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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. this GM is an insult. its just another "changed" trait, only thing anet wanted to do here was to remove old lost time same as they did with chaotic interuption.3months wait begins anew, and we wait what other grandmaster they decided to "CHANGE".Im betting IH. What would you do to boost it's current function?
  2. It somewhat addresses that we can't spam shatters for alacrity like before but it doesn't go beyond that. A grandmaster shouldn't just return you to status quo. It needs more oomph. I get that they probably don't want it make flow of time aoe and 10 target. But it does need something more. Thoughts?
  3. Nope. Mender's Might will heal you for more than Adrenal Health in a group fight with that setup. You can of course run Defense as well for even more sustain.Wow did my math wrong. FGJ heals for 10k+ since FGJ gives 24 stacks to each ally with PS. Edit: Though with several shouts VS might be better healing. Healing for the party definitely, but you have more sources of might than FGJ to fuel MM for yourself.Ya. Frenzy looks good. 50 procs.
  4. Nope. Mender's Might will heal you for more than Adrenal Health in a group fight with that setup. You can of course run Defense as well for even more sustain.Wow did my math wrong. FGJ heals for 10k+ since FGJ gives 24 stacks to each ally with PS. Edit: Though with several shouts VS might be better healing.
  5. I noticed that FGJ can heal you for more than 5k in a team fight. Would a might generating tank be too niche?
  6. https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/mesmerwill give you a general idea for PvE. They list builds for dps, condi, and support mesmer. And have weapon rotations and provide videos. Of course optimal isn't always practical, and the site needs to be updated for 10/1. But it is still useful to know. For PvP the right build is often in flux. Copying the conquest builds from https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer inevitably disappoint. Better to understand how to move around the map. And respond quickly with several skills. Mesmers often have to reply to one action from an enemy with several because we have multiple instant or near instant abilities.
  7. No, that is not how it works at all. Just be cognizant of aftercasts.
  8. Okay had a chance to test it. It doesn't work when the skill is still in aftercast. But if you can interrupt someone with the return of Tides of Time it will function. That seems to be the only skill that can self proc the trait. If you want to to recharge a specific weapon skill with the trait your best bet is to interrupt using mantra of distraction, or gravity well.
  9. And? Sword was at the begining in 6/8 and currently can be wielded by 8/9. Do you think that is better to get instead some uninteresting off hand weapon which ends used by nobody as currently happens with the shield? A couple of skills with no impact in rotation to provide 0 chages in or stagnated gameplay? Maybe a focus or a torch to pile in the growing stack of Rev's weaponry getting dust & rust? Also, you're talking as everyone of those greatswords work the same, when in GW2 skills are class specific, not weapon linked. So far they can make greatswords which shoots ranged hula-hoops... Indeed so i'm curious how is Rev gonna use greatsword? Would they be a discount of Reaper? They both share death/spirit related design. Depends on the Legend. Revenant is not Death Knight. That's Necromancer. Revenant deal with Mist magic which can be death and destruction like Demon Legend/ShiroOr of positive and life, like Dwarf and Ventari. So depends on legend. Balthazar for example is God of fire and war and all sort of crazy stuff he done in the last LW. So no telling how a Balthazar legend greatsword would work. But I assume it would be built around whatever a person would need to kill a dragon.... OH YEA! Balthazar wields greatsword so it's probably heavy condi/dmg aoe hybridActually if we are going by legends that have been confirmed to exist, that playstyle would probably fall under Prisoner aka Joko. The PC Revenant channels it in the story to blast out of jail. This is also the only true sign they have considered a pbAOE dps legend.
  10. Perhaps then this is intended to prevent CI from allowing three Tides of Time in a row. With improved alacrity and continuum shift you can already get it to a cooldown of 13 seconds. Given the duration of ToT it could have procced CI multiple times.
  11. Who says we can't make slow builds anymore? It's harder to cap out slow. But perma slow is still possible.
  12. Apparently its visuals got changed with the patch. I can't log into Guild Wars from where I am for at least another day.
