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Daniel Handler.4816

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Everything posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. Jesus christ. I said chrono. You've injected that only means power chrono. And your argument amounts to git gud for power chrono. Which is great. And then some BS about STM never being used. By you I guess? If you are going to center this discussion entirely on your own experience and my difficulty with CMs as STM (and yes, power chrono) doesn't matter to you, then why should your group wanting to play the most meta builds matter to me? The only thing I can point out is again staff being better than axe imposes no difficulty onto you.
  2. Having to play staff mirage is also on you and your group, see how fun that is as an argument? I'm glad you found some margin of utility. It's not relevant to the majority of players. Still waiting on the logs with StM instead of a quickbrand btw.
  3. Well for starters you have alacrigade. Try STM in place of a firebrand, the hfb if you really want to push it. But even if we were just talking about the power version of chrono, it's false for you. I am not you. I'm at least 5k behind sc benchmarks even with the perfect comp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. You need concentration sigil and/or boon duration food. You wont need any concentration gear. They don't want it to be able to run full viper.
  5. I wouldn't mind if they replace confusion with burning on staff. But anyway to your point, this is why the thought of a support espec in EoD is frustrating. I would rather we have an illusionless aoe burst, than another thing that spams illusions/boons or slow ramping conditions.
  6. They aren't going to buff axe mirage dps on account of raids. They'd only nerf end up nerfing staff to make axe seem better which would make people want rev even more.
  7. Maybe borderline unusable would be more correct. It is possible. But so is failing again and again and being asked to go guardian. If they do tweak the staff they should buff the torment and lower the confusion. They can lower its bench beneath axe mirage without screwing it over in modes where bosses dont attack as fast.
  8. It wasn't great before. Now it's even worse. It is a struggle to clear CMs with chrono but you can theoretically accomplish it. Axe mirage does not struggle to clear.
  9. "perfectly usable" lmao. yeah no. Axe is "perfectly usable" and does just fine on most of the raid bosses you feel pressured to be a staff mirage. There is nothing stopping you from playing it. Chrono is is actively terrible in CMs. Even more so when you have ping issues. It's a sweeping change because the 15% crit damage nerf on danger time, and the 25% damage nerf on chronophantasma was targeted at raid builds, but it affected everything in PvE, including the chrono builds that were already a chore in CM.
  10. You are thinking of open world PvE. Not fractals where we compete with alacrigade and hfb/quickbrand. Chrono is basically unusable in CMs following PvE changes that targeted raids.
  11. You can do t4 on 5 bunker builds. It just takes much longer. And again, raiders can complete raids with axe mirage and they aren't doing raids daily. Id prefer discussing compromises rather than telling people they can complete content but have a worse time. Like tweak the confusion damage on staff but up the torment. Or a support build that somehow also damages.
  12. I would say chrono is non viable in CMs, especially if you have any sort of lag or ping issues. It's undesirable in t4. You can be aloof when the lfg asks for alac, that could be mutiple professions. Hfb/quickbrand does not mean they want you to bring your Chrono. And dps required to clear can be said of raids. Axe mirage is completely viable. But people want to clear content as fast as possible. The difference is suboptimal in raids isn't a waste of food and pots.
  13. Oh its not all that great. It is still better than the alternatives and doesn't need to be made worse. And our difficulty with trash mobs is part of the reason why I think people calling for a support spec must not care about fractals.
  14. There are probably ways to rebalance staff so it works well in fractals but isn't so strong on fast attacking bosses. And there is probably some sort of bard/minstrel/siren/clown that can do support, and put out aoe damage that isn't reliant on phantasms. But it feels like those ideas are rarely discussed. Do people just not care about fractals anymore? Like when StM and power chrono got nerfed in PvE because of raids it affected fractals as well (where they were already struggling vs firebrand and dragonhunter). And when people get their way and nerf staff mirage, it's going to widen the gap between mirage and renegade even more. Then if we get a support espec in EoD it's probably not going to have quickness/alacrity or enough damage, to be desirable in challenge modes. I get that people want to play axe in raids, and want some flavourful singer. I don't want to reroll to guardian or revenant to participate in end game content. Is there some sort of compromise?
  15. They should probably split damage between raids and fractals. @mordefelix.5826 Like I understand your complaint about staff. But it seems limited to a few bosses in raid content, while you are asking for a sweeping change that would affect all of PvE
  16. Mirage is condi. Alacrigade is power. And I'm guessing scrapper has too much support to be allowed to have high dps or boon output. You might as well give quickness to druid at that point. Edit: correct me if I'm wrong. Quickscrap does more damage than healbrand but less than quickbrand?
  17. But did go somewhere as Primordus's and Jormag's magic or as just magic? We've been told those two cancel out when they come in contact with each other. Zhaitain and Mordremoth didn't release both of their energies in the same space at the same time.
  18. Life category is broad. and dogged march/upper hand are more nebulous. But you have to admit they do theme things in general. Photosynthesis, eating eggs, and applying bandages are ways we heal ourselves. Shadows and guardian shouts come from light. People were surprised that firebrand got a water field. But not that a skill that increases healing effectiveness produces a water field, and that none of the fire skills on guardian heal. If more professions get alacrity it is probably going to be tied to skill that makes an ethereal field, or something mentioning time, or memory. There is some thought into what does what.
  19. First off they are never going to give it to engineers because they have kits. They would give it to something like thieves. Second you don't see fire fields giving regeneration. And every skill that does is related to water, light, or life (or a random effect). So yes, not all boons are locked to a single theme, but they do have shared concepts. I'm aware you could come with more themes for how alacrity is applied. But they currently have not. Most likely because it was originally not a boon. It's treated more like a skill type. There are multiple professions that can shout. They all do it different ways. It is thematically the same thing. Similarly there are two professions who can mess with time.
  20. Where/when do you think Above is? If you need the tool tip to literally spell it out for you their other citadel order says "open a portal through the mists of time, unleashing a storm of artillery from the united legions." All traps in this game are created different. That doesn't change what a trap skill is. Chronomancer also isn't even the best alacrity source. That would be renegade or mirage. This is not to say other class can't get alacrity. But thematically it should be some sort of time manipulation.
  21. Alacrity Mesmers use ether to manipulate the rules of physics in an area, in this case the time/space continuum. Revenants manipulate the fabric of time and space itself (mists). The method of time manipulation is different. But the theme is the same.
  22. Revenants explicitly manipulate time though. That's what the Mists are. Renegade's f2 even says "Open a portal through the mists of time, unleashing a storm of artillery from the united legions."
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