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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. Could be interesting - but "they" refers to Jormag, who doesn't really have a gender and thus is referred to with they/them pronouns. https://deconforming.com/they-them-pronouns/https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-theyhttps://www.grammarly.com/blog/use-the-singular-they/ Maybe. It depends on what Jormag means when it says that Primordus is it's "twin". If it is metaphorical, then Jormag may be an "it"; if it is familial, however, Jormag has a gender (note: I am using an archaic form of this word) denoted by the function of it's genitalia. Jormag refers to Prim as a "he", calls Aurene a "little sister". Kralkatorrik called to his "mother". I suggest that the current story arc is as much about exploring the Elder Dragon family as it is anything else. Moreover, Tom Abernathy's comment was about the sexuality with which Jormag identifies, not the biological function of it's genitalia. Tom's comment should be taken with a grain of salt.There is is much wrong with this comment. Least of which is that these are magical creatures that most likely reproduce asexually. "Mother" meant about as much to Kralkatorrik as it does to the Sylvari greeting the Pale Tree. The nature of corruption makes talking about "biological function" inherently flawed.
  2. Ascension involves traveling into Elona to seek communion with the gods. I'm not saying this was another Arcana Obscura, but I do consider it a nod to the pilgrimage and what it represented. I will not be surprised if End of Dragons refers to both actual death and the end of the cycle.
  3. Didn't Balthazar leak magic into the environment when he died? I'm not entirely certain what you mean by confirmation. I would imagine several of the dragons received a power boost when the ex-god was deposed, just as they did when Mordemoth's power rushed out. This is not to say that could not have also happened when Kralkatorrik died. But it was far less chaotic than Balthazar/Mordremoth. I don't think we even see his body afterwards. Same with Heart of Thorns, specifically referring to the Blighting Tree that Mordremoth was rooted to, the Heart of Thorns. Nightfall referred solely to the prophecy that was uncovering; Factions to the Kurzick/Luxon factions of Cantha; Eye of the North to that; War in Krtya to the civil war; etc. etc. All the names given to expansions and releases are seldom - if ever - double entendres.The path to ascension, which involves divine fire, was an important part of the plot. And, not for nothing, Caithe corners Faolain at the heart of thorns. I also contest that names are seldom, if ever, double entendres. See "A Bug in the System", "Daybreak", etc. Also, the people who named the Gw1 expansions may not even work at Anet anymore. And have no bearing on how witty Gw2 writers can be.
  4. Good point. Light is not a discrete domain like Ice, Persuasion, Fire, Conflagration, etc. When Aurene replaced Kralkatorrik she absorbed Fury and Crystal, along with what he received from the deaths of Zhaitan/Mordremoth/Balthazar (parts of Death/Shadow, Plant/Mind, and War). She also got something from eating Joko. This is why Jormag calls her the dragon of prisms. She is a crystal dragon with several domains filtering through her like light. She has way more powers than being a walking rainbow. It just happens in this case that light is also a common thread among three or more of the domains she has. Crystal, Fury (which contains Sun), and Shadow. Maybe Plant because bioluminescence There is zero indication that Aurene has taken the mantle of death, shadow, or mind - and Balthazar was no longer a god, so she couldn't take on war. Joko was no cosmic being, and had nothing to give beyond a dues ex machina. It's not yet established what Aurene did with the non-Crystal magic that Kralkatorrik absorbed, but Jormag did get a powerboost from Kralkatorrik's death. The only non-Crystal power Aurene shows having, is Plant, but this could have been from when Mordremoth died, rather than when Kralkatorrik died given that her corruption of Caithe resulted in "crystal blooms". Hard to tell. Prism, btw, is a type of crystal. And Kralkatorrik's "Fury" appears by all rights to have been sky and storm-related (sun, wind, lightning, clouds), which includes forms of light (sunlight, lightning). Prism and Light is just a synonym to Crystal and Fury, much like how Abaddon was god of secrets, while Kormir is goddess of truth. Both deal with the same domain - knowledge - but in different ways. Prisms and Light are "brighter versions" of Crystal and Fury/storms domains. Kralkatorrik could. And Aurene replaced him. Though you seem to be insinuating that all of the extra stuff Kralk had just leaked out and Aurene only got Fury/Light and Crystal/Prism Fair. The title is very clearly referring to the cycle of six Elder Dragons ending, and not meant to be the end of two+ specific dragons. Things can refer to multiple things. Path of Fire ended up referring to Ascension and to Balthazar.
