 1 vs 3 cant bee any fun on any side ?Some servers are very fun to meet, others care way way to much about structures.

    Congratulations to understanding the concept of an arms race.

  15. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:What massive opening? Why would the big bad blob care about a single engi running through them?Because many zergs are surprisingly easy to bait. Its just the same as pulling 1 guy out of a 50 man, only to have
    of them try to roll the puller in favor of caring about the 50 man in front of them.

    In regards to having a plan, of course there are no plans or communications. Because we're talking commanders that will complain when 1 roamer fail to cap a T3 camp defended by 30 people because they are about to upgrade the keep the commander is trying to take.

    Sorry for your lack of coordinated commanders! Join Riverside, our commanders welcome communicated havoc. cLqesIS.png

  16. @Dawdler.8521 said:Anyone that can block/invouln really. If you want to escape after you then need tp or stealth. I've easily ran through entire zergs on an engie and taken a 50 man bomb, blocking the first attacks, elixir s the next and then when clearing the backline stealthing and running away with zero loss of hp.

    And then of course when you look back your own commander is running sideways back and forth completely ignoring the massive opening you just gave them.

    Had you communicated your plans to your commander?

  17. without ever having inquired the opinion of most? you just have to read the forums, wvw subsection, how many threads complaining about warclaws and the way they were introduced? hundreds, [...]

    Hundreds of threads? Make that thousands and thanks for proving my point. I can find 122 threads in the WvW-subforum created about mounts, several being suggestions to actually introduce mounts to WvW or just mentioning it in general. Obviously only counting dedicated threads, not every single post slipped in any thread.1xxCRS0.png

    also just look at statistics, there is a post around that has the count of world populations, wvw was already dying, but since warclaw it's even worst, more people are leaving day by day than before, it's right there, not my word but facts

    Since you didn't bother to actually include the post you were referring to (fits your style), I will just assume you are referring to https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1067991/#Comment_1067991While it is hard to actually read much from those graphs, since they don't give us absolute numbers and ANet has admitted to adjust the thresholds (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19921/wvw-frequently-asked-questions#latest), I do acknowledge that the population is most likely declining on many servers. But that was never the point to begin with. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I can not see any clear correlation of Warclaw and decline in those graphs, given the time frame they cover (Warclaw was released in March 2019 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw#Trivia which is conveniently the start of the recordings). Kindly point them out, if you disagree.

    i know you will say something like "mounts weren't the problem, people leave for many more reasons than only warclaw" yes ofc, but warclaw is also a huge problem, because it didn't help at all, actually it hurted more the game mode

    First of all: I also do acknowledge that some people are unhappy with the mount in WvW. But at the same time people actually like it. I am one of the latter. Even if your anecdotal evidence of your guild mates leaving sucks for you, you will surely agree that those 55 players are not "most people", which is what I was objecting to in the first place.

    i've seen tons and tons of players complaining about warclaws in map chat and team chatSo do I. And it's always the same five people. Also known as "vocal minority". Happy players are just far less inclined to jump on the forums and express their happiness, while unhappy players will go out of their way of voicing their discontent in every related or unrelated thread.

  18. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"kraai.7265" said:most of wvwers who actually like the game mode for the fights and not ppt, hate that mount, because now finding good fights it's almost impossible

    Most of the WvWers that like fights is a fabricated myth to feel superior to others and finding the players that actually dare to take fights they most likely will loose is almost impossible to find, so it balances out.

    "Most of the WvWers" is an introductory phrase used by individuals in an attempt to give their opinion more weight without ever having inquired the opinion of most or even many WvWers beyond themselves, their cat, and their mother.

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