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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. Really? You are going to compare elementalist, which is vastly more difficult, to Guardian? Is that what this argument comes down to? (besides the fact that the statement that ele is higher dps is factually only true on golem). Sure, if you had enough players able to play elementalist in the top 1% as to outperform guardians, you might have an issue. Elementalist does less damage on say Gorse because DH can burst through certain phases (retal while cc) without consequence while elementalists are dependant on their team. Without getting into any other issues like cc availability on top of ease of play. Sorry, I'm not seeing it. Then what would be the problem with giving them aoe quickness? Why is dragonhunters and chrono special amongst all power builds? I never said it was a problem. How does that in any way support your original thought though?Should all power builds be able to give aoe quickness? Do we even need supports? I'm trying to determine where you are at.
  2. Really? You are going to compare elementalist, which is vastly more difficult, to Guardian? Is that what this argument comes down to? (besides the fact that the statement that ele is higher dps is factually only true on golem). Sure, if you had enough players able to play elementalist in the top 1% as to outperform guardians, you might have an issue. Elementalist does less damage on say Gorse because DH can burst through certain phases (retal while cc) without consequence while elementalists are dependant on their team. Without getting into any other issues like cc availability on top of ease of play. Sorry, I'm not seeing it. Then what would be the problem with giving them aoe quickness? Why are dragonhunters and chrono special amongst all power builds? Especially if only 1% could abuse it.
  3. @Henry.5713 but neither spirits nor banners stack. You could at least draw it at no more than 5 persistent aoe of the same type in PvE. @Cyninja.2954 the Seize the Moment build with players maintaining AA while moving near and far from the mesmer is an edge case scenario at best. And please tell me how potentially filling a role helps when Ele has higher dps than Guardian already? Should Ele give quickness on its elite?
  4. One came out of an egg. The other was twisted soil and air. How is that "not vastly different" or "a good enough portion is made of the same material"? Aurene has fleshy scales, as did Vlast and Glint. The Shatterer and Wraithbringer do not - they're pure rock and air, like Kralkatorrik's "sandstorm form" we see in PoF and A Star to Guide Us. She shares a fundamental resonance with them. Whether her scales are or appear fleshy is irrelevant. Enough is shared that she isn't starting from scratch. And in all honesty, I doubt anyone wants to basically repeat the plot of Season 2, Heart of Thorns, Season 3, Path of Fire, and Season 4 five times. We wouldn't need to do anything. Vlast was hatched without our help or an Elder Dragon dying. Just leave it to the pokemon day care we call Tarir, and come back when it's hatched. And on that note we have only raised one out of how many crystal dragons? What makes us experts on what is needed?
  5. It's also possible that her rapid growth came at a cost, and she's sterile. Very true. 1) to humans? Sylvari drop out of pods fully grown. That's creepy too.2) and Vlast did not. Crystal dragons apparently need a trigger to hatch. The several hundred years was because that trigger came late.3) yes? But not really relevant to whether she can or not. She could always have eggs that are destroyed. let me put it this way: possible in lore with the info we currently have? yes. possible anet will take the story in a direction resembling this? not in this quadrant of the multiverse I will rephrase to be more family friendly.Creepiness is what you make it. School children watch butterflies hatch from pupa, lay eggs, and die. you're a genuine sociopath if you think thatGiven that both your and my previous comments were removed I will keep it very light. Children raise butterflies in elementary school. Those butterflies hatch and lay eggs. And in some instances are promptly eaten by birds. Heck some adults raise butterflies, or lizard pairs, etc. The vast majority of all age groups are able to handle this because they don't know the specifics or are mature enough to not care. If this is too creepy for you then don't visit almost any zoo on the face of this earth. Your desire to compare every other animal to humans has no bearing on reality.
  6. I don't think that is possible or glint/ancient races would have already done it to stop the dragonrise. Sealing background magic into a bloodstone was an extreme last resort. At our current level of progress we caused primordus/jormag to retreat for under a year, by accident. Edit: or if it possible it is immensely terrible. Such as branding all life. She would be able to filter all magic and there would be world peace. Problem sovled?
  7. How is stacking five of the exact same build variation? And why would people using one skill off cooldown be deserving of respect? I drew the line when I saw people running six identical dragon hunters in a raid. The same skill from separate players should not stack more than 3 times in PvE. Even three dragonhunters and one quickbrand would be an improvement. Since you theoretically get 2 more slots for other professions.