  5. "You dying doesn't help us kill Primordus" sounds especially foreboding given that killing any of the dragons without a replacement is a terrible idea. End of Dragons is plural. So unless the sea dragon is a hydra and counts as two. There is going to more than one dragon left after this arc is over.
  6. Indeed, and if you click on her in the Eye of the North, she's called the Elder Prismatic Dragon.Literally no one is contesting that. Just that Light refers to more than just Light.
  7. Just looking over the trailer they released today. The Tengu models have been updated.It seems very likely that the dominion of winds is going to be opened during the expansion and Tengu will be the next playable race.The former will probably happen even if the latter doesn't because there is all this unused map space east of Caledon Forest and west of Lion's Arch that is currently being guarded by Tengu.
  8. Yes. But it's important to remember that Light is a supercategory of multiple things. Aurene can ressurect the dead, create hive minds, summon crystals, etc. If you filtered all the magic inside her. The vast majority is Fury and Crystal from Kralkatorrik. Which contain sunlight (remember zephyrite crystals) and prisms. They make up the largest part of Light. Then there is maybe Shadows, bioluminescence from Plants or illusions from Mind. All the extra stuff adds onto the theme of Light and you get this design of a prism with a bunch of colors. Both because she has probably the most influence over the substance of light of any dragon and because she is filtering magic from several different domains like a prism separates light.
  9. Yes. But it's not what Jormag calls her in game. While Aurene refers to Jormag as Ice and Persuasion. Light is not a single leftover from the many many things that were inside Kralkatorrik. It is the catch-all term that Anet uses.
  10. Light is not a discrete domain like Ice, Persuasion, Fire, Conflagration, etc. When Aurene replaced Kralkatorrik she absorbed Fury and Crystal, along with what he received from the deaths of Zhaitan/Mordremoth/Balthazar (parts of Death/Shadow, Plant/Mind, and War). She also got something from eating Joko. This is why Jormag calls her the dragon of prisms. She is a crystal dragon with several domains filtering through her like light. She has way more powers than being a walking rainbow. It just happens in this case that light is also a common thread among three or more of the domains she has. Crystal, Fury (which contains Sun), and Shadow. Maybe Plant because bioluminescence
  11. Lesser of two evils. Primodus' minions are literally called Destroyers. His domain is fire and conflagration. This was going to happen since we sent them both to sleep. We are past the point of them mentioning Jormag is ice and persuasion. And has minions that can at least be spoken with. Now we need ice stuff to deal with the fire dragon. Which we were going to need anyway after the machine was destroyed. I don't know how clearer they could get after this trailer that Primordus was always the bigger threat and we need Jormag's help to defeat him. Jormag's ultimate goal is the same, the method is just different. There is no advantage in siding with it and they've made that clearer than anything else for a long time now. It's why Glint's Legacy exists - so we have a "good" Elder Dragon on our side to go up against others. I never liked that direction, but at least it made senseJormags goal is to eat magic until they fall asleep. Then wake up and do it again. If that involves the destruction of all life so be it. But that doesn't have to be the case as long as they get fed. Aurene is the dragon of Fury/Crystal and likely a bunch of Shadow and maybe a little Mind. To depict her powers is simple. Magic was already said to operate like light by Taimi. And no one bats an eye when someone in control of crystals and shadows is now a walking prism. But Jormag is the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion. The ice part is easy. Persuasion is something you have to work at to show. They have literally told us in game they like to take their time. They don't force things, they slowly win people over. This isn't shoehorning, it's character development. Jormag won't force us to help them defeat their major weakness. We will come willingly because Primordus is going to destroy large parts of the world. That's how it always was going to be from the time we sent them both to sleep. Unless there is another random magical bow out there that can damage Primordus. We require their help.
  12. Lesser of two evils. Primodus' minions are literally called Destroyers. His domain is fire and conflagration. This was going to happen since we sent them both to sleep. We are past the point of them mentioning Jormag is ice and persuasion. And has minions that can at least be spoken with. Now we need ice stuff to deal with the fire dragon. Which we were going to need anyway after the machine was destroyed. I don't know how clearer they could get after this trailer that Primordus was always the bigger threat and we need Jormag's help to defeat him. The reason it's coming after making Jormag seem menacing is because its supposed to be a hard choice.
