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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. While your post is very aspirational you are severely mistaken. Corruption, use a capital C if it helps you, is the process by which matter is irreversibly replaced by matter within a Elder Dragons sphere of influence. Branding is when you do that with the crystal domain. It only applies to Kralkatorrik and now possibly Aurene. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/BrandedAnd this is/was the Brand. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragonbrand In and of itself it is Corrupted and that does not change when Aurene replaces it. The soil can no longer can support life. It stops being part of nature. The comparison to transpeople is incredibly reductive and I would prefer if you not include it in this discussion. They don't stop being human. Cleansed Corruption is when Corruption no longer seeks to spread itself and/or serve. The Pale Tree and Glint were cleansed. The Sylvari and Aurene were born that way. Caithe received some more recently. They are all still Corrupted. Jormag does not do that. There was no Forgotten ritual to bestow them with cleansed Corruption. Jormag is the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion. They tempt people with power into corrupting themselves. The Svanir relaxing in hotsprings are not these Svanir https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Veteran_Icebrood_Svanir But eventually they all turn to ice and start killing and gathering magic.
  2. Draconic corruption in this sense refers to the corrupted entity being under the mental thrall of the dragon.That was before.And now it can also just refer to physiological corruption. Caithe's transformation by Aurene is like the Frost LegionThat's because Jormag learned from Aurene how to corrupt without taking away the mind.Caithe was already born a dragon minion with free will. I don't think this qualifies as a new ability. Moreover, free will is complicated with Jormag's method of corruption. Even with Aurene as well. The Sylvari were free until they weren't and it didn't require them to be corrupted again.
  3. Given the many heads Zhaitan sprouted, I don't think two heads is all that special. Zhaitan did not have two distinct personalities cooperating, or fighting, for control of the same body.
  4. I think its one replacement dragon (Kuunavang) replacing a dragon with two heads/personalities.
  5. The trailer ends with this shot https://guildwars2.staticwars.com/img/eod/end-of-dragons-ogimage.51cf1031.jpg We have already seen concept art with many heads. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_sea_dragon I'm getting the feeling Bubbles is a two headed dragon and it was called S... because it has two names. So S... for one head and InsetSecondHeadName for the other. I think maybe one head is good and one is evil and that's why we are getting mixed messages for the mysterious voice vs the treatment of the largos. Perhaps at this point one head wants to kill the other (which will also kill itself) "It doesn't have to be this way" is Kuunavang not wanting to replace the siblings. The end of dragons, plural, is their death.
  6. Which could attribute to Aesgeir smashing the tusk and causing other pieces of it to shatter. It seems pretty kitten safe to say that’s where the tooth is from. I mean yeah it’s a tusk, which technically an elongated tooth anyways. Doesn't the fang in hoelbrak have its gum line? That implies a whole tooth was knocked out. Not the tip of another.
  7. https://www.hakaimagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/header-sea-slugs.jpghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Jormag.jpg Thoughts?
  8. So...then play dom/dueling with chaos or inspiration? Nothing is stopping you from playing core. There seems to be a glass half full, half empty situation going on. Where you have mesmers like @"Jazz.4639" on this forum or Silence on reddit excitedly showing off their power core/mirage builds for competitive modes and then another group complaining about power chrono in those areas. Rather than say which is more valid. How about which is more likely for Anet to address? Professions having a viable build for each archetype in every game mode OR elite specs having a viable build for each archetype in every game mode. I think they are going to aim for the the one that's easier to balance and takes less work.
  9. This seems very disingenuous. If the next patch was lowering the cooldown on five mirage skills by .5 seconds and removing distortion would your next post be 5 buffs/1 nerf? You don't need their help in coming up with a metric. You have an opinion on a maggot vs a butterfly, you don't need someone else to define the difference between quality and quantity. If the next patch did that then yes, that's how I would count it. That's how it has always been counted.Unless it's the OP of this thread where it doesn't matter how many changes there were because qualitatively they were small or irrelevant? Come on. You understand what people are talking about.
  10. This seems very disingenuous. If the next patch was lowering the cooldown on five mirage skills by .5 seconds and removing distortion would your next post be 5 buffs/1 nerf? You don't need their help in coming up with a metric. You have an opinion on a maggot vs a butterfly, you don't need someone else to define the difference between quality and quantity.
  11. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAw27lZglx+Yl44KZ26A-zRJYjR7/ZkpCobpgGnl2/1A-e Something like this suffices in WvW zergs. Your job is to cc people and rip boons as a utility bot.
  12. I mean is that really a problem though? The afk kills just got better vs tankier targets, and if you want an actual dueling build you can go core or mirage.
