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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. It means blade songs use shatter traits https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shatter Scaling for the 5 blades vs 4 illusions (with player) should be interesting.
  2. I also found that animation weird. You can see the massive blade drop for a half a second before the rest of the animation just looks like rain of swords.
  3. I mean mirage's are literally copy paste of core shatters. And chrono's are basically core but doubling up the effect. Pbaoes on targets, easily countered by stealth. Confusion on f2 isn't particularly new. But a 5 hit, line spell, you can actually position to hit mutiple targets, definitely is.
  4. it doesn't seem like illusion traits are proccing on blade skills (no bleed on crit from sharper images) im wondering if blade skills are supposed to proc shatter traits, in the same way all shade skills count as f1. maybe with a grandmaster. like illusion, domination, virtuso rain of swords would be an aoe pulsing boon removal, vulnerability, and torment
  5. Chrono has no distortion, mobility, or condi cleanse except for its heal skill. Trait lines make a difference.
  6. it isn't embedded. f2 also had it. f3-f4 probably do too, it just didnt show on the tool tip since f3-f4 dont normally deal damage.
  7. it does, but it doesnt do more dps than power chrono in a raid setting. virtuoso seems like something that shines more in fractals/open world. You'd still need power chrono for a boss.
  8. they have dueling traited but blades aren't inflicting bleeding on crit. this is either a bug/oversight or there is a trait that would make blade skills work with signet of the ether, sharper images etc.
  9. baseline power is basically single target. this seems closer to a dragonhunter esque style, lots of quick aoe, but not sustain.
  10. chrono will still be the power spec for bosses, and quickness. this spec seems more based around burst.
  11. they are damage, confusion, cc, defense like shatters, but they seem to be line spells instead of point blank on target. the positioning should be much different.
  12. Not only that. it looks like none of its skills can be used while cced.
  13. probably the most important question is can blades be generated without a target. if not we are going to run into the same sad that was chrono without illusionary persona, since all bladesongs require a blade.
  14. they clearly tried to give a bit of what everyone wanted but couldn't please everyone it has somewhat of a music theme but isnt a healer it does aoe, but it's ranged and projectile based. Not sure how good it will be in fractals. but at least we have a ranged damage spec that isnt mirage greatsword with energy sigils.
  15. bladesong. virtuoso. probably the sound effects as well.
  16. they seem to have done a bit of everything people wanted. It's music based, cloneless, a dps, and has some aoe. I do worry about the number of projectile based attacks.
  17. I'm starting to think it's a bow as well. The thing in the top right is the quiver and I have seen bows irl with that silhouette. Phantasms are probably not going to be replaced. But i could see them creating a system like deadeyes malice where you get a floating thing instead of summoning a clone.
  18. It is my Dwayna given right as a native Tyrian to make sweeping technical suggestions on the forums that will likely never happen because the company is short staffed and overworked. That being said, of course it would be far easier to just include an espec in EoD that has proper ramp (even though that's also going to be a nightmare because of the constraints of the class mechanic) PS: I know.
  19. Do you understand you're a random dude on the Internet asking people to care about your problem? It's not even like I want staff to stay fully as is. I've suggested splitting fractals and raids. Or nerfing just confusion but not doing a full revert. And still you want to be antagonistic about everything. So kitten it.
  20. This entire thread is literally OP complaining about wanting to play the harder build even though there is an easier and more competitive option. The relation was power chrono/stm wasn't even strong in fractals and was made worse, or in the case of the latter borderline unusable, to please raiders. I have no idea what they are going to do to fix staff mirage. I'm fine with confusion being tweaked if that's all they're doing. But if it is completely reverted, as some are calling for, it will absolutely affect its standing. But again. OP doesn't seem to want to answer why anyone should care about him being pressured into playing staff mirage instead of axe, especially if he doesnt care about other people being pressured into playing things.
  21. Why would anyone do anything? If the point is just to complete content then yes play hfb. But if the point is just to complete content why does this thread even exist? Why don't I start yelling at OP to find a group that will let him play axe mirage? No, because that line of thinking is unproductive. There are plenty of ways staff can be changed that won't drastically affect its bench in fractals.
  22. Nice edit. Almost like DT is/was used on STM builds. And chronophantasma is used on power and condi. But no i was clearly only talking about one build.
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