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Everything posted by gashen.3874

  1. how many servers are actually playing right now using underworld as a front ? more than one i suspect
  2. a complete waste of time,riddled with cheats,more cheats and even more cheats don,t waste your time do something positive like knocking nails in to your head
  3. i have just discovered the same happening with underworld valley. the trouble with this lot is that if you kill one,a thousand come to the funeral
  4. if you killed 1,000,000 people in far shiverpeaks overlook,how many would they have left [1,000,000,000] give or take a few
  5. as the title suggests, whathave you done to wvw
  6. thanks for your help i,ll try on the next meta
  7. when trying to get to the cache keepers in drizzlewood meta how do you use choppers to get from one keeper to the next,by the time i get to a keeper they,re already killed
  8. the only way to go is as follows. first kick thiefs,mesmers and rangers, second scrap all condition damage[stupid], no movement impairing conditions,how on earth are conditions applied to you through a wall or a gate. direct damage only. get rid of all the cheats and conmen,then we might get somewhere. FAT CHANCE but we live in hope
  9. what are these beasts that have started to appear in wvw
  10. i am trying to DISCOVER the recipe for clove-spiced pear and cured meat flatbread, i need to know what 4 items to put into the discovery panel to make the recipe NOT the 4 items to make the flatbread. i can,t just keep putting in random food items hoping to stumble across it . i know the items to make the actual flatbread but you need the recipe in order to do it. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. is this the same underworld that is in coronation street
  12. 2 minutes ago whilst trying to retake stonemist keep i noticed the castlelord was from whiteside ridge intelligence whatever that might be. what on earth is he doing there or is this another example of the cheats at work
  13. thanks for your help, i have finished before but i'll have to find which character i did it with. thanks again
  14. i have just finished return to a meeting of ministers in the head of the snake. i now want to do return to confessors end, do i have to do the complete episode or can i select it somehow. i don,t fancy doing the whole thing again. thanks for any help
  15. when are you going to sort out the mess you have made in the eternal battlegrounds, every friday we change servers and every friday without fail we get one team that vastly outnumbers the others, we then get a week of frustration getting nowhere. surely its not to much to ask that you balance the numbers so everybody has a fair chance as it is it is totally pointless.
  16. many thanks for the info i didnt know this
  17. as an engineer i have permanent stability when using a flamethrower, however when in wvw i am constantly being stunned, dazed, pulled, you name it i am getting it.is this yet more cheats on the prowl, or do anet just turn a blind eye as they do to most things.
  18. thanks for the help,worked first time
  19. thanks for your reply i,ll give it a go
  20. i have an unfinished azure dragon slayer dagger, the description of the dagger says use against a new ice brood champion in a drm to recieve the finished version.what do they mean by a new champion, i have done 2 drm,s with the dagger active but no finished weapon.
  21. i know about the meta but each time i go to the spawn sites the juveniles are there but they won.t charm.do you have to actually have to do the meta events so that they will charm for me.both events are saying success but i still can.t charm any of them.
  22. i have been to the 2 locations where they spawn but i am unable to charm any of them,this happens every time i try to no avail.any help would be very welcome.
  23. i recently changed crafting discipline from weaponsmith to huntsman, i changed back to weaponsmith,but have lost the max 500 pts and i,m now a novice weaponsmith with 0 pointswhat went wrong
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