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Everything posted by Tyrick.9805

  1. What was the point of your comment exactly? How do you know how much I'm playing? Or what do you mean exactly?
  2. That didn't really help 😧 I'm not hating any expansions. I liked EoD when it came out, I just didn't have people to play with and probably lost interest.
  3. That's also possible but why do I come back every time? I have a feeling that if I were to find a nice guild and make some friends I'd play longer or maybe wouldn't quit so frequently.
  4. Hi everyone, so my problem is that I started playing this game a long time ago, but everytime I start it I'm losing interest and I just quit after a while. I've noticed everytime I install it again and come back, I last even less... The first time I've played it for maybe a whole year straingh, then took a break and I do this maybe once a year. I just want to stay, because I love the aesthetics, the music, the story, the characters... but I just can't find a reason to play. I always join a few guilds but most of them seems like just an emtpy one, nothing much really going on, just people online and the same few friends doing content together but us new members are just sitting there. I always set ups some goals for myself on what I want to do but I lose interest. Last time I played I finally unlocked Skyscale (yay) but I still never got any piece of legendary gear, but I want to do it. So I don't know how you people keep playing, but can you tell me a few tips, like how to find a nice and active friendly guild or community? I have every expansion and I'm planning to buy the new one also, but I'm afraid I'll just play it for a week and quit again. 😞 I know it probably sound stupid and maybe there is no point making this thread but I feel lost... Please help!
  5. You don't need to ress players. You can ress NPC's too. Near Destiny's Gorge is a great place for this because there are always many dead NPC's there.
  6. Yea this website is awesome. Too bad there is no "beginner" guide for mesmers. The other beginner guides are really awesome and I'd like to try out Virtuoso. But maybe they will update it soon. 🙂 Thanks.
  7. So I came back again after a year long break and I was hyped about EoD so I purchased the expansion, but I couldn't really decide on what spec to play so I went with Scourge. I did kinda okay in open world content but then I tried a more group oriented build and tried it out in some groups and I didn't really feel like I'm doing great. So I went to the golems added all buffs and destroyed it while doing like 11k DPS. So my question is not how to improve this, but maybe what specs would be for me? I really like the idea of playing Condi so I'm looking for something which is easy and condi. 😄 I'm doing open world really often so it'd be a priority to be able to switch between open world and fractal playstyles. Maybe just switching some traits or something like that. I have the following characters at level 80 Necro Ranger ( I don't want to play this honestly) Thief Mesmer Revenant Guardian ( I don't want to play this either) I don't want to play these two classes because I don't really like the class fantasy in them so I'd try the others. Maybe some of the new specializations are viable and easy for Condi play? Thanks in advance!
  8. The reason why I wrote new-ish because I've been playing this game in the past years and I'm aware of some basics, I did some of the expansion stories, masteries, etc... But I never actually did any group content. I'm looking for a guild where I can ask my stupid questions about my class, they will help me to build my character, why I use the skills and how I use them... My long time goal is to do every possible raid and high level fractals. If you have some questions or want to chat before you invite me, add me on discord: Tyrick#4314 Thanks!
  9. No, I've been playing WoW for like 15 years, I'm well aware of hotkeys and keybinds etc... That's one reason why I'm worried, I've been a hardcore raider in WoW and here I'm struggling with open world content. About decent traits... no idea, I'm looking up builds on websites and I usually go with some "open world" one. My wife is also playing a ranger but she wants to use bow, because she likes ranged skills in MMO's. However we can't play together all the time. What do you mean leave? Leave the game and look for something else? I'm done with the PoF story long time ago, I have the gryphon, and I was working on the Skysclale before I left, so I know the expansions. Some cool tips here, thanks for that. I'm probably not the best with using defensive and utility skills. Will try to work on them. And no, I'm not clicking my skills and using a key to dodge, but rebinding it on my mouse 5 button might be also a good idea. Hm some great tips here, I definitely have something to work on. I will try to practice what you mentioned here. Thanks! Hm didn't know that, going to check that out, I like action camera. ___________________________________________________ Thanks everyone for the answers, got some great tips already! 🙂
  10. Hmm... I did that last time I played. Leveled up my ranger from level 1. That's why I left the game last time, everything was so hard
  11. So I've been playing this game for years on and off, but sadly never achieved anything matningful, no raids, not a single hard content. I enjoyed most of it still though. 🙂 However my wife and I decided to return once again, before EOD. I want to practice a bit and I noticed that I'm still suck pretty much in open world content. I tried my revenant, my ranger, but I usually die to anything a bit harder. Maybe I'm that bad and I haven't learned some important aspects of combat? I try to dodge and heal myself most of the time but I'm still amazed when I see people soloing champions like no problem. So could anyone give me a few tips or maybe a video that explains things... Even when I follow a full "open world guide" I still die and still can't manage to do anything alone. Thanks and see you in-game! 😄
  12. But isn't Guardian only viable for fractals as a power build? I really don't want to play a power class. I have a Scourge but I don't like it, because of the Shades...
  13. Well some people suggested me to switch from ranger to another class, but I only like Ranger and Thief but for a thief I'm afraid it's not too good in open world content. A condi deadeye looks totally cool too...
  14. So I'm planning to start playing my ranger tomorrow but I'm not sure if I'd set up my character according to this build https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condi_DPS Would I be able to solo champions open world or I'd need to keep a different set of gear every time I Want to do it? I guess more skilled players can solo anything no matter what gear they have but I'm not an experienced player. I just want to play a ranger with preferably dagger/x and maybe x/torch? Or a longbow could work too I'm not sure. I noticed that there are many people against most metabattle builds so if someone could suggest a youtube video or some other guide, I'd appreciate it. Thank you in advance!
  15. This is the video, it's from VoodenPotatoes I really like this build and one of my alts is a Mesmer that I'd like to use for open world like in the video. According to the commenters, there was some change/nerf that made this thing weaker. Could anyone please help me and suggest a new build with Greatsword?Thank you in advance!
  16. Or I'm doing something wrong? Do I need special tools or special areas? I tried to run around in PoF and HoT maps cgathering everything that I see but I didn't even make one gold.Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  17. When I started playing I asked the same question and now my friends who knows that I play GW2 will never understand, but hey they are cool... I guess because I still don't have any but at least now I have a goal to get one haha.
  18. Could anyone help me with some nice beginner builds for open world? I'm planning to go with a bow and mace/axe or staff.I've checked the metabattle but those builds are pretty expensive, I don't have much gold.I'm looking for something tanky which won't die when I fight 2 mobs at the same time. Thank you in advance!
  19. Luckily I'm only interested in PvE content, only open world, maybe some group content but that should be very rare.Thanks for the info.
  20. So I stopped playing maybe 1,5 year ago and I remember before I stopped I created an alt ranger that I wanted to level but never did.I always liked the open world greatsword build, but now that I reinstalled the game and logged in to my ranger, I wanted to check that build to be sure what is going on.On the Metabattle website I couldn't find any builds with greatsword. Did something happen or I just miss something?What other possibilities I have for a tanky easy to pickup build? Thank you in advance!
  21. Hi everyone, this thread is a really cool idea, at first I didn't believe such thing exists. :lol:I'm a new player and I just finished the Main Story and the PoF storyline. I'm working on the HoT storyline now but I also would like to unlock the Living World Episodes.I'm not even sure how to buy them or how many gems you need to pay but I'd really love to unlock the first one! (I'm not sure if it's possible to buy the Living World Season 1 or you can only play the second one?) If the Season 1 is no longer available then I'd be happy to get the Second one :smile:Anyone could help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it!
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