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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. As much as Kralk cared he could not stop himself. Aurene is the first of her kind because the other ED are completely beholden to the dragonrise cycle. It is unknown whether Kuunavang from Gw1 is like Aurene or like Skyscales.
  2. The real question will be.. what kind of eggs/scions will they be considering she is the first of her kind of dragon.. so to speak :) Unless the change did something we aren't aware of she is still a crystal dragon. Kralkatorrik was describing her in the present tense before her ascension. The way she's been described is that she's more of a prism.. a dragon of light rather than the crystal dragon that she was.She may still be crystaline in form though.. or glass like but she could also be literally a dragon made out of light..We've seen very little of her since her ascention so her ascended form is still a bit of a mystery. What I meant when I referenced first of her kind was more related to her abilities more than her physical traits.Kralkatorrik and Aurine are very different beings both in physical traits and abilities so it will be interesting to see what this Elder Aurine is capable of producing as scions.Glint and default Aurine were much like Kralkatorrik in terms of physical traits.. but ascended Aurine is something very different.Will Aurines scions look more like her original form.. or will they look more like glass dragons?.. will they share in her powers or be more like lesser Dragons?There's a good chance we'll never know this. Glass falls under crystal in this game because it is superheated sand. As do most prisms. Her sphere of influence is light not her form. And that name has to do with her having several domains and that being analogous to making white light. Light the substance is under the fury domain. Yes but you can argue that crystal and glass have different properties.You can't see through many crystals but you can see through most glass. Kralk, Glint, Vlast and Aurine all shared similar physical traits originally, a dragon body with crystals growing out of it but Aurines elder form is vastly different from anything we've seen in the world so far.She looks almost elemental.. like she's made completely out of light not crystal.Until the devs really define her new form in game we can only specualte what she actually looks like now. It doesn't matter whether it is light, crystal, amorphous glass, air, plasma, etc. They all fall under the crystal/fury domains and the potential body makeup of a crystal dragon. Her coating herself in any of those substances, such as Primordius did with rock and fire from GW1 to GW2, is not unusual. She has shinier crystals and brand. She is not made of light. This is what a dragon made of light looks like:
  3. No? Why would forcing the Elder Dragons into hibernation be at all pushing "this topic past the life span" of the races? It's still happening here and now. Hence the forcing and not waiting them to drain magic from a more-saturated-than-ever-before magical world. Well yes, you force them now. But you still end up replacing them later since hibernation can be heralded out of. And their general disposition is unchanged. If millennia are required to hatch them then most alive today won't be dealing with it. Working on the presumption that despite having an almost recovered dragon champion and an Elder Dragon on the side of mortals, and multiple species with the knowledge that Elder Dragons need magic to rise (something they lacked before GW2; and they even lacked the knowledge that Elder Dragons existed before they rose), that the mortals of Tyria are still incapable of reducing the amount of magic in the world to a point where there's not enough for whatever few minions remain after a proactive genocide of icebrood, destroyers, and whatever-the-DSD's-minions-are to re-raise Jormag, the main difference between these two "that's a matter for another day" scenarios is that one method (waiting on scions) leaves the threats active and out there; while the other method (forcing hibernation) the threat is no longer active and out there. [snip] I am saying forced hibernation will inevitably also entail waiting on scions. Neither the reduction of minions nor magic has a good track record. Mordremoth essentially heralding himself using ley lines. The bloodstones causing widespread conflict even before they were opened by extradimensional entities. And even within the scion method itself, Aurene could hypothetically become unsuitable. Having the option to replace is important.
  4. Do you have an actual bench for this (the IA pchrono)? IMO, it seems a bit off and the number looks suspiciously the same as a bench done in Nov 2018... (before a fair amount of nerfs happened btw) The absolute highest bench I believed it would ever reach atm would be 30-31k, but probably realistically hover around 30k or less. No. I only tested his weird solo build concept vs heal firebrand. If IA over DT is benching 30k now that doesn't change anything. The difference between dps firebrand without allies and heal firebrand is more than 3k
  5. No? Why would forcing the Elder Dragons into hibernation be at all pushing "this topic past the life span" of the races? It's still happening here and now. Hence the forcing and not waiting them to drain magic from a more-saturated-than-ever-before magical world. Well yes, you force them now. But you still end up replacing them later since hibernation can be heralded out of. And their general disposition is unchanged. If millennia are required to hatch them then most alive today won't be dealing with it.
