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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. Perhaps this defeats my original point. But isn't divine magic and mists magic the same things? Like is there a substantive difference between revenant and divine spellcasting? Maybe it's not Joko that's special but Tyrian magic is restricted by the All. EDs cannot intentionally go outside their spheres because it stresses the system. Maybe Aurene was allowed to eat Joko. But Jormag had to use persuasion magic with the Havroun. Kralkatorrik could passively absorb parts of Balthazar but not actively consume him. We're not entirely clear if "Mists magic" and "divine magic" are different. On one hand, we have this which would imply it's the same (or very similar) as it takes magic of divine origin (e.g., Jade Wind) and tears in the Mists (e.g., Temple of the Ages) and combines them under "energy of the Mists". There is one slight inconsistency in these items though, in that Exalted magic is put on par to Ley Line (aka Tyrian) magic when Exalted magic comes from the Forgotten which is non-Tyrian origins (and thus why the Exalted cannot be corrupted just as Forgotten magic can counter corruption). On the other hand, the fact that Balthazar twisted Tyrian magic into divine magic implies that it functions far more similarly to dragon magic - which is basically "normal magic" altered into another form. Normally, Elder Dragons can consume normal magic just fine, and it would seem they can even consume the Mists just fine, but divine magic has some sort of "barrier of understanding" that prevents its consumption unless in a freed state (e.g., Balthazar's death). Tyrian magic can be warped into either dragon or divine magic, and not all divine magic is of Tyrian origin (the implication being that the original divine magic comes from the human homeworld that largely lacks magic except for the Six Gods' divine magic as far as we're currently aware). Suffice it to say, the answer is: unclear. The issue is, Jormag ate Owl. That should be as good as Kralkatorrik and Aurene eating Balthazar in regards to becoming capable of consuming "Mists magic" regardless of whether divine magic and Mists magic are the same or not.But Owl is a spirit. Doesn't that fall under Preservation magic? Like https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Consume_SoulIIRC Dervish and Rangers don't "consume" them. And Revenants only can under the influence of Glint. If ED are entirely beholden to this system of maintaining magic levels. Why would they actively eat gods? Kralkatorrik is the first to physically enter the Mists after we released Balthazar's magic for him. And look how much damage it did. Assuming the All was created under intelligent design, only passive hunger would be tolerated. And an ED can no more choose to eat a god than Jormag can choose to use Bubble's spheres. The war domain does not belong on the planet.
  2. Perhaps this defeats my original point. But isn't divine magic and mists magic the same things? Like is there a substantive difference between revenant and divine spellcasting? Maybe it's not Joko that's special but Tyrian magic is restricted by the All. EDs cannot intentionally go outside their spheres because it stresses the system. Maybe Aurene was allowed to eat Joko. But Jormag had to use persuasion magic with the Havroun. Kralkatorrik could passively absorb parts of Balthazar but not actively consume him.
  3. Optimism is nonsensical at this point. You might as well start posting ideas for elite specializations you dreamt up. I said slightly positive anticipation because there's always a sliver of hope otherwise one may as well stop playing. There is a difference between a sliver of hope and asking them to kitten up a perfectly fine skill because you believe it could be better.Whenever you have to declare you stand by your opinion maybe post about a potential e-spec instead.. At least in that case if they take your advise and mess up you haven't impacted the rest of the profession. I don't recall anywhere me asking them to do anything to mirage cloak. I stand by everything I wrote here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1080067/#Comment_1080067 I also maintain staff 4 needs modifying to make it more unique and impactful as a skill as it has been in a poor state since the number of chaos armour nerfs a long time ago - which I have suggested various things in the past. Even something as minor as providing aoe protection sharing on cast, or active aoe blind application on cast would go a long way to reinforcing it. At this point I'm wondering if you're just wanting to perpetuate this due to my stance in your other thread. I've got no issue with