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The Raven.1320

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Posts posted by The Raven.1320

  1. I find it funny I know exactly who you are talking about, but what I don't find funny is how you threatened physical violence against me when I killed you on my Holosmith. You also threatened my friend when he +1'd our 1v1. There was no bow or agreement of a duel and we weren't even remotely near the dueler's spot. If you want a fair 1v1 go there, but don't whine when you get +1'd elsewhere. I can post the screenshots from my end if you want proof. 


    My friend and I don't run with that crowd. We do our best to avoid them. We're well aware of their infamy. Sometimes kitten happens and we're there when they are. I can't and won't vouch for them not hacking or exploiting. IMO you and that crowd deserve each other for your toxicity. 


    I will say this about your point though, there are absolutely hackers and cheaters in WvW. Vallun caught one on stream the other day. A reaper teleport hacking away while in downstate. It didn't save her though. I have also had experience recently with people who just don't take damage. You hit them and nothing happens, no evades, no blocks, nothing. With that said I find legitmate hacking few and far between. Most people are just ignorant of a lot of game mechanics. I've been accused of cheating by thieves when I'm running Lock On on my engineer. The best way to learn class mechanics is to play that class and test out multiple builds of said class. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 1
  2. My havoc squad of 8 took a Tier 3 Woodhaven with only one person showing up to defend at the very end once we were revealed by Watchtower after the wall went down. The blue Zerg was busy defending bay from a red Zerg. We've also managed to golem rush a Tier 3 Fire Keep and capped it with the whole Red Zerg porting in from EWP. 


    It's entirely possible to take things with enemy Zergs on the same map. 

  3. 4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I legit had to look up what the hell is going on with WoW after we get the 14th player joining our Guild in like 3 weeks saying he swapped from WoW.

    I played WoW for about 10 years and did a lot of PvP and World PvP. The PvP nowadays is in a sorry state. For all the balance issues Gw2 has at least I'm not being one-shot by someone who bought an arena carry. IIRC the last time someone did the math for the power difference between BiS PvP gear and starting gear was ~72%. 


    *Sad noises*

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