  6. Geeze can you quit it with that nonsense? Using the word womb is crossing a line even for me. Go buy a pet gecko. Glint wasn't compelled to have children. Not was it her most defining trait. It's not like people stop existing when they have have children. That is broey How does the word womb cross the line? Would reproductive plumbing be easier for you to accept? When talking to children about butterflies you just say eggs. Saying womb would be wrong on several levels. That word is specifically for mammals. And you are not only implying more about the situation than egg laying entails, you are also using an informal word typically used with humans for a creature that, in the child's eyes, may be a day old. Now THAT is creepy, how about we not bring the word unwilling into this conversation. At no point in this discussion have I ever said it is the only solution, that it would work five times or even one. The vast majority of glints eggs never hatched even though she theoretically laid them for the purpose of replacing Elder Dragons. Then don't make it revolve around that? Have the Pale Tree ascend so she is more than a mother for an infertile race. And have Aurene lay eggs but we have no way to bring them out of stasis. Don't hide behind children. Aurene is not a butterfly, she is a self aware entity with agency. Despite your efforts she can not be reduced to her reproductive plumbing. If Aurene must save the world by having children we should deal with the implications beyond her physical ability to have children. If we can't deal with the implications, we shouldn't use motherhood as a deus ex. You are genuinely confusing. If we can't bring Aurene's hypothetical eggs out of stasis, why have her lay them? Aurene is not a human. She is a self aware entity that also chose to eat Joko and brand Caithe. What is one more taboo? She is not guaranteed to share any of your values, even if you personally find them to be important. You cannot say to not reduce her to her plumbing and in the next breath say motherhood must be protected from dues ex. Either her parts are such a fraction of her identity that it is of no consequence. Or you are treating motherhood to a degree that demeans people who chose to end the process, or cannot begin in the first place. I don't see you championing the Pale Tree to do more than sit around and make children. Maybe start there first. Or don't because neither she, nor Glint, nor eventually Aurene are mothers any more than they are fathers. Edit: all I'm saying is approach this from the standpoint people have different religious beliefs in game and out.
  7. No, it would just mean we cannot kill the remaining Elder Dragons and must find a way to put them into a more permanent hibernation instead. Unless, of course, ArenaNet decides to retcon the lore they established in Season 3 and Path of Fire and proclaim Aurene as the One True Elder Dragon who replaces them all. Which would be a bad retcon, imo. Isn't that the same as waiting for scions? You just kick the can for this topic past the life span of all but perhaps the Syvlari PC. I agree one dragon alone is a bad idea.
  8. That has nothing to do with her biology though. That comes from Kralkatorrik twisting everything into his image. Given our knowledge now, it seems likely that Vlast either hatched from Glint gathering magic over millennia, or from Abaddon's death, as it seems Vlast hatched after Prophecies but (obviously) before Eye of the North. This means us "doing nothing" will take millennia for the eggs to hatch and become Elder Dragons. Obviously not a viable solution. Both Vlast and Aurene were effectively raised the same way. What difference there was, was a champion to link to the scion. Vlast had none, and became a grim, brooding individual who's love for mortals was merely respect for his mother's love for mortals. This key difference, as well as the time it took for Vlast to mature compared to Aurene, showcases what is needed - expert or no. Or the forgotten hatched him themselves using magic? You cannot apply one dragon to all. Much less think there are 0 other options. Ah, yes, the Forgotten. Who were busy resurrecting their kind after the Hero of Nightfall slaughtered through them by the hundreds. It doesn't change the fact that magic is needed to hatch the eggs. Who provided that magic for Vlast isn't nearly as relevant as the fact that magic was needed to be provided. And as such, magic will be needed to hatch Aurene's hypothetical eggs as well, as well as needed to hasten the growth of these new scions so that they can survive a conflict with an Elder Dragon and be ready to take on the burden of becoming an Elder Dragon. Which brings us back to my original point that any "raising of Aurene's scions into new Elder Dragons" will effectively be repeating the shared plot that was Season 2 to Season 4.In the event there are no more scions, not from Aurene, nor hidden Glint eggs, nor Kuunavang, nor Skyscale, is the world doomed?At best the Pale Tree replaces Mordremoth.
  9. I got enough answers to the poll and for people to make several good arguments against the idea.@Forum Moderator.5907 you can close this.
  10. That is probably a better solution for boons. But what about damage skills? I suppose you could let one build be BIS forever as long as other things were still viable. Perhaps my priorities are backwards and Necro needs to be raised up first and the ease of use for Ele increased.
