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Everything posted by Pooh.6897

  1. The only thing I can think of is to give reaper a lot of (soft) CC and make him a 'support' in the sense that he can deal big breakbar damage and really control its enemies. That would be a thing that would be in line with the power fantasy. I'm not saying that it would be good or not, just that it could thematically be a possible avenue for Anet to take. After all, Reaper already has some sort of a CC -focus built-in with the focus on Fear and Chill.
  2. I've been looking at reaper today, and i think that, while shivers of dread is not the main reason reaper struggles, it without questions contributes to the problem. it's just so minimal that it doesn't make sense at all. you get 1.5s of chill every time you fear someone. however, fears are severely limited (and rightfully so). this trait has the potential to do nothing at all. if it does something, it is a 1.5s chill. Excuse me but that's just pathetic. Perhaps a good first change would be to replace 'shivers of dread' with 'dread' instead. this would give reaper baked-in access to fury, which would solve the crit chance problem. it would give arenanet the opportunity to change Reaper's onslaught without taking away Reaper's Quickness. It would still have the niche trigger of applying a fear, but it would actually provide a somewhat decent benefit while being completely in line with the fantasy of Reaper.
  3. I’m not a big fan to adding a bleed to the dagger. In its core, dagger is based on strike-damage. While i understand that you want to simplify the interaction with the self-bleed between skill 3 and skill 2, I’d rather have to see it changed in a way that doesnt simplify the weapon so much. I agree that the self-bleed is impractical because 9/10 times your friendly neighborhood guardian instantly cleanses that off anyway. I agree with axe, focus and warhorn. I’ve been using staff for a long time now and i think it’s in a very good spot. Maybe the AA could be a bit faster but nothing too bad. I don’t think a bleed on the AA would be desirable because again, it makes the weapon less focused instead of more.
  4. I really need to have the foefire chestguard available again. Please make it happen, it’s going to be so fundamental for my look.
  5. This is something I'd like to see as well. I know Scourge is a condi-spec through and through, but it would be awesome if the door could be opened for some sort of power boon support build that's not harb.
  6. Preach, brother! This is EXACTLY my frustrations with the balancing over the years. They seem to just ignore absolutely massive issues that are só incredibly obvious, but they just don't touch them AT ALL. Their reaction time is so incredibly slow, unless something affects some sort of PvP-league match, then they just omega nerf it into the ground. But yes, what is the point of MH dagger? I use it for RP purposes, but it's an absolute steaming pile of garbage. You have an AA that deals (pretty low) strike damage and generates a lot of LF. Then you get Life Siphon, which is effectively a second heal skill but basically does nothing else, and you get a random immobilize with Dark Pact. The only elite spec that seriously use MH dagger is scourge boon support/barrier heal. Scourge is condi-based, while dagger is power-based. why did they not adapt the weapon to the new playstyle? or give it some sort of clear direction what it's meant for? Is everyone else starved of LF because dagger's quirk is that it can generate LF? What about minions and their traits? minionmancers deal pathetically low damage, it's not even funny anymore. I love to run minions, but apart from the flesh golem there really is no reason to use them. Spite is heavily dated and needs a rework at this point. Reaper's might is cool, but then you have siphoned power which does the same thing but better? Also, Spite is the only traitline that can effectively do nothing at all under the right circumstances. If your enemy is above 50% health, has boons and you're not in shroud, spite literally does nothing at all. I use Focus because Binding of Ipos is cool and it gives me a demonic tome. the skills itself are so useless, especially in PvE, i might as well have nothing equipped at all. the main problem that i have with these changes is that it solidifies greatsword even more as the melee weapon to use with reaper. If you ever had any dreams of making a MH dagger reaper build work, well it is now effectively dead because appearantly only greatsword receives buffs whenever Reaper needs extra damage.
  7. to be honest im a bit disappointed with the necro changes. The buffs are nice, but I really wanted to see some changes to dagger. Now greatsword gets solidified even more as the reaper power weapon.
  8. I know this is not a bug-report, but i'd like to provide a bit of feedback. Right now, buying a Stash for your guild will add a physical Guild Vault to Gilded Hollow and Lost Precipice, but not to Isle of Reflection. I'd like it very much if we could get a Guild Vault for Isle of Reflection.
  9. Hey there, I know that this has been pointed out during the launch of EoD, but there is still a bug in the game that can crash your game seemingly at random when interacting with the NPC's in the Isle of Reflection guildhall. Multiple members of my guild have this issue and it makes upgrading and planning very difficult and frustrating.
  10. I absolutely love the concept here. Please send me an invite 😃
  11. Well, I think it would greatly help recruiting guilds if they knew what kind of content you're looking to do, as there are multiple forms of group content. You have WvW, PvP and the PvE-centered Strikes, Fractals, Raids and even Dungeons could be seen as group content. My guild focusses on Open World, and as such I think that my guild specifically wouldn't be a great fit as running group content is not our main focus.
  12. What I like about this idea is that it opens the door for minion-related skills to cost Life Force. Unfortunately I don't have much else to contribute, other than that it would be really cool if they could find an alternative way to spend Life Force by raising minions.
