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Everything posted by Vilin.8056

  1. This. Why must a casual festival event be dominated by the few veterans who solely pursue gold/hour, all the way down to what other players should choose their class or gear their characters? Keep in mind that when it comes to the boss battles, it's also mostly the engineers pulling their weight while a shortbow thief is practically leeching. I also disagree with the new player experience, as new players don't set up their character to maximize loot rate, but instead come to the labyrinth to enjoy quick leveling their character and masteries. Slowing down on each gate event would be the last thing on their wishlist. And most importantly, the way how op described how the game should be played, is seriously devoid of fun.
  2. So? Dragonfly Cupcake only cost 1 silver each, it grants 30% MF, 70 Power Plus with the research notes options, we now have a permanent loot buff from the Jade Bot.
  3. At least comparing to their predecessor, the Mystic Curio, I would say it's an improvement.
  4. Or maybe it's simply that the other 3 races possess more sexual attraction than the rest.
  5. I think an easier way to say this is that players who possess a toxic attitude toward contents hardly gets anything. There are those who has been arguing for an easy mode in raids for years, yet even when emboldended mode come to fruition, they remain arguing in a toxic manner.
  6. I guess you never had to fill the role as a healer, never played support, never tanked and never kited. That's exactly what we have been doing, even before there's a legendary armory and templates, and back then we all do it manually. Many raiders even swap a single purpose build for one particular boss just for one particular mechanic, and all are subject to overhaul once another balance patch hits. The same also applies to many WvW guilds, seeing how each combat strategy changes affecting their whole set up, if you never did any stat swap, you're behind the skill gap.
  7. Now we know why you couldn't kill that Vindicator.
  8. I'm on NA server, yet I've never seen any strike mission with LI requirement since 2022. It's unfair to fault an entire server of players out of a single experience. If a possibility should be taken into consideration, it's simply the weekend and its surge of very, very unskilled players coming to the LFG, and the commander may be frustrated by a recent experience. Since you mentioned AP, I would also like to point out that if you do low performance as a 20k AP player, party members would usually be less forgiving than how they treat an entry player, as there's a difference between being inexperienced and straight out denial, when it comes to party/squad contribution.
  9. I agree with the OP. Why even going further to design an achievement to kick a chicken until it explode? The problem isn't about killing animals, it's the abusive behavior that feels more disturbing than the humor intended, and generally breaks the Commander's character.
  10. And what happens if people who are expected to increase their dps does not increase their dps? Should the game just kick them systematically? Again, not solving any problem.
  11. And how does an official meter solve the problem of low skilled players still getting kicked from instanced contents, which is the center of the topic here? Again, take your off-topic debates elsewhere.
  12. And it's not a solution to OP's problem, and nobody is using DPS meters in OW. Please spare your off-topic debates elsewhere.
  13. Ironically, yet we have the same OW people, constantly coming to threads like this telling us on how the game should be played. And how we, and the developers should be responsible for their failures, over and over.
  14. Another day, another thread of a certain player who's way behind skill gap for the majority of contents, coming here complaining why the game isn't centered on his own interest. This is supposed to be a forum where players share information and guidance on contents, but instead, we wasting time on entitlement.
  15. If anyone hasn't noticed, GW2's camera doesn't work very well for small interiors, especially ones with lots of furnitures.
  16. Is this becoming some form of a forum trolling? Seriously. The same pattern of spamming over multiple threads all by the same person.
  17. Therefore step-up contents matters more for these people rather than end-game contents. It's strange that you assume it is normal for players to reach end-game with bad class, low skill and no gear. It's even hilarious to assume people who reached end-game this way would suddenly want to play GW2 like Dark Souls, or that Souls players never read guides (in fact it has one of the most detailed battle wiki available speaks otherwise)
  18. You need to read his post again, he's neither properly geared nor certain of his participating class role, that makes entry of T4 and raid completely out of the question. It's a skill gap issue, not a solo vs group issue. What he really need is a proper Step-Up content to teach him the basics, in which he mistakenly assumed the highest tier End-Game contents as the solution.
  19. A minimal demand if any, even if you want to include the easier mode in Liadri, the demand is still far lower than instanced grouped contents. Winter's Day Raid is a prove of this, despite needing a Commander to go through the LFG with a requirement of a raid healer, people still prefer it over Queen's Gauntlet because they can be backed by experienced players. OP made a major error assuming that having challenging end-game contents in single player mode can eliminate time commitment, in reality it's the opposite. In Raid and Strikes, players of lower skill level can ease the burden by taking the easier roles and assign mechanics to skilled players, then observe how it is done in the action. In single player mode, that player will have no choice but to repeatedly fail until he mastered every single mechanic on his own or ultimately give up, with the alternative options of sharing his account password onto another skilled player to play it for him (which happened in Queen's Gauntlet).
  20. In that logic the same condition applies to Winter's Day Raid, which has over 20% completion rate, that's over 7 times higher than Liadri: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=Wintersday's Guardian
  21. To support this claim, in GW2 efficiency over 30% of its player database has defeated Vale Guardian in raid: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=Vale 10% in Dhuum, which remains one of the most challenging raid boss: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=What's Death May Never Die Yet only less than 3% has ever defeated Liadri in the last 9 years https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=Light Up the Darkness
  22. You mean like the Fundoshi for the male norns?
  23. That is an accusation, and an entitlement that you are representing the majority of people and the success of the game, all of which are solely based on your own selfish interest, not others. There are so many wrongs in your previous judgement of game modes and suggestion of wrong doings (AFK in WvW and PvP matches, seriously?) that players who truly participate these modes will find offensive. Most important of all, there's no point to necro a series of a very tired topic that had been locked least 3 times while bringing no new points to make, constantly bumping it up while expecting a positive response.
  24. None of these 3 points appeals the majority of casual players, who only play one build, does not posses more than 5 alts, hates gear grinding, and mostly log in for new stories and exploration.
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