  11. That has nothing to do with her biology though. That comes from Kralkatorrik twisting everything into his image. Given our knowledge now, it seems likely that Vlast either hatched from Glint gathering magic over millennia, or from Abaddon's death, as it seems Vlast hatched after Prophecies but (obviously) before Eye of the North. This means us "doing nothing" will take millennia for the eggs to hatch and become Elder Dragons. Obviously not a viable solution. Both Vlast and Aurene were effectively raised the same way. What difference there was, was a champion to link to the scion. Vlast had none, and became a grim, brooding individual who's love for mortals was merely respect for his mother's love for mortals. This key difference, as well as the time it took for Vlast to mature compared to Aurene, showcases what is needed - expert or no. Or the forgotten hatched him themselves using magic? You cannot apply one dragon to all. Much less think there are 0 other options.
  12. Geeze can you quit it with that nonsense? Using the word womb is crossing a line even for me. Go buy a pet gecko. Glint wasn't compelled to have children. Not was it her most defining trait. It's not like people stop existing when they have have children. That is broey How does the word womb cross the line? Would reproductive plumbing be easier for you to accept?When talking to children about butterflies you just say eggs. Saying womb would be wrong on several levels. That word is specifically for mammals. And you are not only implying more about the situation than egg laying entails, you are also using an informal word typically used with humans for a creature that, in the child's eyes, may be a day old. Now THAT is creepy, how about we not bring the word unwilling into this conversation. At no point in this discussion have I ever said it is the only solution, that it would work five times or even one. The vast majority of glints eggs never hatched even though she theoretically laid them for the purpose of replacing Elder Dragons. Then don't make it revolve around that? Have the Pale Tree ascend so she is more than a mother for an infertile race. And have Aurene lay eggs but we have no way to bring them out of stasis.
  13. There is a difference betweeen dps covering a boon and six to seven covering a boon in a way no other profession can compete with.We have two alacrity bots, and two quickness bots. We don't need more just so DH isn't constantly BIS. Running that many of the same build reduces comp diversity.
  14. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range. perfect party are only for raids, even fractals you don't have it most of the times. Completely wrong unless you are intentionally avoiding the LFG system. Maybe if you are searching for a Tier1 group? Then it does even less damage than a diviner power chrono. Phantasms are illusions. And you cannot shatter a phantasm until chronophantasma is finished. They aggro enemies and body block. If they aren't enough you can slot in phantasmal defender, which aoe taunts for 6 seconds with chronophantasma. CS and signet heal get that to 18 seconds. It does not. The sword strike is the first hit. It then performs a flurry that doesn't have its damage on the tooltip. Pistol is behind sword and focus in power damage. No. No. No. Do not go Chaos and complain about lack of power damage. And do not go Lost Time. With diviner you can get perma alacrity through shatter alone even if you have the reduced duration from improved alacrity. I took the time to test it myself. It is not. You are either doing rotations wrong. Have the wrong build. Or have the wrong gear. You will not lose quickness uptime with the trait setup I gave you because chronophantasma procs phantasmal haste twice. With traited greatsword, pistol/sword phantasm, signet heal, and CS you can easily perma quickness. You have scepter AA/2, GS 2, and all your phantasms eventually becoming clones. You will be able to put all of you shatters on cooldown, even with improved alacrity. Power Chrono struggles when you have no slow uptime. It does not struggle as much as you are describing. This topic is geared towards dealing with the problem of slow and the lack illusionary persona. Not to make Chrono OP. do you wanna know why harrier fb with heal traits does more damage than chrono? because axe auto attacks "3" does the same damage of phantasmal berserker, axe symbol does more damage than phantsmal berserker with half of the cooldown, plus burn and bleeding damage, so hb have a higher dps even if you take chronophantasma to double the damage you can't maintain the dps of a auto attack, then you have tome of justice do even more damage, tome 4 can hit more than phatasmal berserker without counting the 5 stacks of burns, with 25 might+quickness that 5 stacks of burn does more damage than phantasmal berserker with chronophantsma, it's sad but it's the truth. Gs 4 has a 15 second cooldown untraited and with no alacrity. With imagined burden and improved alacrity you can lower that to 8. Axe 2 cooldown is also 8. It is never half the cooldown. Similar problems occurred in your phantasmal berserker math since you forgot traited it does 1.5 