  13. It’s just a number. Did you know that pchrono without DT is also trash tier dps spec? Do you want me to replace that scourge with pchrono, because it basically proves the same point? Did you know that cmirage without IH is also not optimal? Its almost like builds take traits that favour them. Why are you comparing DT to IH? One procs every time he mirage dodges, whereas the other only exists for like what, maybe 5% of the game DT pchrono was a mistake. Dps pchrono without DT is considered trash tier and unviable, because they nerfed it from viability for no reason. Why don’t you play another spec since they are definitely not returning IP anytime soon? Why should I care about your IP if what I play isn’t affected by it? /s. I know of no such promise. And they can worry about core after they spend the development time fixing chrono in WvW and spvp. Wow, I found it. Seem like they just forgot about it. Totally unexpected /s. Development time is not a currency. If so, they are definitely not spending it efficiently. They are intentionally choosing to leave chrono as is. Besides, if DT was moved to grandmaster, it has all the reason in the world to be as broken as it needs to be, to fix chrono in competitive gamemodes even without the need to pointlessly plead for IP to be restored (cuz it really doesn’t look like it will). That is your opinion and has no bearing on other especs, current or future. Core mesmer cannot be buffed because DT chrono will be buffed. Every espec stems from core mesmer which, if left in its current state, will only create broken especs and more QQ. It is ridiculously close to reaching a balanced state where all especs will be much easier to manage, and the denial of this path of least resistance is disappointing. DT is an infection that has just been left to worsen and kitten the development of chrono. It needs to be addressed. Tbh, this actual, proper nerf wouldn’t affect anyone unless they plan to or are already abusing the brokenness of DT, and desperately holding on it is only dooming chrono to die. So this is all about core, not "future especs". Are you free to play or something? There is no brokenness. Pchrono is stacked less than DH. And slightly more than Deadeye. You don't care about mesmer being viable in multiple game modes. You care about not having to buy Heart of Thorns. Saying things like "future especs" is nonsense. This isn't a deceptive evasion situation where the class mechanic is being limited. All professions pick as many modifiers as they can for dps builds. To diverge from that is a choice. Mesmer's viability in each game mode is more important than whether a dps chrono can take improved alacrity. Are you actually kidding me? I main dps pchrono, I KNOW how it works. And I just happen to have observed that ever since Danger Time got changed to its abominable state (42k bench when it was first released, mind you) chrono has just eaten nerf after nerf because hey look that trait is sooooo viable (P.S don’t take it outside of raids, it’s useless). Damage modifiers are one thing. When they take effect is another. When people are rebutting with Snowcrow’s DT pchrono (‘It’s higher than many other power specs, blah blah w/e’) in anything but organised raids, I cringe - because if you take that build anywhere else, you do as much dps as core mes, wow. Both IA and IR are 95% more useful than DT in terms of dps simply because of the slow requirement. You know why DT chronos aren’t stacked? It’s because it doesn’t work. How about we get rid of it and work with the things that do work? That’s why it’s an infection - 42-38-37k looks REAL BIG, but what happens if the chrono can’t demand perma slow from its group? It doesn’t exist. Trash tier dps. If DT worked really well in PvP (which it doesn’t really) then maybe I’d reconsider, but then slow on CC (pre-patch Lost Time) was just shafted and... oh wait, why aren’t you calling reverts on that too? And if DT was moved to grandmaster... you have all the flexibility in the world to make a PvP spec viable. Maybe stop throwing out ridiculous assumptions and actually find ways to fix your precious spec outside of futilely begging for IP to be restored? To me, you sound like someone’s whose still bawling their eyes out after the chrono trade off and really, the best solution is for you to stop playing it. But how in the world does me insulting you help the state of chrono at all? And why are you even so against this specific change even though it actually fixes the spec in some way?What fix? They are incompetent at buffing things following a nerf. All that will happen is dps chrono instead of being meta in raids will be meta in nothing. The trait would simply be gone and there would be no recourse. For this reason, I don't care if DT doesn't work very well in PvP and people are forced to use Mirage. At least Mesmer is viable in that game mode. You see buffing Seize the Moment as an affront to dps scourge. I see it as a a step towards fixing well dependency. Why must we lose more things? At this point only lateral trades or buffs are tolerable.