  13. Now do people believe the truce will be us and Jormag vs Primordius.
  14. They don't. But I don't see them being able to force the entire planet into an ice age. The flooding is localized to the north and doing more of it benefits the deep sea dragon more than it does Jormag. Besides how many factors of magnitude larger is Primordus than Jormag? Its head is larger than their entire body. My point was that "Jormag's reach" is not limited to ice. You ignore the existence of Mists portals, but Jormag's ability to enter the Mists and create portals extends Jormag's reach to literally anywhere. Just like Kralkatorrik. Just as Kralkatorrik created branded rifts throughout Core Tyria and even branded the Shiverpeaks, Jormag would theoretically be capable of creating localized ice ages anywhere because it can just pop into an area, flash freeze it, then pop out. And not sure what flooding the Shvierpeaks has to do with Jormag's reach. And like Sajuuk said, I wouldn't take the model size as per-fact, given Kralkatorrik had four model sizes throughout (one for his "storm mode", three for instances and open world, depending on LoD limitations in that map).I'm not ignoring the fact they can teleport. I'm saying so what? Lesser of two evils. They show up and freeze things? Primordus can already blow up volcanos, and what if they also gained the ability to mist travel? You mentioned the last time Jormag did something major they destroyed some peaks and flooded an area. The people just built boats. The Asura have not returned underground. Everything about Jormag's kit is slower and smaller than what Primordus has done.
  15. It's not only a question of their physical sizes but the domains they influence. Tectonic action will always beat ice and crumbling individual mountain ranges.Endless clones vs slow persuasion. I wouldn't say Jormag was the weakest dragon before Aurene but Primordus is definitely on another level. Speed, size, etc.
  16. They don't. But I don't see them being able to force the entire planet into an ice age. The flooding is localized to the north and doing more of it benefits the deep sea dragon more than it does Jormag. Besides how many factors of magnitude larger is Primordus than Jormag? Its head is larger than their entire body.
  17. Jormag is traveling throughout Tyria, as you established earlier with Aurene's comment. Yes. I meant in terms of a physical reach. Not necessarily teleportation via mist portals. There is way more rock than ice on Tyria. And tectonic action, or another supervolcano, poses a larger threat than the icebergs moving again. Primordus will probably be portrayed as the "bigger & badder" dragon, with mindless minions that can't be reasoned with.
  18. Given by the text of the preview, it’s clear that Primordus will be a large component of these new chapters. Seeing how Primordus was a major player in Season 3 and Jormag in IBS, we could see both dragons bite the dust and as the preview states the consequences will be felt across the sea. That too. But I feel these threats, and the next one to die if that happened, would be Primordus. He has the reach to do global incursions. Jormag is in the far north. Befriending the Frost Legion sounds weird. But I could see Ryland leading them against Primordus. The new incursions could also be from the water dragon. Which ice would also help with.
  19. I may have misremembered which one was flying around the Mists. That does not change the situation. Unless you know of some other way to incapacitate Primordus. Jormag is still the lesser of two evils. Primordus will eventually recover, and Jormag is currently the only way to deal with them. There are multiple reasons why Aurene would prefer working with the Frost Legion/Icebrood over Destroyers.
  20. Because according to Aurene, Primordius is flying around in the Mists planning something. And on the whole. Jormag has always been the less destructive dragon. He's literally the Dragon of Conflagration. The largest in size. And his minions don't get to enjoy as much freedom.
  21. On purpose no. But it still remains that Jormag was part of the process to make Primordius comatose, even if it was unintentional.
  22. It would. But killing the dragons is currently out of the question. And the only way we got Primordius to back off last time was by using Jormag.
  23. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=news&utm_campaign=rssThe episode titles are going to be Truce, Power, Balance, and then Judgement. I have a feeling we are going to truce with Jormag to defeat Primordius. They were disabled the same time as Jormag, and we know Jormag continued to do stuff, but we don't know what Primordius has being doing this whole time. And if there was ever was an enemy of my enemy is my friend situation, it would be the source of Jormag's weakness.
  24. Besides my thoughts that it refers to a two headed underwater dragon being replaced, ie the end of dragonS, it could also refer to the end of the original dragon cycle. If Jormag turns out to be good. She can most likely keep Primordius in check since they have the whole cancellation thing going on.And then Kuunavang replaces Bubbles or Zhaitan. The Pale Tree assumes the role of Mordremoth. Aurene continues to serve as Kralkatorrik stand-in. And the remaining spheres are spread amongst the group. The world makes do with 5 until a 6th can be found.
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