more damage. You also forgot mesmer can also auto attack. Maybe test it on a golem and take screenshots? well im talking about phantasmal berserker because it's supposed to be the big hit of mesmer right,i was trying to show at build editor but the for some reason it show way less damage to phantasmal than in game.but you can do the math https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Searing_Slash_(firebrand) the full combo proc every 2,45, with quickness every 1,22Damage (2x): 880 (2.4)Burning (2s): 524 Damage https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Berserker best case like you said every 8sDamage (4x): 1,020 (0.92)Greatsword damage: 161 (0.4) the problem here is the coeficient, for phantasmal berserker its almost the half of the auto atk of axe, phantasmal start with higher damage but after you put some power on the fb it's surpass phantasmal berserker, it's like doing a phantasmal berserker every 1,22s Can you do the math? What is (1,020 (.092)) x 3) + 164 (0.4)? If your answer is less than searing slash the answer is no. The auto attack happening faster with quickness is meaningless since the mesmer is also auto attacking with quickness. what kind of math is that? LOL you can't put x3 there,if you put it, you get less 25% and to be fair it's less 10% since you considering probably empowered illusions, then you forget that chronophantasma will daze them for 1,5sec and that's like another auto atk from fb so you have to put x2 on the fb auto atk, then you have to consider 5 stacks of burning damage with 1000 condi damage Do you literally need this much help or are you trolling? I can't tell at this point. For our purposes let phantasmal berskerer damage be 100.100 - 25%. = 75 75*2= 150. Imagined burden makes two bersekers.150*2=300. Each berserker is resummoned with Chronophantasma.What is 300/100? Repeat this with any value. Basic math. You are autoattacking after you cast. And have numerous utility skills that do damage. Heal fb cannot be autoing more than it already is and has no damaging utilities. In no reality will a Heal firebrand do more damage than a diviner power chrono when correctly played. I have wasted my time testing this. You can waste yours confirming how a scepter/sword + GS build intended for damage can dps or stay on whatever mashup you made without reading traits. It has no relevance on this discussion. your math is broken sorry to say LOL, go make a fb and test yourself :) and im not even using a gs on the fb it will do the double of damage I have tested it myself and you are wrong. Which is not surprising given you have misread or ignored imagined burdened, phantasmal haste, improved alacrity, phantasmal swordsman etc. If you want to post screen shots to prove me wrong I welcome it. Go ahead. you keep saying about your unique build like it's the only one viable on the game, can't you see the point? we are comparing a hb with heal traits AUTO ATK vs chrono best hit LOL with all damage traits, so of course the hb will do more dps because you forgot that fb has more attacks than that while chrono is one trick pony, chrono will do his burst and will be left in the dust in the long run, do you even know what dps means?We aren't comparing chrono's best. I gave you a build because you are deciding to yolo on diviner instead of playing sw/sw +sw/f zerker assassin mix. Because you also can't do the math on that either. Edit: Dps chrono benches 33.7k when going improved alacrity over DT. Dps firebrand benches 33.1k when it has no allies to give ashes to. There is no way a solo heal firebrand is ever going to beat a dps chrono unless you are intentionally nerfing yourself.
  15. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range. perfect party are only for raids, even fractals you don't have it most of the times. Completely wrong unless you are intentionally avoiding the LFG system. Maybe if you are searching for a Tier1 group? Then it does even less damage than a diviner power chrono. Phantasms are illusions. And you cannot shatter a phantasm until chronophantasma is finished. They aggro enemies and body block. If they aren't enough you can slot in phantasmal defender, which aoe taunts for 6 seconds with chronophantasma. CS and signet heal get that to 18 seconds. It does not. The sword strike is the first hit. It then performs a flurry that doesn't have its damage on the tooltip. Pistol is behind sword and focus in power damage. No. No. No. Do not go Chaos and complain about lack of power damage. And do not go Lost Time. With diviner you can get perma alacrity through shatter alone even if you have the reduced duration from improved alacrity. I took the time to test it myself. It is not. You are either doing rotations wrong. Have the wrong build. Or have the wrong gear. You will not lose quickness uptime with the trait setup I gave you because chronophantasma procs phantasmal haste twice. With traited greatsword, pistol/sword phantasm, signet heal, and CS you can easily perma quickness. You have scepter AA/2, GS 2, and all your phantasms eventually becoming clones. You will be able to put all of you shatters on cooldown, even with improved alacrity. Power Chrono struggles