you, but do recognise I am an advocate for preserving fun gameplay on mirage as it is the only spec and reason I play this game any more. My response wasn't about mc. I simply don't understand why you would suggest a change to staff 4. It's fine. Even great in some instances.It's not as good as 2 or 5 but it doesn't need a redesign. Giving it a chained skill like @Koen.1327 suggested sure. Thinking they could push it farther than that without messing staff up further seems weird at this point. That's why I suggested you make an elite thread instead. If they mess up one of those weapons it doesn't affect the rest of mesmer. If it has gotten to the point where mirage is your only reason to play I don't see why you would trust them with your suggestion. Edit: I don't want to make it seem like I believe they are incompetent. They've made a lot of good decisions and reworks. I just believe they should concentrate on repairing stuff before they try for new stuff. It is a difficult job and they need to give themselves room to mess up. My reasoning for staff 4 is looking back at what it used to do with rng blind (understandably removed due to luck factor of counterplay) and before the icd on boon/condi procs (understandably too powerful at the time). But more crucially I find it a dull concept - a skill that just gives an aura with single on activation minor aoe condi proc. And that aura has to be traited for to be somewhat decent, nevermind that it's easy to get the base aura effect from leaping through 5 with 2 or Jaunt etc making it less unique as a dedicated weapon skill. In the spirit of trying to give more variety to staff rather than 111+2 monotonous gameplay, for me it would be nice to have a number 4 skill that also was more visually and mechanically interesting. Comparing with Greatsword on the other hand where all the skills are fairly unique, or even our offhands which in general have interesting 4 and 5 skills, hence being more stimulating stimulating to play. At this point the only reason I continue to use staff is Phase Retreat is so powerful, otherwise any combination of main/offhand is likely more effective while also being more fun to use, especially if these damage nerfs go through to wvw and pve too. Though I see your point that any kind of significant change is historically likely to turn out worse, so I can accept leaving things like this alone for now. I think where we disagree is how good chaos aura is. I already see it as decent without traits. 10 seconds of it from staff 4 + 5&2 is always welcome, especially on builds that don't want to build for those boons. And I don't consider blind vastly better than weakness. Also, you keep mentioning phase retreat and not chaos storm as a reason to use staff, when that skill is fantastic. It is the only source of chill/poison on mesmer. It is 1/3 abilities that can give retaliation, and 1/4 aegis. It had a ~76% chance of dazing once, that is now 100%. Well from the perspective of a mirror match, between the prevalence of cleanses and hard avoidance through evades I don't find chaos armour on an opponent at all discouraging and happy to continue to pressure with damage. Protection is not that strong compared with damage output potential on power or condi, and again usually evading the minor condi from chaos armour - of which only weakness has any significance, or between jaunt/cleansing sigils/torch4/mantra of resolve, if they get applied they either get removed or fall off quickly. Similarly for chaos storm, evades and cleanse mean I just continue to attack through it after the first tick (unless it gets dropped on you, but this is negligable for mirage). The condi durations are so short that even if one or two ticks of application isn't avoided, they fall off quickly enough as it is, not even having to use any cleanse. And that's if the mesmer sits in chaos storm - whereas for a mobile fight in wvw it might not be any concern as you just force them to keep kiting or similar - quite often that aoe position can be wasted outside of a leap finisher to get the aura. It can be argued that cleanse being far too accessible makes these minor condi application almost completely ignorable, nevermind hard avoidance so they don't get applied in the first place. From that perspective I find both staff 4 and 5 underwhelming. 5 gets a pass due to Aegis and the Daze tick for interrupt. Phase Retreat on the other hand is and has always been one of the best skills on the entire class.Mirror comps and discouragement seems outside the topic of a utility weapon intended for general mitigation. And you cannot exactly waste chaos storm unless you are whiffing a ranged interrupt. 5>4>2 can be performed while kiting/juking/bunkering.
