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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. @Fire Attunement.9835 mantra of recovery's best case scenario (below 50% health) now heals less than ether feast's worst case (no illusions) and has double the cooldown.
  2. Well kitten me. MoR has a 40 second cooldown.
  3. He grew to be over 10ft tall and was partially made of rock/fire. This is just spirit of the wild macguffery for why he isn't disabled.
  4. There are internal cooldowns between charges and the heals are 50% less. So with 2 mantras it's 2 instant heals equal to 1 preparation from before. Then waiting 1 or more seconds to be able to use another charge from each.
  5. Are they really going to remove the cooldown on mantras and leave us with the long kitten recharge times? There has to some additional change right? Or did MoR just go from the best to the worst heal? Twice the cooldown, and 3k less healing.
  6. He should have at least been disfigured like Bangar.
  7. Jormag was actually interesting. I wish the "one has to die" prophecy had ended with Braham's death.
  8. It is probably going down into the category that, it was always a assumption because we never actually see what will happen if more Elder Dragons are killed. Only assumed that the World maybe destroyed because of DATA assumed it maybe destroyed. There is volatile magic everywhere. The simulation was pretty unnecessary.
  9. What happened to don't kill anymore dragons or the world will be destroyed?
  10. It was only a matter of time before someone brought up Lyssa...
  11. So something like the primordial fire in Edge of Destiny (which could burn even Destroyers, which in the book were presented as completely immune to Sohothin's fire) would probably be able to do it. Curiously we can burn destroyers now. That may be just to balance the gameplay for guardians playing the story. But perhaps it's related to us being a champion of Aurene. Fury contains sun magic, perhaps our fire is now hot enough to melt rock. And ice is crystalline. I'm guessing we could shatter the ice surrounding the Frozen with the wings we've manifested before to shatter crystal in the Descent. Though that might kill the people inside.
  12. So Jormag breaks the truce. I'm guessing the feedback loop that Primordus has with burning things also applies to Jormag freezing things? Jormag is trying to play catch-up since Aurene refuses to balance out the fight. Do these loops also apply to Aurene and Bubbles? Perhaps Aurene's intervention activates the other dragon further and leads to EoD
  13. AAAAHHAAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA name a worse class then mesmer for wvw then? Thief.It has no real purpose outside of harassing roamers. Its ability to zoom around the map taking camps is matched by any condi build with a warclaw.. Its damage is easily countered in zergs by stacking. Scrapper provides better stealth. Ranger has better immobs. Etc... I guess it can hide indefinitely in keeps better than Mesmer because it has perma stealth, and it can also portal 5 people in. So fun waiting for people to come help take the keep so you dont have dps an iron hided mob by yourself. They are welcome to take that role from us. edit: forgot to mention sentries/target painters/target painter traps revealing you. exept DE is one of the best roamers, and in zergs mesmer is equally kitten to thief, its competition between thiefs stealth stacking + shadow portaling into keeps vs mesmer focusGreat, enjoy being "one of the best roamers" and having little purpose in a zerg. Mesmers are used quite often in zergs for ranged cc, boon strip, and illusion of life. And yes, for veil for when you don't have enough scrappers/blasters in each party. There is no competition between thieves and mesmers in a zerg. A thief is probably fighting with rangers to have a spot. And I don't see why you would bring a thief over a ranger. Ranger has better damage, better lockdown, and can also bring a smoke field. Hiding in stealth in structures is not participating in a zerg. It is PvE. And the portal only works on five so you wouldn't be able to use it with a zerg without getting a mesmer in. So the thief gets to enjoy waiting around. While the mesmer gets to play in the zerg. And then build swap to a PvE build to get the entire zerg in and give out 10+ alacrity and quickness.
  14. AAAAHHAAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA name a worse class then mesmer for wvw then?Thief.It has no real purpose outside of harassing roamers. Its ability to zoom around the map taking camps is matched by any condi build with a warclaw.. Its damage is easily countered in zergs by stacking. Scrapper provides better stealth. Ranger has better immobs. Etc... I guess it can hide indefinitely in keeps better than Mesmer because it has perma stealth, and it can also portal 5 people in. So fun waiting for people to come help take the keep so you dont have dps an iron hided mob by yourself. They are welcome to take that role from us. edit: forgot to mention sentries/target painters/target painter traps revealing you.