when you have no slow uptime. It does not struggle as much as you are describing. This topic is geared towards dealing with the problem of slow and the lack illusionary persona. Not to make Chrono OP. do you wanna know why harrier fb with heal traits does more damage than chrono? because axe auto attacks "3" does the same damage of phantasmal berserker, axe symbol does more damage than phantsmal berserker with half of the cooldown, plus burn and bleeding damage, so hb have a higher dps even if you take chronophantasma to double the damage you can't maintain the dps of a auto attack, then you have tome of justice do even more damage, tome 4 can hit more than phatasmal berserker without counting the 5 stacks of burns, with 25 might+quickness that 5 stacks of burn does more damage than phantasmal berserker with chronophantsma, it's sad but it's the truth. Gs 4 has a 15 second cooldown untraited and with no alacrity. With imagined burden and improved alacrity you can lower that to 8. Axe 2 cooldown is also 8. It is never half the cooldown. Similar problems occurred in your phantasmal berserker math since you forgot traited it does 1.5 more damage. You also forgot mesmer can also auto attack. Maybe test it on a golem and take screenshots? well im talking about phantasmal berserker because it's supposed to be the big hit of mesmer right,i was trying to show at build editor but the for some reason it show way less damage to phantasmal than in game.but you can do the math https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Searing_Slash_(firebrand) the full combo proc every 2,45, with quickness every 1,22Damage (2x): 880 (2.4)Burning (2s): 524 Damage https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Berserker best case like you said every 8sDamage (4x): 1,020 (0.92)Greatsword damage: 161 (0.4) the problem here is the coeficient, for phantasmal berserker its almost the half of the auto atk of axe, phantasmal start with higher damage but after you put some power on the fb it's surpass phantasmal berserker, it's like doing a phantasmal berserker every 1,22s Can you do the math? What is (1,020 (.092)) x 3) + 164 (0.4)? If your answer is less than searing slash the answer is no. The auto attack happening faster with quickness is meaningless since the mesmer is also auto attacking with quickness. what kind of math is that? LOL you can't put x3 there,if you put it, you get less 25% and to be fair it's less 10% since you considering probably empowered illusions, then you forget that chronophantasma will daze them for 1,5sec and that's like another auto atk from fb so you have to put x2 on the fb auto atk, then you have to consider 5 stacks of burning damage with 1000 condi damage Do you literally need this much help or are you trolling? I can't tell at this point. For our purposes let phantasmal berskerer damage be 100.100 - 25%. = 75 75*2= 150. Imagined burden makes two bersekers.150*2=300. Each berserker is resummoned with Chronophantasma.What is 300/100? Repeat this with any value. Basic math. You are autoattacking after you cast. And have numerous utility skills that do damage. Heal fb cannot be autoing more than it already is and has no damaging utilities. In no reality will a Heal firebrand do more damage than a diviner power chrono when correctly played. I have wasted my time testing this. You can waste yours confirming how a scepter/sword + GS build intended for damage can dps or stay on whatever mashup you made without reading traits. It has no relevance on this discussion. your math is broken sorry to say LOL, go make a fb and test yourself :) and im not even using a gs on the fb it will do the double of damageI have tested it myself and you are wrong. Which is not surprising given you have misread or ignored imagined burdened, phantasmal haste, improved alacrity, phantasmal swordsman etc. If you want to post screen shots to prove me wrong I welcome it. Go ahead. Edit: you also didn't realise (4 * . 75x) =3x. Or whenever x is a number between 8 and 15 it is never 16 because you were looking at PvP and not PvE.
  16. No I did not. Maybe there are tech work arounds but I doubt it. However while I enjoy playing mesmer. I'm comfortable with diminishing returns in all of PvE. If necros can't bounce epidemic 20 times why should mesmer get 20 gravity wells?Oh, but the necros can bounce epidemic 20 times, or even more. What they can't really do is bounce the same condition over and over again. Skills you are complaining about do not "bounce" the same boons - thy generate new ones. The same way necro can apply more and more condition stacks with each new skill application, and is not limited in this in any way. Notice, there was a time when you could only apply a limited amount of conditions on targets. Until that limitation got removed, condition builds were pretty much kittened outside small scale PvP. We definitely do not want a return of that.Then give diminishing returns in the same respect as epidemic. No one is worrying about the last spot with seven chronos. They are worrying about getting seven people to play chrono. Having it restricted to 3-4 chronos, 3 power, 1 quickness support will alleviate that concern.