  13. Asum.4960, thanks for putting my frustrations with revenant and specter into actually intelligible words. I've felt like this for a long time, and it somehow feels unfair that necro gets left behind as the toy they don't want to play with anymore. Giving another profession something similar is absolutely okay, like what they're trying to do with giving other classes more access to stability. However, copying something that is meant to be one of the core pillars of a profession (self-inflicting conditions) and then making it better just feels like a slap in the face. I like revenant and I think it's a cool profession, but I couldn't help but think "this should be on necro" at least a few times when I looked through their skills and traits for the first time.
  14. Oh, absolutely. In my opinion, the entire Spite traitline needs a rework because the original idea doesn't really work anymore (more damage when enemy under 50% health). The Spite traitline has the unique feature that it's the only traitline on Necro that has the potential to do literally nothing. If the enemy has boons on them, and if they have above 50% health and you're not in shroud, Spite does literally nothing. The reason it still ends up rather okay-ish is because it has absolutely mental might-generation when you are in shroud. I would much rather have Anet rework the entire traitline, and focus on might generation and vulnerability application. This theme is already present in Spite, although very weakly (Bitter Chill, Death's embrace). Maybe an unpopular thing to say, but I genuinely think Unyielding blast belongs in Spite as a minor trait, right next to reaper's might. Besides that, Reaper's might and Siphoned power do exactly the same thing.
  15. A number of guild members have this bug happen to them, and I'm having it in Isle of Reflection when i sometimes try to decorate
  16. Yay \o/ 🙂 now let’s hope this helps me find someone that can help me.
  17. I’d like to propose Necro as your future class. 1. Necro is regarded as the tankiest class as you have a second health bar. On top of that, necro has, together with warrior, the largest health pool. Reaper still is one of the strongest Open World specs. 2. While I don’t know that much about necro in PvP, what I do know is that scourge is very strong in WvW, and I think that Reaper is pretty okay as a roamer. Again, PvP is not my forte, but i do know that Necro is pretty good here. 3. Scourge can literally solo carry raid groups by keeping people alive and not downed. Harbinger can provide perma quickness and boons with elixers, and for dungeons, all three necro specs can provide more than enough damage.
  18. I dont know if my post inspired you to also ask for help, but what I can say about recruitment is that before you start recruiting, you need to have a clear vision of what you want your guild to become. The more specific you are, the better it is. I advertise my guild very specifically as an Open World guild. While technically Open World equals PvE, i still avoid the PvE tag. Why? Because raids and fractals also are PvE. The players that end up joining my guild very specifically expect my guild to focus on one thing: Open World. This means that my guild ends up extremely casual, as Open World content is, generally speaking, not that difficult. And that's perfect, because that is what I envisioned for my guild. The vision is what draws them in. If you don't want a casual guild but instead a guild filled with diehard raiders, that's good too. Whatever floats your boat. However, be wary of becoming a PvX guild this early on. Not that it's not a viable concept or anything, but because you require a lot more management to make it work. You basically need a branch of management that focusses on PvE, another branch that focusses on PvP and then maybe another branch that focusses on WvW. It works for large communities. For smaller communities, you have the risk that indeed people won't have too much in common other than playing Guild Wars 2. I certainly have questions of my own to ask to more seasoned Guild Leaders, but I tried to share my knowledge and experience so far. I hope it helps 😃
  19. Hey there, I recently started a new guild. It's doing absolutely great and I/we managed to get 30 members in a very short amount of time. However, there are still plenty of things I, as a new Guild leader, need to learn. I'd like to talk with an experienced Guild Leader in-game about the art of leading a guild and what decisions to make. If said Guild Leader would be willing to join my guild to coach me and help me managing the guild, that'd be absolutely awesome. I don't have much gold, but perhaps we can work something out as compensation. My aim with this guild is to help as many new and returning players as possible, and I feel like it would be the right step forward to contact somebody that can guide me through the process of community-building and decision-making. Please send me a PM or mail in-game and I hope to hear from you soon ^^
  20. Hey there! It's Scarr Deathpaw from 'The Path of Grenth' [POG]. I believe we had contact earlier, but I already sent you a guild invite in-game ^^ Hopefully i'll see you there 🙂
  21. Hey there! You might be interested in our small guild. We are a relaxed guild that is focused on Open World. This means that we do (and sometimes run) map events/meta's, we host fishing parties, etc. I'll send you an invite in-game so you can decide for yourself. We're EU-based.
  22. Congrats to cmc for getting the role he deserves. I hope that necro can flourish under his reign. If I could make a few suggestions of things i would like to see changed, my list would be: - please take a look at the minor traits in Spite. Death’s embrace is probably the worst trait in necro’s entire kit. It would be cool if this provided more vulnerability more regularly. - a minion rework or rebalancing would be incredibly appreciated. It is currently impossible to get 30 stacks of hardened shroud with only minions and flesh of the master, unless you run reaper with “rise!” - please give spectral skills some sort of trait. That’s it. Again congratulations to cmc for landing a promotion. I’m hopeful for what the future will bring.
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