  13. What? Chrono is stronger? Power Chrono is unplayable now in PvP and small scale WvW. Getting IP back while losing distortion will most likely not change that. Do you even play this game? Power Chrono had one second of distortion before, and no way to access it without a clone out, if it is "unplayable now" it was unplayable then too.If your goal is to rotate around the map and kill players before they can respond. Chrono does it better. If you are getting into longer duels play core, or even mirage.
  14. This calculation is missing 1,1887 from another split second. Not including whatever instant damage you could toss into that situation. So the damage wasn't calculated with IP. In addition, he went mental anguish over vicious expression. dmg_multiplicator = (4 1,2 0,66 0,75 1,05) + (4 0,66 0,75) = 4,4748 4: times you hit with Split Seconds (3 clones + the self shatter from IP)1,2: 20% from Mental Anguish0,66: the damage from split second after the patch0,75: 75% crit chance1,05: 5% from time catches up+4: times you hit with the second hit of Split Seconds (3 clones + the self shatter from IP)0,66: the damage from split second after the patch0,75: 75% crit chanceEven if you disregard dry shattering CS in a burst build, why would the Chrono be using mental anguish over vicious expression in your comparison? And why wouldn't you be dry shattering f3 to proc danger time ? edit: 14% MORE than 4,8
  15. Are you confusing Illusionary persona with continuum shift ? that said purely on a burst perspective chrono is going to burst harder post patch than core (unless giving up domination or dueling for chrono in which case i'm not sure) Sort of. He compared a four person mind wrack to a four person split-second. But he forgot that with IP we can also dry shatter CS This calculation is missing 1,1887 from another split second. Not including whatever instant damage you could toss into that situation. So the damage wasn't calculated with IP. In addition, he went mental anguish over vicious expression.
  16. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that. Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword. Are you talking by any chance about pve? And what has 50% less damage with the 50% nerfs to do directly Oo If your build was some wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch. Dodging the second hit from split-second will halve your shatter damager. The first burst isn't a problem, you have double skills to lockdown and damage them. Afterwards, it might prove difficult to keep them still for 2 seconds every time you want to shatter, and you'll start to feel the loss of mental anguish on the second hit. tldr; your first burst as chrono is better than core, every burst after that is a little to a lot less but you burst more often. You speak in mystery’s my friend xD Are you telling me there are people playing power chrono right now? I don’t really know if you are aware of the fact that chrono has right now no IP to do a „ wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch„ - combo Mantra of distraction is a utility skill that cc's at instant speed. Delayed reactions gives slow on cc. Mental anguish and superiority complex give more damage on cc. And danger time gives more damage on slow. If you weren't taking advantage of that then there is nothing to complain about. It would be similar to any burst dom/dueling/illusions core would put out. Now with IP back, it is way more, and the following bursts are way less. xDDD the Guild Wars Police again I'll make this very simple. For a quick combo, chrono is stronger. For a short fight, core is stronger. For a long fight, chrono is stronger .Your complaint seems to be that it is not stronger than core all the time. Emm... yes Oo pre or post patch, core is stronger then chrono Because you did the math and the new split second is 6.87% weaker? You realize that's without IP? What is without IP, the calculation I did was with IP and the new shatter you speak again in mystery’s You realize split second (f1) isn't the only skill you can activate during IP right? Within 1.5 seconds you have the time to dry shatter f2 again, and a free charge of mantra of pain.And you can swap mental anguish for vicious expression so the first and second do 15% more, instead of 20/0
  17. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that. Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword. Are you talking by any chance about pve? And what has 50% less damage with the 50% nerfs to do directly Oo If your build was some wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch. Dodging the second hit from split-second will halve your shatter damager. The first burst isn't a problem, you have double skills to lockdown and damage them. Afterwards, it might prove difficult to keep them still for 2 seconds every time you want to shatter, and you'll start to feel the loss of mental anguish on the second hit. tldr; your first burst as chrono is better than core, every burst after that is a little to a lot less but you burst more often. You speak in mystery’s my friend xD Are you telling me there are people playing power chrono right now? I don’t really know if you are aware of the fact that chrono has right now no IP to do a „ wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch„ - combo Mantra of distraction is a utility skill that cc's at instant speed. Delayed reactions gives slow on cc. Mental anguish and superiority complex give more damage on cc. And danger time gives more damage on slow. If you weren't taking advantage of that then there is nothing to complain about. It would be similar to any burst dom/dueling/illusions core would put out. Now with IP back, it is way more, and the following bursts are way less. xDDD the Guild Wars Police again I'll make this very simple. For a quick combo, chrono is stronger. For a short fight, core is stronger. For a long fight, chrono is stronger .Your complaint seems to be that it is not stronger than core all the time. Emm... yes Oo pre or post patch, core is stronger then chrono Because you did the math and the new split second is 6.87% weaker? You realize that's without IP?