  17. Geeze can you quit it with that nonsense? Using the word womb is crossing a line even for me. Go buy a pet gecko. Glint wasn't compelled to have children. Not was it her most defining trait. It's not like people stop existing when they have have children. That is broey
  18. The real question will be.. what kind of eggs/scions will they be considering she is the first of her kind of dragon.. so to speak :) Unless the change did something we aren't aware of she is still a crystal dragon. Kralkatorrik was describing her in the present tense before her ascension. The way she's been described is that she's more of a prism.. a dragon of light rather than the crystal dragon that she was.She may still be crystaline in form though.. or glass like but she could also be literally a dragon made out of light..We've seen very little of her since her ascention so her ascended form is still a bit of a mystery. What I meant when I referenced first of her kind was more related to her abilities more than her physical traits.Kralkatorrik and Aurine are very different beings both in physical traits and abilities so it will be interesting to see what this Elder Aurine is capable of producing as scions.Glint and default Aurine were much like Kralkatorrik in terms of physical traits.. but ascended Aurine is something very different.Will Aurines scions look more like her original form.. or will they look more like glass dragons?.. will they share in her powers or be more like lesser Dragons?There's a good chance we'll never know this.Glass falls under crystal in this game because it is superheated sand. As do most prisms. Her sphere of influence is light not her form. And that name has to do with her having several domains and that being analogous to making white light. Light the substance is under the fury domain.
  19. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range. perfect party are only for raids, even fractals you don't have it most of the times. Completely wrong unless you are intentionally avoiding the LFG system. Maybe if you are searching for a Tier1 group? Then it does even less damage than a diviner power chrono. Phantasms are illusions. And you cannot shatter a phantasm until chronophantasma is finished. They aggro enemies and body block. If they aren't enough you can slot in phantasmal defender, which aoe taunts for 6 seconds with chronophantasma. CS and signet heal get that to 18 seconds. It does not. The sword strike is the first hit. It then performs a flurry that doesn't have its damage on the tooltip. Pistol is behind sword and focus in power damage. No. No. No. Do not go Chaos and complain about lack of power damage. And do not go Lost Time. With diviner you can get perma alacrity through shatter alone even if you have the reduced duration from improved alacrity. I took the time to test it myself. It is not. You are either doing rotations wrong. Have the wrong build. Or have the wrong gear. You will not lose quickness uptime with the trait setup I gave you because chronophantasma procs phantasmal haste twice. With traited greatsword, pistol/sword phantasm, signet heal, and CS you can easily perma quickness. You have scepter AA/2, GS 2, and all your phantasms eventually becoming clones. You will be able to put all of you shatters on cooldown, even with improved alacrity. Power Chrono struggles when you have no slow uptime. It does not struggle as much as you are describing. This topic is geared towards dealing with the problem of slow and the lack illusionary persona. Not to make Chrono OP. do you wanna know why harrier fb with heal traits does more damage than chrono? because axe auto attacks "3" does the same damage of phantasmal berserker, axe symbol does more damage than phantsmal berserker with half of the cooldown, plus burn and bleeding damage, so hb have a higher dps even if you take chronophantasma to double the damage you can't maintain the dps of a auto attack, then you have tome of justice do even more damage, tome 4 can hit more than phatasmal berserker without counting the 5 stacks of burns, with 25 might+quickness that 5 stacks of burn does more damage than phantasmal berserker with chronophantsma, it's sad but it's the truth. Gs 4 has a 15 second cooldown untraited and with no alacrity. With imagined burden and improved alacrity you can lower that to 8. Axe 2 cooldown is also 8. It is never half the cooldown. Similar problems occurred in your phantasmal berserker math since you forgot traited it does 1.5 more damage. You also forgot mesmer can also auto attack. Maybe test it on a golem and take screenshots? well im talking about phantasmal berserker because it's supposed to be the big hit of mesmer right,i was trying to show at build editor but the for some reason it show way less damage to phantasmal than in game.but you can do the math https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Searing_Slash_(firebrand) the full combo proc every 2,45, with quickness every 1,22Damage (2x): 880 (2.4)Burning (2s): 524 Damage https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Berserker best case like you said every 8sDamage (4x): 1,020 (0.92)Greatsword damage: 161 (0.4) the problem here is the coeficient, for phantasmal berserker its almost the half of the auto atk of axe, phantasmal start with higher damage but after you put some power on the fb it's surpass phantasmal berserker, it's like doing a phantasmal berserker every 1,22s Can you do the math? What is (1,020 (.092)) x 3) + 164 (0.4)? If your answer is less than searing slash the answer is no. The auto attack happening faster with quickness is meaningless since the mesmer is also auto attacking with quickness. what kind of math is that? LOL you can't put x3 there,if you put it, you get less 25% and to be fair it's less 10% since you considering probably empowered illusions, then you forget that chronophantasma will daze them for 1,5sec and that's like another auto atk from fb so you have to put x2 on the fb auto atk, then you have to consider 5 stacks of burning damage with 1000 condi damageDo you literally need this much help or are you trolling? I can't tell at this point. For our purposes let phantasmal berskerer damage be 100. 100 - 25%. = 75 75*2= 150. Imagined burden makes two bersekers.150*2=300. Each berserker is resummoned with Chronophantasma.What is 300/100? Repeat this with any value. Basic math. You are autoattacking after you cast. And have numerous utility skills that do damage. Heal fb cannot be autoing more than it already is and has no damaging utilities. In no reality will a Heal firebrand do more damage than a diviner power chrono when correctly played. I have wasted my time testing this. You can waste yours confirming how a scepter/sword + GS build intended for damage can dps or stay on whatever mashup you made without reading traits. It has no relevance on this discussion.