  4. Optimism is nonsensical at this point. You might as well start posting ideas for elite specializations you dreamt up. I said slightly positive anticipation because there's always a sliver of hope otherwise one may as well stop playing. There is a difference between a sliver of hope and asking them to kitten up a perfectly fine skill because you believe it could be better.Whenever you have to declare you stand by your opinion maybe post about a potential e-spec instead.. At least in that case if they take your advise and mess up you haven't impacted the rest of the profession. I don't recall anywhere me asking them to do anything to mirage cloak. I stand by everything I wrote here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1080067/#Comment_1080067 I also maintain staff 4 needs modifying to make it more unique and impactful as a skill as it has been in a poor state since the number of chaos armour nerfs a long time ago - which I have suggested various things in the past. Even something as minor as providing aoe protection sharing on cast, or active aoe blind application on cast would go a long way to reinforcing it. At this point I'm wondering if you're just wanting to perpetuate this due to my stance in your other thread. I've got no issue with you, but do recognise I am an advocate for preserving fun gameplay on mirage as it is the only spec and reason I play this game any more. My response wasn't about mc. I simply don't understand why you would suggest a change to staff 4. It's fine. Even great in some instances.It's not as good as 2 or 5 but it doesn't need a redesign. Giving it a chained skill like @Koen.1327 suggested sure. Thinking they could push it farther than that without messing staff up further seems weird at this point. That's why I suggested you make an elite thread instead. If they mess up one of those weapons it doesn't affect the rest of mesmer. If it has gotten to the point where mirage is your only reason to play I don't see why you would trust them with your suggestion. Edit: I don't want to make it seem like I believe they are incompetent. They've made a lot of good decisions and reworks. I just believe they should concentrate on repairing stuff before they try for new stuff. It is a difficult job and they need to give themselves room to mess up. My reasoning for staff 4 is looking back at what it used to do with rng blind (understandably removed due to luck factor of counterplay) and before the icd on boon/condi procs (understandably too powerful at the time). But more crucially I find it a dull concept - a skill that just gives an aura with single on activation minor aoe condi proc. And that aura has to be traited for to be somewhat decent, nevermind that it's easy to get the base aura effect from leaping through 5 with 2 or Jaunt etc making it less unique as a dedicated weapon skill. In the spirit of trying to give more variety to staff rather than 111+2 monotonous gameplay, for me it would be nice to have a number 4 skill that also was more visually and mechanically interesting. Comparing with Greatsword on the other hand where all the skills are fairly unique, or even our offhands which in general have interesting 4 and 5 skills, hence being more stimulating stimulating to play. At this point the only reason I continue to use staff is Phase Retreat is so powerful, otherwise any combination of main/offhand is likely more effective while also being more fun to use, especially if these damage nerfs go through to wvw and pve too. Though I see your point that any kind of significant change is historically likely to turn out worse, so I can accept leaving things like this alone for now.I think where we disagree is how good chaos aura is. I already see it as decent without traits. 10 seconds of it from staff 4 + 5&2 is always welcome, especially on builds that don't want to build for those boons. And I don't consider blind vastly better than weakness. Also, you keep mentioning phase retreat and not chaos storm as a reason to use staff, when that skill is fantastic. It is the only source of chill/poison on mesmer. It is 1/3 abilities that can give retaliation, and 1/4 aegis. It had a ~76% chance of dazing once, that is now 100%.
  5. They have always been competent. But even if you do several good things and only a little bad, if you don't fix the bad it becomes a problem that damages trust.
  6. Optimism is nonsensical at this point. You might as well start posting ideas for elite specializations you dreamt up. I said slightly positive anticipation because there's always a sliver of hope otherwise one may as well stop playing. There is a difference between a sliver of hope and asking them to kitten up a perfectly fine skill because you believe it could be better.Whenever you have to declare you stand by your opinion maybe post about a potential e-spec instead.. At least in that case if they take your advise and mess up you haven't impacted the rest of the profession. I don't recall anywhere me asking them to do anything to mirage cloak. I stand by everything I wrote here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1080067/#Comment_1080067 I also maintain staff 4 needs modifying to make it more unique and impactful as a skill as it has been in a poor state since the number of chaos armour nerfs a long time ago - which I have suggested various things in the past. Even something as minor as providing aoe protection sharing on cast, or active aoe blind application on cast would go a long way to reinforcing it. At this point I'm wondering if you're just wanting to perpetuate this due to my stance in your other thread. I've got no issue with you, but do recognise I am an advocate for preserving fun gameplay on mirage as it is the only spec and reason I play this game any more.My response wasn't about mc. I simply don't understand why you would suggest a change to staff 4. It's fine. Even great in some instances.It's not as good as 2 or 5 but it doesn't need a redesign. Giving it a chained skill like @Koen.1327 suggested sure. Thinking they could push it farther than that without messing staff up further seems weird at this point. That's why I suggested you make an elite thread instead. If they mess up one of those weapons it doesn't affect the rest of mesmer. If it has gotten to the point where mirage is your only reason to play I don't see why you would trust them with your suggestion. Edit: I don't want to make it seem like I believe they are incompetent. They've made a lot of good decisions and reworks. I just believe they should concentrate on repairing stuff before they try for new stuff. It is a difficult job and they need to give themselves room to mess up.
  7. They should be commended for making a numerical change even if it was to the wrong stuff in some cases. This won't take over a year to fix if it goes south.
  8. Optimism is nonsensical at this point. You might as well start posting ideas for elite specializations you dreamt up. I said slightly positive anticipation because there's always a sliver of hope otherwise one may as well stop playing.There is a difference between a sliver of hope and asking them to kitten up a perfectly fine skill because you believe it could be better.Whenever you have to declare you stand by your opinion maybe post about a potential e-spec instead.. At least in that case if they take your advise and mess up you haven't impacted the rest of the profession.