  18. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that. Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword. Are you talking by any chance about pve? And what has 50% less damage with the 50% nerfs to do directly Oo If your build was some wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch. Dodging the second hit from split-second will halve your shatter damager. The first burst isn't a problem, you have double skills to lockdown and damage them. Afterwards, it might prove difficult to keep them still for 2 seconds every time you want to shatter, and you'll start to feel the loss of mental anguish on the second hit. tldr; your first burst as chrono is better than core, every burst after that is a little to a lot less but you burst more often. You speak in mystery’s my friend xD Are you telling me there are people playing power chrono right now? I don’t really know if you are aware of the fact that chrono has right now no IP to do a „ wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch„ - combo Mantra of distraction is a utility skill that cc's at instant speed. Delayed reactions gives slow on cc. Mental anguish and superiority complex give more damage on cc. And danger time gives more damage on slow. If you weren't taking advantage of that then there is nothing to complain about. It would be similar to any burst dom/dueling/illusions core would put out. Now with IP back, it is way more, and the following bursts are way less. xDDD the Guild Wars Police againI'll make this very simple. For a quick combo, chrono is stronger. For a short fight, core is stronger. For a long fight, chrono is stronger .Your complaint seems to be that it is not stronger than core all the time. But nothing is stopping you from playing core in sPvP.
  19. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that. Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword. Are you talking by any chance about pve? And what has 50% less damage with the 50% nerfs to do directly Oo If your build was some wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch. Dodging the second hit from split-second will halve your shatter damager. The first burst isn't a problem, you have double skills to lockdown and damage them. Afterwards, it might prove difficult to keep them still for 2 seconds every time you want to shatter, and you'll start to feel the loss of mental anguish on the second hit. tldr; your first burst as chrono is better than core, every burst after that is a little to a lot less but you burst more often. You speak in mystery’s my friend xD Are you telling me there are people playing power chrono right now? I don’t really know if you are aware of the fact that chrono has right now no IP to do a „ wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch„ - combo Mantra of distraction is a utility skill that cc's at instant speed. Delayed reactions gives slow on cc. Mental anguish and superiority complex give more damage on cc. And danger time gives more damage on slow. If you weren't taking advantage of that then there is nothing for you to complain about. Power chrono will now simply hit harder than core on the first burst, and less on the follow up, but has more dps through out. Edit: Its the same with survival. Chrono can spam more defenses in the first interaction, has weaker defenses on the follow up, but can use their weaker defenses more often.
  20. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that. Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword. Are you talking by any chance about pve? And what has 50% less damage with the 50% nerfs to do directly OoAny power build that isn't looking to one-shot someone from stealth got improved. They never had enough slow uptime to keep up with their f1 spam.However, if your build was some wombo combo of mantra of distraction with delayed reactions to proc f1, danger time, mental anguish, superiority complex with f1 from stealth in under a second you might have a bad time after the patch. Dodging the second hit from split-second will halve your shatter damage. The first burst isn't a problem, you have double skills to lockdown and damage them. Afterwards, it might prove difficult to keep them still for 2 seconds every time you want to shatter, and you'll start to feel the loss of mental anguish on the second hit so you'll probably switch to vicious expression. tldr; your first burst as chrono is better than core, every burst after that is a little to a lot less but you burst more often.
  21. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect? Better question is: How many trade offs do you want to give chrono? As if he wouldn’t be punished with the F4 loss. CS doesn’t even generate distortion anymore, making it unusable if you are low life and under pressure... Why is CP now a justification to give more trade offs at all?? CP has a trade off itself btw. This is so ridiculous, there is this one time chrono gets something paired with more nerfs and everyone thinks this will change anything about chrono. The truth is one 50% nerf after another grinded chrono down to the state he is today. No IP will change that.Power chrono refers to a number of builds. The vast majority were helped by not having split-second rely on slow. And they do more damage than ever before. It is possible for a burst build to do 50% less damage with split-second than before. As they can guarantee slow with delayed reactions + power lock but may have difficulty getting this new delayed strike in. However, they can now set off a continuum split for the initial burst for way more than 50% back. Sure, following that core will have better burst damage/defense for the next 105 seconds. But Chrono has better dps/hps/everything per second the entire time. I don't see the problem. Especially since the 50% loss is assuming you can't pull off a immobilize with a sword.
  22. Also, this may be a glass half empty/glass half full situation, but this was technically a 33% buff. People in fractals/wvw/pvp generally have terrible slow uptime. From their perspective shatters are hitting harder than before.
  23. How is "6,78% LESS damage" an issue when you also get alacrity, continuum shift, and chronophantasma on top? Is Chrono supposed to be better than core in every respect?
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