  20. The real question will be.. what kind of eggs/scions will they be considering she is the first of her kind of dragon.. so to speak :) Unless the change did something we aren't aware of she is still a crystal dragon. Kralkatorrik was describing her in the present tense before her ascension and most likely referring to her ability to sort magic without killing people.
  21. No I did not. Maybe there are tech work arounds but I doubt it. However while I enjoy playing mesmer. I'm comfortable with diminishing returns in all of PvE. If necros can't bounce epidemic 20 times why should mesmer get 20 gravity wells? Having 7 on keep construct is too much. Unless they are nerfing mesmer/guardian damage for this edge case (which is a terrible idea), I won't see them ever being unseated.
  22. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range. perfect party are only for raids, even fractals you don't have it most of the times. Completely wrong unless you are intentionally avoiding the LFG system. Maybe if you are searching for a Tier1 group? Then it does even less damage than a diviner power chrono. Phantasms are illusions. And you cannot shatter a phantasm until chronophantasma is finished. They aggro enemies and body block. If they aren't enough you can slot in phantasmal defender, which aoe taunts for 6 seconds with chronophantasma. CS and signet heal get that to 18 seconds. It does not. The sword strike is the first hit. It then performs a flurry that doesn't have its damage on the tooltip. Pistol is behind sword and focus in power damage. No. No. No. Do not go Chaos and complain about lack of power damage. And do not go Lost Time. With diviner you can get perma alacrity through shatter alone even if you have the reduced duration from improved alacrity. I took the time to test it myself. It is not. You are either doing rotations wrong. Have the wrong build. Or have the wrong gear. You will not lose quickness uptime with the trait setup I gave you because chronophantasma procs phantasmal haste twice. With traited greatsword, pistol/sword phantasm, signet heal, and CS you can easily perma quickness. You have scepter AA/2, GS 2, and all your phantasms eventually becoming clones. You will be able to put all of you shatters on cooldown, even with improved alacrity. Power Chrono struggles when you have no slow uptime. It does not struggle as much as you are describing. This topic is geared towards dealing with the problem of slow and the lack illusionary persona. Not to make Chrono OP. do you wanna know why harrier fb with heal traits does more damage than chrono? because axe auto attacks "3" does the same damage of phantasmal berserker, axe symbol does more damage than phantsmal berserker with half of the cooldown, plus burn and bleeding damage, so hb have a higher dps even if you take chronophantasma to double the damage you can't maintain the dps of a auto attack, then you have tome of justice do even more damage, tome 4 can hit more than phatasmal berserker without counting the 5 stacks of burns, with 25 might+quickness that 5 stacks of burn does more damage than phantasmal berserker with chronophantsma, it's sad but it's the truth. Gs 4 has a 15 second cooldown untraited and with no alacrity. With imagined burden and improved alacrity you can lower that to 8. Axe 2 cooldown is also 8. It is never half the cooldown. Similar problems occurred in your phantasmal berserker math since you forgot traited it does 1.5 more damage. You also forgot mesmer can also auto attack. Maybe test it on a golem and take screenshots? well im talking about phantasmal berserker because it's supposed to be the big hit of mesmer right,i was trying to show at build editor but the for some reason it show way less damage to phantasmal than in game.but you can do the math https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Searing_Slash_(firebrand) the full combo proc every 2,45, with quickness every 1,22Damage (2x): 880 (2.4)Burning (2s): 524 Damage https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_Berserker best case like you said every 8sDamage (4x): 1,020 (0.92)Greatsword damage: 161 (0.4) the problem here is the coeficient, for phantasmal berserker its almost the half of the auto atk of axe, phantasmal start with higher damage but after you put some power on the fb it's surpass phantasmal berserker, it's like doing a phantasmal berserker every 1,22sCan you do the math? What is (1,020 (.092)) x 3) + 164 (0.4)? If your answer is less than searing slash the answer is no. The auto attack happening faster with quickness is meaningless since the mesmer is also auto attacking with quickness.
