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Everything posted by Eriard.7840

  1. Can we get the awesome thumbnail in the reveal trailer as a Wallpaper?
  2. Make Dungeon exotics stat selectable! It would save menu space and be less chance of buying the wrong stat gear. Its honestly just cleaner.
  3. A lot of good changes, but i think the balance team are making a HUGE misstep in giving almost all classes Alac and Quickness! Scourge does not need alac, and should keep what makes it unique. Yes its OP in some areas, fix those please. I think a much better design direction would be for some classes/specs to be masters of some boons. And not giving any class mastery over ALL boons . I would love for scourge to be a Barrier and possibly Stability focused spec,, or whatever really, just dont make everything the same. I know Anet wants "Bring the Player, Not the Class", but for that to be functionally possible, all classes need to be mechanically the same, with different fluff, and that dont sound fun. Please reconsider this direction to give something unique and interesting to classes. If Alac and quickness are so important to the game, then you need to fix those boons instead of putting them on every class.
  4. Also Huge QoL: Let me Name my Bank Boxes and Reorder the boxes themselves!!
  5. Dailies: and Decluttering I have a suggestion that comes from Destiny2 of all places. There each week they have a part of the log in UI which tells you what "current" events and content is focused this week, and i think Guild Wars 2 could do with something like this. There are also often too many dailies and you go mad if you try to do them all, i think it would be nice with a few more generic Dailies for the different game modes like strikes and so on, but that a lot of it should be on a weekly focus, and it should be very apparent to players what is focused content this week - i usually forget to even check what season episodes are active on my dailies because its buried in daily achievements
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