  8. The intent of time warp and fmw is probably not to provide perma quickness with no boon duration. It doesn't seem healthy to be stacking any profession five times. Having 50% to 100% be a single profession is too much. This is meant only for PvE. You can't queue as five of the same in PvP. And in WvW you can have more than 10 people. Edit: also only one person has voted so far. And I haven't voted. Did you accidentally click Yes?
  9. It's also possible that her rapid growth came at a cost, and she's sterile. Very true. 1) to humans? Sylvari drop out of pods fully grown. That's creepy too.2) and Vlast did not. Crystal dragons apparently need a trigger to hatch. The several hundred years was because that trigger came late.3) yes? But not really relevant to whether she can or not. She could always have eggs that are destroyed. let me put it this way: possible in lore with the info we currently have? yes. possible anet will take the story in a direction resembling this? not in this quadrant of the multiverseI will rephrase to be more family friendly.Creepiness is what you make it. School children watch butterflies hatch from pupa, lay eggs, and die. The seven year old Sylvari PC has killed more people than seven year old humans do in our reality. If you want to count years in the pod, then apply the same to Aurene. She is hundreds of years old.
  10. People used to stack Necro for epidemic before that was addressed. Now I see people stacking time warp or "feel my wrath" to avoid taking a support. Edit: clarified intent of question, also this change would be in PvE alone. A plausible limit would be three. Stacking the exact same build past that would be difficult.
  11. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90774/lets-talk-about-wvw-balance Take your Mesmer WvW concerns there. Or post in one of the countless mesmer or professions thread.
  12. @Cal Cohen.3527 I can only hope from your post that the balance community is aware of the issue and not posting in this sub forum because we have made or bordered on personal attacks. People have pointed out the issues with Chrono and WvW in your thread. I would also hope the problems outside that, like slow uptime based damage etc are on your mind. And any of the dozens of threads made by this frantic, salty community are useful. Whatever you do. Please do not make mesmer feel worse. And though you said you aren't going to nerf for the sake of nerfing. Please think about the professions who need retroactive assistance.
  13. Outlier: Professions/specs that rely on summons such as mesmer or renegade will always be at a disadvantage in zergs. They need the dmg reduction from PvE. And be, not necessarily uninterruptable, but moderately usable against 20+ enemies.
  14. It's also possible that her rapid growth came at a cost, and she's sterile. Very true. 1) to humans? Sylvari drop out of pods fully grown. That's creepy too.2) and Vlast did not. Crystal dragons apparently need a trigger to hatch. The several hundred years was because that trigger came late.3) yes? But not really relevant to whether she can or not. She could always have eggs that are destroyed. let me put it this way: possible in lore with the info we currently have? yes. possible anet will take the story in a direction resembling this? not in this quadrant of the multiverseThey are already in that quadrant. Aurene eats Joko at the end of Be My Guest. Taimi retches, Canach is "utterly disturbed," etc. Quaggans and several other races lay eggs. It is a step down in creepiness from eating humanoids.The PC and now Gorrik have spent a good deal of time hatching and rapidly raising dragons. First Aurene and now the Skyscale. Aurene is a new type of dragon. She may be much more efficient at being pregnant. Maybe she is a marsupial. All snark aside, I would love to see dragon-kind return to Tyria. I just don't see how that is possible without making them unable to consume as much magic as they can now or giving them homogenized and pathological personalities. All dragons would have to be good or unable. I would prefer dragons have agency and less power. Aurene could still be a mother but that would be part of her breaking the hold dragons and Elder dragons have on the All. Imagine her giving up her status as Elder dragon as part of transforming dragon-kind into a stable species that couldn't be an existential threat; giving her a people where she could find love as any Quaggon or Human may. see my first point again, secondly aurene has multiple siblings hidden somewhere and besides who says that a ED replacement has to be a dragon from birth I was being facetious with the more efficient pregnancy and possibly marsupial comment. I think solving the stability of the All problem by making Aurene a mother would be creepy, lazy and unfulfilling. There is a difference between laying eggs and becoming a mother. Glint had two scions we know of. Through whatever circumstance Aurene could end up with 0. Or 1+ but too late, and the dragons had to be replaced/put into stasis/etc. We don't know you have to be a dragon. We know you have to be able to absorb and release magic, which is why the Pale Tree is often mentioned.Regardless of configuration, it is implied Aurene cannot become solely responsible without going insane. Whether we get more dragons like Kuunavang, or more dragon champions to do it, we need to share the burden.