  9. @Cal Cohen.3527 until you successfully repair chrono's ability to function why on earth would you touch mirage's mechanic. There is too much risk. You have shown you don't have the ability to address problems promptly. Why create a scenario that could go wrong and leave mesmers only making an impact in raids? And speaking of impact, if you can't even ship impact savant with barrier from condi damage, why would you trust you can ship a new mirage mechanic that isn't unneccesarily restrictive? I know I am being pessimistic, but I truly believe numerical changes (even drastic 50% reductions like you propose in your post) are ultimately better. I do not believe your studio's tech department can pump out reworks fast enough to deal with issues, vs just raising a number if kitten hits the fan.
  10. Optimism is nonsensical at this point. You might as well start posting ideas for elite specializations you dreamt up.
  11. I have been informed by a friend who's guildmate I also play with occasionally (a solid guardian) that they can prebuff themselves in a different template to 30s quickness before swapping and engaging in a different spec, eg DH. It's possible to do things like engage in torch stealth with PU before swapping template to two completely different weapons such as pistol and greatsword. This is scratching the surface to what kind of insane pre combat setup or out of combat instant swap to hardcounter potential there could be. I'm not concerned with people being able to pre-use skills when they put their slots on cooldown. Weapon skills don't go on cooldown, neither are any traited skill interactions even if utility slots do go on cooldown. Longer lasting effects make certain utility cooldowns minor inconvenience compared with the advantage given. In my opinion there are too many potential broken interactions affecting combat for this to not be reevaluated as soon as possible. Weapon skills do go on cooldown last time I checked. Disabling skill 4 on one of your sets for torch's cooldown is an inconvenience, regardless of whether you get +1 second from prismatic. The only potentially broken thing right now is engie toolbelts and kits aren't having their cooldowns impacted at all. edit: I don't care if a guardian can put most of their bar on cooldown to gain quickness if mesmer doesn't have to get stuck on wells/signets every time it wants to give a meaningful amount of alacrity. Well somehow I'm able to torch 4 on a PU template and swap to two different weapons both with skill 4 off cooldown. Or cast staff 5 at feet and swap again with both other skill 5 off cooldown. Effectively I can use skills and trait synergies from a third weapon if its cast effects persist, while swapping template. It's been a long day so I apologise if being blunt about this and can appreciate your new freedom with chrono, but regardless I stand by the opinion this is going to be abused - just a matter of time to see how creative people get with different classes and groups. The one way I could accept this as a feature is if all active effects and placed skills (aoes, traps etc) were instantly dispelled on template swap - which could solve both our issues.That's a bug not a feature. I sometimes get that, and sometimes I don't. Only the heal slot seems to be properly transfering cds. For instance expending two jaunts and swapping builds to a different elite will put the new one on a 60 second cooldown.
  12. I have been informed by a friend who's guildmate I also play with occasionally (a solid guardian) that they can prebuff themselves in a different template to 30s quickness before swapping and engaging in a different spec, eg DH. It's possible to do things like engage in torch stealth with PU before swapping template to two completely different weapons such as pistol and greatsword. This is scratching the surface to what kind of insane pre combat setup or out of combat instant swap to hardcounter potential there could be. I'm not concerned with people being able to pre-use skills when they put their slots on cooldown. Weapon skills don't go on cooldown, neither are any traited skill interactions even if utility slots do go on cooldown. Longer lasting effects make certain utility cooldowns minor inconvenience compared with the advantage given. In my opinion there are too many potential broken interactions affecting combat for this to not be reevaluated as soon as possible.Weapon skills do go on cooldown last time I checked. Disabling skill 4 on one of your sets for torch's cooldown is an inconvenience, regardless of whether you get +1 second from prismatic. The only potentially broken thing right now is engie toolbelts and kits aren't having their cooldowns impacted at all. edit: I don't care if a guardian can put most of their bar on cooldown to gain quickness if mesmer doesn't have to get stuck on wells/signets every time it wants to give a meaningful amount of alacrity.
