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Everything posted by Rex.3602

  1. As long as there are lots of waypoints for people without mounts to be able to move around fairly easily, I don't think mounts will be a necessity but more of a convenience.
  2. Primordus kills Jormag.Deep sea dragon kills Primordus.Kuunavang and us kill the deep sea dragon. There. The end of dragons. =)
  3. I would rather have them continue developing GW2 than spend resources making a new GW3, if it will just be more of the same.
  4. For the story I would enjoy some more light-hearted/funny moments. I liked these parts in the PoF story (for example when talking to scholar Nimmin).
  5. I don't see any suggestion in the OP or this poll for gems to be available for purchase on steam, and not exclusively through the in-game store. If this was the case then a compulsory revenue cut for steam may be a valid point. Have I missed something? If the poll is only asking whether it would be good if the option to use steam was also available for existing players and not only new ones, then I think it would be nice to have this option for all the players if it is possible.
  6. Pretty much this. I see this kind of behaviour with nearly all games and developers. I've seen people act "toxic" everywhere even in this game, from PvP to open world PvE.
  7. If it's possible, I would suggest making a way for existing accounts to be able to play through the steam version of the GW2 game client also. Not necessarily making gem purchases available through steam, but at least allowing existing players to be able to play through it if they choose to. If it's not possible, a simple explanation might make it easier for existing players to understand, since most MMOs I have played on steam allow existing players to be able to play through the steam version of the game client also. The only MMO that I have played that doesn't allow this option on steam is FFXIV.
  8. Yeah I wondered about this too. SWTOR on steam simply launches the SWTOR game client and I could use my old account from ages ago to login on the game client through steam. Not sure why this isn't possible for existing players in GW2 if that's what Anet means, but it's disappointing. Yep seems strange to me to limit so many customers because of Gems, i assume its a steam Gems thing as Fallout 76 has that issue.. But you can still use existing items and accounts you have, you just need to only purchase through either steam or the retail you cannot do both.. Which is still better than what we have here.For me, it would be fine if they had to restrict gem purchases through the gem store only and not through steam if the percentage cut that steam takes is not worth it. Other MMOs that I have played through steam do this. However, all of those allow existing accounts to login to the game client through steam still, so it seems odd that they can't allow this option. Maybe it's something to do with the way the game client has been coded. The only MMO that I have played so far which hasn't allowed existing accounts to play through the steam game client also is FFXIV.
  9. Yeah I wondered about this too. SWTOR on steam simply launches the SWTOR game client and I could use my old account from ages ago to login on the game client through steam. Not sure why this isn't possible for existing players in GW2 if that's what Anet means, but it's disappointing.
  10. That would be cool. I'm hoping that the dragons won't be eliminated completely from future content after the expansion.
  11. This pretty much describes why I voted how I did. I was hoping for some more content related to the upcoming expansion for the GW2 anniversary and I'm glad to see they did release this trailer for it. However, for me there still hasn't been quite enough details to make it a definite immediate purchase yet.
  12. Hehe I have to admit that I never finished the PoF story because it didn't really interest me and neither did the griffon. I'm a little disappointed that to start the collection you have to have completed the PoF story, but at least it will give me an additional reason to finish it now. I will probably wait a while before starting it though considering all of the bugs that have been reported and the mad rush that is likely going on at the moment to get it completed.
  13. I'm surprised that they did it so soon. Goes to show lots of things are possible and only Arenanet have the data to make the final decision on suggestions that may have been internally or externally generated. I think it's a good move, and hopefully it will bring new players and at least create some more widespread interest in the game.
  14. If nothing else, it would make the story mission in dragonfall where you have to use the blast engage skill on a specific spot on Kralk's wing a bit easier. Having done this on multiple characters, it is a bit frustrating to have to do some guess work for it to hit the right spot, but it's not a big issue.
  15. Definitely the prologue and Grothmar Valley. Maybe it was so good that the rest seems poor in comparison.
  16. Most of the central Tyria maps. They are pretty and have lots of things happening to make the world feel alive, including events. Also Dragonfall. I like the variety of landscapes in that map, and the events are relatively challenging and rewarding.
  17. They're quite challening until you learn the mechanics, even then they can be a challenge! You can speed clear them with a good group though. They are fun and don't take too long and you get unique skins with the tokens. Plus you need the tokens for all Gen1 legendary weapons. The only problem now is getting a group to do them, except when there is a daily dungeon. Thanks for the information. They sound interesting. I'll have to try them out. I was mostly worried that they would take a long time, but if they don't take too long apart from forming the groups I'll give them a shot.