  14. It’s just a number. Did you know that pchrono without DT is also trash tier dps spec? Do you want me to replace that scourge with pchrono, because it basically proves the same point? Did you know that cmirage without IH is also not optimal? Its almost like builds take traits that favour them. Why are you comparing DT to IH? One procs every time he mirage dodges, whereas the other only exists for like what, maybe 5% of the game DT pchrono was a mistake. Dps pchrono without DT is considered trash tier and unviable, because they nerfed it from viability for no reason. Why don’t you play another spec since they are definitely not returning IP anytime soon? Why should I care about your IP if what I play isn’t affected by it? /s. I know of no such promise. And they can worry about core after they spend the development time fixing chrono in WvW and spvp. Wow, I found it. Seem like they just forgot about it. Totally unexpected /s. Development time is not a currency. If so, they are definitely not spending it efficiently. They are intentionally choosing to leave chrono as is. Besides, if DT was moved to grandmaster, it has all the reason in the world to be as broken as it needs to be, to fix chrono in competitive gamemodes even without the need to pointlessly plead for IP to be restored (cuz it really doesn’t look like it will). That is your opinion and has no bearing on other especs, current or future. Core mesmer cannot be buffed because DT chrono will be buffed. Every espec stems from core mesmer which, if left in its current state, will only create broken especs and more QQ. It is ridiculously close to reaching a balanced state where all especs will be much easier to manage, and the denial of this path of least resistance is disappointing. DT is an infection that has just been left to worsen and kitten the development of chrono. It needs to be addressed. Tbh, this actual, proper nerf wouldn’t affect anyone unless they plan to or are already abusing the brokenness of DT, and desperately holding on it is only dooming chrono to die.So this is all about core, not "future especs". Are you free to play or something? There is no brokenness. Pchrono is stacked less than DH. And slightly more than Deadeye. You don't care about mesmer being viable in multiple game modes. You care about not having to buy Heart of Thorns. Saying things like "future especs" is nonsense. This isn't a deceptive evasion situation where the class mechanic is being limited. All professions pick as many modifiers as they can for dps builds. To diverge from that is a choice. Mesmer's viability in each game mode is more important than whether a dps chrono can take improved alacrity.
  15. Are you looking at the PvE duration?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Portal_EntreClearly says 30 seconds. Right, just for Mesmer portal, but it's still used in both modes. Thief is 60s. Regardless, these skills break things in wvw and spvp, and if you think they are ok, then I want those changes on my Necro so I could see the crying on the forums. Edit- Furthermore, my request has nothing to do with duration. Making spectral walk port up to 5000 would be a nerf as is has no range limit. As for what is healthy, wvw has the marked debuff, traps, and the upcoming patch is going to restore/expand reveals even more. Spvp encourages fast rotation and running from unwinnable fights. Maybe you just don't like necromancer? Try playing a profession with higher mobility. “Spectral Walk lasts for 10 seconds, after which you can no longer use Spectral Recall.”I thought your request had nothing to do with duration. Regardless, moving it from no range limit to 5000 would be a nerf. And if you think a Necro can't possibly move 5000 in 10 seconds then perhaps starting this topic was ill advised.
  16. It’s just a number. Did you know that pchrono without DT is also trash tier dps spec? Do you want me to replace that scourge with pchrono, because it basically proves the same point? Did you know that cmirage without IH is also not optimal? Its almost like builds take traits that favour them. There are variants of the pchrono dps builds, so why should I care if they all use DT. And pchrono without DT doesn't have to be dps. I hear pchrono support is top tier. I know of no such promise. And they can worry about core after they spend the development time fixing chrono in WvW and spvp. That is your opinion and has no bearing on other especs, current or future. My opinion is your priorities are off. Stop asking for nerfs when we can't get basic stuff sorted.
  17. Are you looking at the PvE duration?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Portal_EntreClearly says 30 seconds. Right, just for Mesmer portal, but it's still used in both modes. Thief is 60s. Regardless, these skills break things in wvw and spvp, and if you think they are ok, then I want those changes on my Necro so I could see the crying on the forums. Edit- Furthermore, my request has nothing to do with duration. Making spectral walk port up to 5000 would be a nerf as is has no range limit. As for what is healthy, wvw has the marked debuff, traps, and the upcoming patch is going to restore/expand reveals even more. Spvp encourages fast rotation and running from unwinnable fights. Maybe you just don't like necromancer? Try playing a profession with higher mobility.