  23. Yes. It's more complicated than a base restoration since TW needs to be rotated. FMW can be used off cd for your subgroup
  24. Really? You are going to compare elementalist, which is vastly more difficult, to Guardian? Is that what this argument comes down to? (besides the fact that the statement that ele is higher dps is factually only true on golem). Sure, if you had enough players able to play elementalist in the top 1% as to outperform guardians, you might have an issue. Elementalist does less damage on say Gorse because DH can burst through certain phases (retal while cc) without consequence while elementalists are dependant on their team. Without getting into any other issues like cc availability on top of ease of play. Sorry, I'm not seeing it. Then what would be the problem with giving them aoe quickness? Why is dragonhunters and chrono special amongst all power builds? I never said it was a problem. How does that in any way support your original thought though? Should all power builds be able to give aoe quickness? I'm trying to determine where you are at. You are totally off topic by now. If this is a disguised "my class can't do xyz" thread, then don't mislead readers with suggestions. Just be upfront and say: I want boon xyz for my class. As to answer the question: no, I do not think all power builds should provide quickness. Similar as I do not think all power builds should provide might, fury or alacrity or any other boon.Well no. I main mesmer. I asked that about Ele in jest. I didn't think you would agree to give away part of my profession's identity to a third profession. But if you are serious about less restrictions where do you draw the line? I draw it at seven power chronos in keep construct. If that means only 3 power chronos and a 1 support chrono that doesn't affect me. People don't like playing mesmer in my group anyway.
  25. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range. perfect party are only for raids, even fractals you don't have it most of the times. Completely wrong unless you are intentionally avoiding the LFG system. Maybe if you are searching for a Tier1 group? Then it does even less damage than a diviner power chrono. Phantasms are illusions. And you cannot shatter a phantasm until chronophantasma is finished. They aggro enemies and body block. If they aren't enough you can slot in phantasmal defender, which aoe taunts for 6 seconds with chronophantasma. CS and signet heal get that to 18 seconds. It does not. The sword strike is the first hit. It then performs a flurry that doesn't have its damage on the tooltip. Pistol is behind sword and focus in power damage. No. No. No. Do not go Chaos and complain about lack of power damage. And do not go Lost Time. With diviner you can get perma alacrity through shatter alone even if you have the reduced duration from improved alacrity. I took the time to test it myself. It is not. You are either doing rotations wrong. Have the wrong build. Or have the wrong gear. You will not lose quickness uptime with the trait setup I gave you because chronophantasma procs phantasmal haste twice. With traited greatsword, pistol/sword phantasm, signet heal, and CS you can easily perma quickness. You have scepter AA/2, GS 2, and all your phantasms eventually becoming clones. You will be able to put all of you shatters on cooldown, even with improved alacrity. Power Chrono struggles when you have no slow uptime. It does not struggle as much as you are describing. This topic is geared towards dealing with the problem of slow and the lack illusionary persona. Not to make Chrono OP. do you wanna know why harrier fb with heal traits does more damage than chrono? because axe auto attacks "3" does the same damage of phantasmal berserker, axe symbol does more damage than phantsmal berserker with half of the cooldown, plus burn and bleeding damage, so hb have a higher dps even if you take chronophantasma to double the damage you can't maintain the dps of a auto attack, then you have tome of justice do even more damage, tome 4 can hit more than phatasmal berserker without counting the 5 stacks of burns, with 25 might+quickness that 5 stacks of burn does more damage than phantasmal berserker with chronophantsma, it's sad but it's the truth. Gs 4 has a 15 second cooldown untraited and with no alacrity. With imagined burden and improved alacrity you can lower that to 8. Axe 2 cooldown is also 8. It is never half the cooldown. Similar problems occurred in your phantasmal berserker math since you forgot traited it does 1.5 more damage. You also forgot mesmer can also auto attack. Maybe test it on a golem and take screenshots?
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