  15. Was that due to the good Sylvari being microscopically still connected to Mordremoth ( a guess highly diluted but still dragon minions) before we killed him? It has been implied that Sylvari were immune to corruption due to being minions of Mordremoth.I don't think it was directly stated anywhere though. Still a controversial topic, with Sylvari being immune because of being a dragon minion or because of the protection of the Pale Tree through the dream. It’s unfortunately still a topic we don’t have a concrete answer to. I’m still of the opinion that it’s a combination of the two. As to date we haven’t seen another dragon minion be corrupted by another dragon( we got Subject Alpha, etc. because of Inquest meddling, blah blah, but still no actual evidence like what would happen if Kralkatorrik branded over a Risen while Zhaitan was alive.) During the personal story, it was advised that the Sylvari were immune to the corruption of Zhaitan, which allowed the Pact a victory in Orr, among other reasons. Even in Caledon Forest you had Risen fighting right next to the Soundless village, (which should have no such protection) which produced no Risen Sylvari. In Season 2, the Pale Tree spoke about that the reason the Sylvari were immune to dragon corruption was because of the Pale Trees protection. This is of course the Pale Trees reasoning without telling the other races that they are all dragon minions. This protection is also talking about Mordremoth’s corruption as well, mainly because you need to explain how a whole playable race isn’t immediately taken over by Mordremoth the very second it awakes. Then you have Taimi advising that she thought dragon minions couldn’t be corrupted by other dragons in Season 4, but again no concrete answers, other then the reasoning from Taimi that maybe because Aurene absorbed Mordremoth’s energy as an egg. Guess the closest thing we have is Caithe being kinda branded by Aurine and the Awakened Sylvari that Joko managed to enslave.The specifics of these are still unclear though, the latter we'll likely never get an answer for since Joko is probably nothing more than a pile of fertiliser on a mountain somewhere these days. That’s another oddity is that the Pale Tree protection that is allegedly suppose to protect the Sylvari from the Elder Dragons is defeated by Joko’s awakening magic. That’s unless that protection only extends to Mordremoth and that the other dragon’s can’t corrupt the Sylvari.Or Risen are different from Awakened. I think the protection is against unwillingly being corrupted, not complete immunity to necromancy.
  16. Before humans used magic they had mystical powers from channeling spirits. These techniques were later strengthened by the introduction of preservation magic. And they merged to become Ritualism and eventually a part of the Guardian profession. We are not entirely sure what the original abilities looked like. But a theme seems to be light/lightning. And now centuries later the commander is able to do a bunch of preservation-esque things with the help of the light dragon. All without ever being corrupted. Beyond Crystal Champion/Aurene we have also bonded with the Raven Spirit. And light-like abilities comes up again. I'm not sure how else to explain how we have magical protective powers from channeling bonds other than the commander is some sort of proto-ritualist.
  17. It's most likely because people keep complaining we never hear anything about the Pale Tree, so this was about the only way they could squeeze some info in That is possible. We did have Ryland say only he, Caithe, and the Commander were champions. And even the wiki doesn't acknowledge the Pale Tree as technically being one. Maybe that storyline will just die out. I gotta nitpick here but the Pale Tree isn't like Ryland, Caithe, and the Commander because her relationship to Mordremoth is largely characterized by being a sapling of Mordremoth. Ryland, Caithe, and the Commander are champions of their respective elder dragon but were not born of the elder dragon in any way and instead were willingly adopted as champions. Well, it depends on how you're defining champion. Ryland, Caithe, and the Commander are unique to dragon champions ins that they have free will and are bonded, which makes them "champions" but not "dragon champions" as we've known. Meanwhile Glint and the Pale Tree are dragon champions, and they were cleansed after corruption, rather than simply bonded. It's an annoying thing caused by ANet using the same word to mean many things.Is there something in having free willed minions that allows one to share the burden of magic? We are able to collect volatile and unbound magic almost like a minion would. But I don't think we send it to Aurene?
  18. Not sure if this is just to balance the encounters. But none of the destroyers are immune to fire.
  19. It's most likely because people keep complaining we never hear anything about the Pale Tree, so this was about the only way they could squeeze some info in That is possible. We did have Ryland say only he, Caithe, and the Commander were champions. And even the wiki doesn't acknowledge the Pale Tree as technically being one. Maybe that storyline will just die out.
  20. I wonder if them bringing up the Pale Tree again is a red herring. Or she, like the other dragon champions, is about to have a larger role to play. Do any of Zhaitan's champion still live as unchained?Is Kuunavang supposed to be a DSS champion?We may be in a position where the 6 all have active champions and armies (even if they themselves are not alive).Unchained vs SylvariBubbles vs AurenePrimordus vs Jormag
  21. Whoops and yes. It doesn't have to be literal. I'm just pointing out that even if we entertain the possibility of actual twins, any previous similarities could have been overwritten by now.
  22. You'll need to explain yourself a bit more there. I see no reason why biological paradigms are incompatible with the lore of Guild Wars. Because corruption involves magical anatomy and physiology. You are applying biological paradigms to something that isn't biological. Even Plant, the one closest to actual life, fails to meet our criteria. Kralkatorrik and Jormag were twins at birth. Whether that is still physically true after they became elder dragons, and more elemental, is anyone's guess.
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