  18. Spend the time restoring illusionary persona to Chrono. Everything else can wait.
  19. @"Noodle Ant.1605"Why would they make any of the changes you suggested? An "abomination" must be an oddity before its reined in.https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/ DT pchrono is stacked about equally to DH in raids. And much less when you count fractals. And if you are just using benchmarks, condi scourge has less dps than soulbeast, and warrior, both of which can bring important effects with no boon duration. Your post reads more like a complaint about general power creep leaving necromancer behind than anything specific to mesmer. It is understandable but maybe suggest a buff in the necromancer sub forum instead of singling out one of the many, many, many builds that out perform that spec.
  20. I think whatever the domain is includes a lot of interrelated things. Desert -> Sand -> Crystal [Crystal Balls -> Prophecy] -> Prisms -> Light -> Sunlight and Lightning -> Storms -> Wind. It's sort of an odd set in general, but the notion that her line's magic is tied to light is not really new, and I don't think in and of itself it suggests she has all domains. It is a reference to a quote from Taimi: "Magic as we know it is like white light, composed of all the different types of dragon magic." Aurene has taken in magic from most other Elder Dragons in the pantheon, either directly after their deaths, or indirectly at the deaths of Balthazar or Kralkatorrik.
  21. While I am concerned about that given the magazine having Gorrik use the "Prismatic Elder Dragon" phrase that's been used by the fanbase on wild "Elder Dragon of all magical domains" - either as what Aurene will be, what the last ED alive would be, or of some fabricated "mega Elder Dragon" that's above the six Elder Dragons - the magazine also makes mention of this about the Icebrood Saga: Though I doubt they'd scrutinize that little side project of theirs, the summary of "the story so far and what's to come" has painted the picture that we do indeed need multiple replacements, and that Aurene only replaces Kralkatorrik despite having a hefty amount of Zhaitan and Mordremoth (esp. Mordremoth) magic in her. Wait is that the name for the second domain? So Crystal and Light? I guess that explains how the sun aspect got lumped in with air magic, paragons accessed lighting and fire, and the guardian naturally developed. I presume Light contains anything the sun could produce; light, fire, weather, etc. No. Kralkatorrik's second domain according to the magazine is "Fury". Aurene is called solely "Elder Dragon of Light" (or "Prismatic Elder Dragon" as an alternative). She's not called the Elder Crystal Dragon. It's a bit weird, tbh, and gives the implication (to me) that she's an "Elder Dragon of all magical domains."So I can't tell whether they are retconning or reinvoking the magic is like light idea. On one hand conflagration/persuasion/fury fulfill the concept of domains better than the previous spheres because they aren't singular concepts like ice or fire. On the other hand they don't mesh well with the idea of combining to make white light. Why would conflagration be distinct enough from fire to not be canceled by ice? Why does the sun fall under fury? They seem to be arbitrary enough to avoid having their interactions be comprehensible enough to affect the story. Effectively allowing Anet to drop that subplot. The best I can parse is Aurene has magic from so many spheres there are no other words that could link them. And so they used the light analogy, but left out the complicated interactions. I don't think this means she will absorb all spheres.
  22. While I am concerned about that given the magazine having Gorrik use the "Prismatic Elder Dragon" phrase that's been used by the fanbase on wild "Elder Dragon of all magical domains" - either as what Aurene will be, what the last ED alive would be, or of some fabricated "mega Elder Dragon" that's above the six Elder Dragons - the magazine also makes mention of this about the Icebrood Saga: Though I doubt they'd scrutinize that little side project of theirs, the summary of "the story so far and what's to come" has painted the picture that we do indeed need multiple replacements, and that Aurene only replaces Kralkatorrik despite having a hefty amount of Zhaitan and Mordremoth (esp. Mordremoth) magic in her.Wait is that the name for the second domain? So Crystal and Light? I guess that explains how the sun aspect got lumped in with air magic, paragons accessed lighting and fire, and the guardian naturally developed. I presume Light contains anything the sun could produce; light, fire, weather, etc.
  23. I would actually really like Jormag thriving to truly become Dragon, as in "Well, I ended liking those dumb Norns. Humans and Sylvaris have that upstart Aurene as their Elder Dragon now, well, i'll be the Norn's... also the charrs, since they are drunk buddies !" The Sylvari had their Elder Dragon. Caithe is probably an oddity. Plus #PaleTreeNextElderDragon4Lyfe
  24. Well Aurene is a sentient nuke. I imagine she just dictates all geopolitical decisions from now on. They can't shoo her away from another peace talk. She is the peace talk.
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