  15. I rarely get this frustrated but kitten core. Every elite spec has traits that interact with core. People paid for elite specs. If you truly want to balance core, then buff it in ways elite specs can't take advantage. Give it a unique f skill like ancient echo and/or adjust the traits so having three base traitlines is beneficial like s/d thief taking deadly arts/acrobatics/trickery. Nerfing elite specs to balance core is completely unnecessary.Fine. Good. This suggestion doesn't bring other people down to feel good about yourself. Lyssa protect me. Can you not think of a solution that doesn't negatively impact people's existing use of the spec? The whole purpose of this topic is to improve QoL, not disrupt it for other people. You will never always be able to use moa/gravity well because they require enemies. Run time warp or mass invis if you hate that feeling.
  16. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range. perfect party are only for raids, even fractals you don't have it most of the times.Completely wrong unless you are intentionally avoiding the LFG system. Maybe if you are searching for a Tier1 group? Then it does even less damage than a diviner power chrono. Phantasms are illusions. And you cannot shatter a phantasm until chronophantasma is finished. They aggro enemies and body block. If they aren't enough you can slot in phantasmal defender, which aoe taunts for 6 seconds with chronophantasma. CS and signet heal get that to 18 seconds. It does not. The sword strike is the first hit. It then performs a flurry that doesn't have its damage on the tooltip. Pistol is behind sword and focus in power damage. No. No. No. Do not go Chaos and complain about lack of power damage. And do not go Lost Time. With diviner you can get perma alacrity through shatter alone even if you have the reduced duration from improved alacrity. I took the time to test it myself. It is not. You are either doing rotations wrong. Have the wrong build. Or have the wrong gear. You will not lose quickness uptime with the trait setup I gave you because chronophantasma procs phantasmal haste twice. With traited greatsword, pistol/sword phantasm, signet heal, and CS you can easily perma quickness. You have scepter AA/2, GS 2, and all your phantasms eventually becoming clones. You will be able to put all of you shatters on cooldown, even with improved alacrity. Power Chrono struggles when you have no slow uptime. It does not struggle as much as you are describing. This topic is geared towards dealing with the problem of slow and the lack illusionary persona. Not to make Chrono OP.
  17. It's also possible that her rapid growth came at a cost, and she's sterile. Very true. 1) to humans? Sylvari drop out of pods fully grown. That's creepy too.2) and Vlast did not. Crystal dragons apparently need a trigger to hatch. The several hundred years was because that trigger came late.3) yes? But not really relevant to whether she can or not. She could always have eggs that are destroyed.
  18. Then it just highlights a bigger issue which needs to be addressed too, don't you think? The recent blog post about skill design decisions split and activity seems promising, but I'll choose to remain on cautiously-intrigued side of things for now, myself. Well yes. But I wouldn't have made this discussion if I thought they would/could sort out the bigger issue.