  18. I haven't tried to do a dungeon so far yet. Maybe some updated rewards would entice me into doing them.
  19. The entire argument is based on an inaccurate assumption. Two points : The entire argument in this topic is whether to make the Warclaw more useful or not, in PVE. Not WvW.Please google for Warclaw Nerfs to get an update on what has happened to the kitty over the past one and a half year. I'll summarize it here and these nerfs are in WvW and I don't know why WvW is brought up here when we are talking about PVE.Battle Maul: Reduced target cap from 5 to 3 to 1 (nerfed twice)Superior Battle Maul: Reduced target cap from 5 to 3 to 1 (nerfed twice)Jump distance reducedJumping at dismount removedRemount speed reducedRemount speed added a 3 sec ICDRunning speed reduced (2 nerfs) to such an extent that some professions can run faster that the mount lolNo longer cap the ring when mountedThe warclaw's base endurance has been reduced from 100 to 50The warclaw's base health has been reduced from 10972 to 8779Warclaw Mastery 4: This mastery no longer causes Superior Battle Maul to finish downed enemies. Instead it causes Superior Battle Maul to deal 20% bonus damage to downed enemies.Fatal Fangs: This achievement will now progress when striking a downed enemy with Superior Battle Maul instead of when finishing a downed enemy. This does not affect existing achievement progress. There are probably more which I missed out. But these nerfs are real, not assumptions. If you have been playing WvW actively from the launch of the Warclaw in March 2019 till today, you will know how much damage has been done to the poor kitty. Please show some love. But I guess anytime any game aspect gets nerfed in order to be more balanced there will be people complaining that it is now useless in their eyes.Yep, just like there are people always complaining that something is OP. It's a never ending cycle.
  20. Maybe you will unlock it at 1000 keys. I said maybe, so don't quote me on that.
  21. The entire argument is based on an inaccurate assumption. Two points : The entire argument in this topic is whether to make the Warclaw more useful or not, in PVE. Not WvW.Please google for Warclaw Nerfs to get an update on what has happened to the kitty over the past one and a half year. I'll summarize it here and these nerfs are in WvW and I don't know why WvW is brought up here when we are talking about PVE.Battle Maul: Reduced target cap from 5 to 3 to 1 (nerfed twice)Superior Battle Maul: Reduced target cap from 5 to 3 to 1 (nerfed twice)Jump distance reducedJumping at dismount removedRemount speed reducedRemount speed added a 3 sec ICDRunning speed reduced (2 nerfs) to such an extent that some professions can run faster that the mount lolNo longer cap the ring when mountedThe warclaw's base endurance has been reduced from 100 to 50The warclaw's base health has been reduced from 10972 to 8779Warclaw Mastery 4: This mastery no longer causes Superior Battle Maul to finish downed enemies. Instead it causes Superior Battle Maul to deal 20% bonus damage to downed enemies.Fatal Fangs: This achievement will now progress when striking a downed enemy with Superior Battle Maul instead of when finishing a downed enemy. This does not affect existing achievement progress. There are probably more which I missed out. But these nerfs are real, not assumptions. If you have been playing WvW actively from the launch of the Warclaw in March 2019 till today, you will know how much damage has been done to the poor kitty. Please show some love.What nerfs? I can still run around on my shiny cat so everything must be dandy. :smirk:
  22. This. I am bored of the endless, rapidly-changing gear grind that is in a lot of MMOs. I prefer one that's a bit different and rewards skill rather than grind.
  23. What they should have done IMO: Create kind of a Pact "boot camp" for jungle warfare in Silverwastes that players have to pass before they are allowed to enter VB (possibly as part of the personal story): "Commander, we have managed to capture some Mordrem and wildlife from the Maguuma jungle. We use them to familiarize our troops with the threads that await us there." Players would then get pitched into 1-on-1 fights against some typical Maguuma opponents, for instance: fight a Mordrem sniper without getting hit by his charged shotfight a rolling devil by breaking its defiance barfight a smokescale where they have to move out of the smoke screenfight a Mordrem cavalier without getting knocked down, etc ... But of course it's much too late for that now. I guess the best one can do now to accustom oneself to the difficulty increase is something like:-> play a bit in Orr-> play at least a couple of days in SW (non-RIBA), gives you a bit of foretaste of what to expect in HoT-> VB if they had done that, i wouldnt even had entered maguma. they would had lost even more players and money. it sucks now, but telling playersin advance HOW much it sucks is a big mistake Like cc is not hard. Dodging is not hard its just in core you would rarely be put in a situation where you needed to dodge.This is true. Dodging is very important in HoT maps against enemies and makes a huge difference. For example, against the champion mushroom king, in my opinion the important things that I've seen are to kite as much as possible to avoid getting hit by the charge and saving your endurance to dodge back quickly when it pulls you in close, as it does a flip soon after the pull that does large AoE damage.
  24. Fair enough. We have stated our thoughts on the benefits and costs, so now I guess it's up to Anet to look at the exact numbers and their backlog to decide if it's worth improving or not. Personally I don't care if it's not improved but I wouldn't mind seeing some changes to make it better, although I don't want it to be 'overpowered' compared to the other mounts.
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