  13. we have 2 builds, and since I play both PvE and PvP its a net lose for me. templates succ, big gem sink not gonna pay for them, thank you very much! You have three! Remember to buy the free one in gem shop! Net gains! I ment the weapon set ones, only got 2.since i run both cmira power chrono/core. an supp chrono those are at least 4 different weapon sets. :/ Still don't see how you lost anything. Unless you meant you are using different weapon sets in WvW, PvP and PvE. But weapon sets didn't auto switch anyway so it is still a gain. I gain nothing out of the system, only thing that changed is the fact that i have to change builds between pvp and pve, and after pvp ends im in pve with pvp build, if it puts me in combat its really annoying You gain the ability to share you builds and adopt others without having to manually copy all traits. I had the ability to do that already, by typing.now i have ability to get kitten over by swamp of lab monsters becouse my pvp build is bad in pve.It might be me making builds like this in league but making build in gw2 from scratch ( trait wise ) takes me 10-15s maxIf you are able to change builds that fast without abusing a macro I commend your speed. But other people are not. Especially when you add in stat selecting.
  14. we have 2 builds, and since I play both PvE and PvP its a net lose for me. templates succ, big gem sink not gonna pay for them, thank you very much! You have three! Remember to buy the free one in gem shop! Net gains! I ment the weapon set ones, only got 2.since i run both cmira power chrono/core. an supp chrono those are at least 4 different weapon sets. :/ Still don't see how you lost anything. Unless you meant you are using different weapon sets in WvW, PvP and PvE. But weapon sets didn't auto switch anyway so it is still a gain. I gain nothing out of the system, only thing that changed is the fact that i have to change builds between pvp and pve, and after pvp ends im in pve with pvp build, if it puts me in combat its really annoyingYou gain the ability to share you builds and adopt others without having to manually copy all traits.
  15. I have been informed by a friend who's guildmate I also play with occasionally (a solid guardian) that they can prebuff themselves in a different template to 30s quickness before swapping and engaging in a different spec, eg DH. It's possible to do things like engage in torch stealth with PU before swapping template to two completely different weapons such as pistol and greatsword. This is scratching the surface to what kind of insane pre combat setup or out of combat instant swap to hardcounter potential there could be.I'm not concerned with people being able to pre-use skills when they put their slots on cooldown.
  16. I wouldn't say they barely notice in this case. They've consistently added anti-stealth measures to WvW and more reveals to each profession. This includes returning the one scrapper lost.They also made a post recently asking for everyone's opinions. I'm sure they didn't intend to give engies a free stealth gyro at the beginning of combat.
  17. Then they should change that. Not exactly. They can use any ability in a fight until they do damage. Like using moa then photon forge, which was not supposed to be possible as a trade off. Giving them macros for free skills at the beginning of combat isn't healthy.
  18. we have 2 builds, and since I play both PvE and PvP its a net lose for me. templates succ, big gem sink not gonna pay for them, thank you very much! You have three! Remember to buy the free one in gem shop! Net gains! I ment the weapon set ones, only got 2.since i run both cmira power chrono/core. an supp chrono those are at least 4 different weapon sets. :/ Still don't see how you lost anything. Unless you meant you are using different weapon sets in WvW, PvP and PvE. But weapon sets didn't auto switch anyway so it is still a gain.
  19. Any other Chrono fans wanna chime in and let him know what having your class destroyed really feels like? Side note, I roam on DH and FB all the time and it’s faceroll easy to be successful. This is a you problem, not a design problem sorry. Not fooling anyone acting as if Chronomancer, or the Mesmer profession, didn’t need adjusting... Or pretending this class isn’t still powerful. Not bothering to look back and see if anyone pointed this out. But that person using an f5 should be clear indication how out of date that gameplay is. All of the chronomancer traits and shatters he used have been replaced. No one is pretending anything about how powerful the profession currently is.
  20. we have 2 builds, and since I play both PvE and PvP its a net lose for me. templates succ, big gem sink not gonna pay for them, thank you very much! You have three! Remember to buy the free one in gem shop! Net gains!
  21. Switching to builds that need to hide/portal in WvW is easier (will edit in link) Mimic is very bugged when using it and swapping to builds that don't have it and back. And Chrono is definitely not getting CS dry shatter back. Also. Gimme dem links. Remember to buy the free build storage in gem shop.
  22. I understand if this is an oversight because you want people to be able to switch between land/underwater modes without hassle. But wow. Want a free stealth gyro just smoke bomb/big ol' bomb/toss elixir s/rumble and switch to your regular build. With 6 build/equipment slots engie has over 50 abilities that do not share a cooldown. Edit: moa people and then spam holosmith abilites etc
  23. Beyond the restriction of polar opposites (ex something cannot be alive and undead, hot and cold) what are some interesting mixtures you would like to see in the game? Like Kasmeer working with Jory to construct an illusion that can raise the dead.
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