  19. That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. @Daniel Handler.4816 said: That is not a fair comparison. You should have tested with sword/sword + x, where x is either sword/focus, or traited greatsword. YMMV with slow uptime but 3 minutes is too long. its a very fair, im traited to gs also perma quickness+ perma 50% alacracy + 25 might, the dmg is low even with all those boons, if i give all those boons to my ranger it would explode the golem, maybe i just made a boon bot Scepter/pistol vs axe/shield doesn't prove much. it proves because im traited to heal/support on the fb the axe shield is to do some dmg also it's not the best dmg out therewhile chrono gs is supposed to do damage also it's traited to do damage and it's doing lower damage, also the scepcter/pistol is not that bad as you are trying to say, pistol 4 do a very good burst plus the 5 stun when needed, also scepter 3 do another good damage, then i just change back to gs for damage Then you are doing something very wrong. Perhaps not shattering? Even with harriers, a chono with sword/shield + MW will not be twice as long. yeah im shattering how im supposed to have perma quickness and alacracy? Then I have no idea how it is taking you twice as long. Are you not running full berserker on the Chrono? chrono is on divinerfb is on harrier with mix of giver Try with full berserkers with assassins legs and trinkets. You don't need boon duration or TW. well that's only 22% increase of crit damage, but you don't have 25might uptime + perma quickness and perma alacracy, i don't think 22% of crit damage can overdps it Except you do have perma aoe quickness. And 25 might uptime and perma alacrity would come from your renegade regardless of whether you were a firebrand or mesmer. Adjust the console. Edit: It is not 50% less dps than heal firebrand. You would have to be comparing it vs a quickness firebrand to get that kind of difference. well you can't compare in a party situation, you have to compare the class alone and what it can do alone, of course in a perfect party your assassin + zerk chrono will do more dmg than a diviner chrno but the game is more than only raids, theres wvw, theres fractal, theres open world, theres pvp and most of the time chrono is alone without the perfect raid/party, also even with the gears that you said to me my healfb would do more dmg, it does both condi and power damage with fast hits because of the perma 25 might + perma quickness , while chrno has some spike burst dmg. after shatter and the phantasm he is useless.In fractal/raids you aren't alone and shouldn't be playing with people who don't want to help the team. In WvW and PvP, firebrand can't run harriers without dying (11k heath) while chrono can run diviner. Although the inherent limitations of illusions and the lack of illusionary persona can make things miserable, the damage is still better. In solo open world you have more health and have illusions to tank for you. If you must have 25 might, perma quickness/alacrity, and scepter/pistol +greatsword on diviner. Then go domination 2/2/1, illusion 1/2/1, and chronomancer 2/3/3 with signet heal, phantasmal disenchanter, mantra of pain, well of calamity/mirror images, and gravity well. It definitely does more damage than a harrier heal firebrand. It sounds like you are going seize the moment over chronophantasma, but you don't need aoe quickness from shatter or time warp if you are alone. Scepter is okay, I have no idea why you have a pistol. Untraited it does less damage than a sword and can be summoned at the same range.
  20. Ignoring the fact that I was pretty clearly making a bit of a joke in the immediate followup, not all reptiles reach reproduction capabilities by three years of age. But those creatures that do tend to live in decades at tops, not millenniums. The longest living reptiles are turtles, averaging 150 year lifespans, and while the maturity rate varies between species of turtles, with some being as short as 10 years, sea turtles take 20-30 years, at least one species taking to 40 years to reach maturity (Galapagos tortoises). Even then, using RL reptiles is pretty much moot since they're not magically infused creatures living several millennia long lives. I feel that corrupting and creating scions are two vastly different things for Elder Dragons, otherwise we should be considering any minion to be a scion, or at least the "hand-forged" ones like The Shatterer and Wraithbringer. But we've not yet received any indication that they count as scions. Different yes. But not vastly so. A good enough portion is made of the same material. And it seems unlikely her rapid growth only affected her essential organs.
  21. In no situation should a power chrono that has only swapped Chronophantasma with Seize the Moment be doing 50% less damage than a heal brand. Unless for some reason you are deciding to run scepter/pistol and diviners.
  22. Of the numbers we have, condi support chrono benches higher than condi or power quickbrand. It brings slightly lower personal DPS but more than makes up for that with perma alacrity for the party. In this situation someone is taking a power chrono and only swapping Chronophantasma for Seize the Moment and reporting 50% less damage than heal firebrand. Heal firebrand has no benchmark, but that seems highly unlikely. Power quickbrand does 10k less than power chrono. Even with no slow uptime you will not be drastically behind a heal firebrand in harriers gear.
  23. Given that people have been consistently begging for Chrono to go from 3 to 2 while regaining IP, there are probably limitations. I don't see why core/mirage would need it, they don't have CS or alacrity.
  24. I meant "as a 3 year old is she is around or past [the age at which at which most reptiles have reached sexual maturity]" because you felt pointing out she's three was necessary. Her suddenly having scions would only be shocking to us as humans. Aurene may have grown every time she consumed a ton of magic, but that's just size increase and not really biological maturity. Though we don't even know how to establish biological maturity for high dragons since they're more magical than physical beings. I would see from a physical standpoint why she might buck the trend for egg-laying creatures. Megafauna usually take longer. I don't see magic impeding this. She can already make crystals that move.
  25. Well yes. And as a 3 year old is she is around or past sexual maturity for most reptiles. Not to mention becoming an Elder Dragon is more than a size change. But yes, we would need more information. Edit: I would say at the rate we are going her scion could replace Bubbles.
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