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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. It maybe means what gw2 originally was intended to, back in core you had no especs and more ways to specialize your core build There was no real healer, everyone did a bit. Than they made broken especs, changed old builds and now you can specialize yourself with the especs, with 3 especs for each class you might be able to specialize yourself more with wider options
  2. Many good players don't understand "how bad" people can get, for them are many things natural. The skill lvl and knowledge has a huge gap in this game, they expect that you can do xyz. If not they call you trash and don't mind than. It might look that they are angry about you but in reality they just are mad that this big skill gap is making sometimes matches unplayable. There are as many mad mans out there as nice top players that like to teach you and explain you stuff, when you ask.
  3. Maybe they change something in pvp with eod release?
  4. The one are facetanking everything and are not happy that its not working anymore and the others try to punsih facetanker, but they can't because facetanking id still very efficient, since we have many other ways to negate dmg, good players in facetanking classes are literally unkillable
  5. The dps is way to low, did you play pre feb 2020? Everything is slow and does no dmg, you are getting now days way less punished. If you die to fast, the problem is probably targeted at yourself. Sometimes you get pretty fast rolled, tru, but there is a reason why since they released 2vs2 and 3vs3, everyone is stacking necros and guards, they are the tankiest classes (esp combined) and they do enaugh dmg overtime to beat almost every non necro/guard comps
  6. I think first win of the day could engage pvers more to not afk, I think its fine but I don't rly care about that
  7. I am rly hyped with untamed, in both betas i got some good stuff in pvp working and when the bugs are fixed (unleashed skills) i think i gonna be an untamed main for a few weeks/month Nothing really special but this i what i wanted as class rework for Ranger and they made it. It might be the first real grieving Ranger that's gonna be more than viable
  8. Don't waste your burst in their shroud, rather spam the auto attack and a bit cc, don't waste cc, wait till He dodged a bit that you can land savely, they can't stunbreak in shroud and try to dodge their fear, it's a big Blake smoke above their head. When they leave the shroud smash your burst in, count again the dodges and stunbreaks, usually they run 2, spectral walk and worm. Take care that you don't get catched by a fear ring, you will either need to wait or use a source of stability to cross the fear rings. The time Windows of 10 seconds seems low to burst a necro but it's absolutely not impossible. Just don't get baited and waste your burst in his shroud, shroud reduces dmg income by 50% and is also used as shield to protect the real life, I hope it helps.
  9. I think I found your problem you are using wilderness survival but not it survival utilitys and not the middle grandmaster traitline Every survival utility will give you 2 condi cleanses and you traited already that your heal a survival ability procs so you get 4 cleanses. Investing into beastmastery will last middle traitline will give you condition cleanses on your pet swap (additionally you get quickness with the pet merge) I changed your build a little bit, you will still do posion dmg and that your traitline procs but you will get 8 condi cleanses, 4 on your healskill, 2 on quickening zephyr and 2 on pet merge (lesser quickening zephyr) with the zephyrs you also gain 2 sources of quickness http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POxAgiVlFkxe6ZdFOpkGameKXvP3UAyzIHH-zRJYkR3fhkSB0TC0bMo3lQEJ480D3jpBEPbA-e I hope you can enjoy it and it will help Edit: nvm I watched the wrong build but I still gave it condition cleanses so you can use it
  10. After thoughts about Ranger spirits and a few discord conversations over a time I came to now to an idea to bring up a new playstyle with already existing elements of the Game. Spirits should not be summoned at the place where the Ranger stays, they should arrive where the Ranger want them, making spirits kinda like a totem, with buffs (stun breaks, condi cleanse, stability, boons and heals) for allies and dmg or conditions (vuln, cripple, weakness, poison? Idk condis hard to decide) for the enemys. Give the Ranger X range radius, to place the spirit, the spirit it self has a smaller radius where it effect applies and it will set down the spirit on a cooldown of y seconds. When the cooldown is over you can resummon at any place the spirit in you range and apply the effect again. This provocs many different aspects of skill, placing the spirits correctly that they don't they, react in time if the cooldown is available, replace it often enaugh that it applies it enaugh boons to your allies/party. Repositioning spirits can also heal the spirits, give them a high drain when they are alive, so if you are fast enaugh with repositioning your spirit it will stay longer alive which would again be a more skilled version of what we have now. Also can the effect of the spirits can be balanced quiet easy, either get reduced life or more dmg from other sources, or they give less boons or you increase the time to reposition them oooooor you let them drain faster their life. All of this could bring back Naturmagic in competetiv play and different ways to play an offensive and defensiv style while it will also increase its usage as role-playing as Druid or even Ranger bound to the light nature magic.
  11. Condis are not strong, you have to avoid them mostly the same way as power dmg but Power dmg is hitting directly while condi dmg can tick 0 times. I don't want to be mean, but warrior has pretty decent condi cleanse and is still able to deal a good amount of dmg. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEd7lJwSYKsLGKOWTpLPA-zZIPlMVA9KB6WEEyQQVDA Here is a build that I am running pretty often, bull charge for cc, stomp for stun break and leaving stuff like fearring and guard walls. For greater justice gives you 3k heal and removes 1 condi (aoe) from you and allies. 2 recharges Every second weapon swap cleanses 2 condis every weapon swap at least 1 condi. Entering and leaving rampage will also let the condi cleanse procc. Your heal skill removes 5 condis. And this is still good playable in p2/3
  12. This, the matchmaker will only get better with more players and more players come when anet is putting some God kitten love in their game
  13. Godsofpvp is now https://hardstuck.gg/ Now with explanations!
  14. Because many players are only playing ranked for the pips, they don't care of the outcome since you will always get the pips. That your nec was top 250 is just showing how low the skillfloor is atm in this game. People run since 2 years unkillable necro and getting away with it and they even think they are good. In the end It would probably not making a huge difference, but from my experience, people get mostly toxic because their number goes down
  15. The bad habits are everywhere, the big majority in this community, I would even say 99%, are not knowing how this gamemode works It wouldn't change anything, but newer players would have a way more chill place to check out pvp
  16. I think the only stuff they probably gonna nerf is one wolf pack, but since it's already 80? Seconds in wvw I think it will not hit you any time soon. I bet we get some balancing overall at the release, 6 month only e spec balancing and than everything balancing
  17. Sounds na, the last 2 seasons in eu were rly not bad, in this season, I had maybe 10-12 games that where absolut stupid but most of them where rly playable with players that know what to do etc... Yeah sometimes there were games were everyone was plat2/3 outside of 1 player for each team, but both got that player and it was not terrible (maybe for the lower players) I have to admit that most games we're played while prime time but the match quality was very decent Edit: yes pls add pips to unranked
  18. There comes more to the table, some classes are just not designed for competetiv play because they can do to much or are effective in facetanking everything (SCOURGE) There are a lot more classes than scourge and firebrand that have these noncompetetiv design and I rather have them on unplayable mod than absolutely destroy the game (like scourge did the past 2? (since they revert the scourge self shade)) or firebrand/scourge or w/e else was there. Having firebrand not even close in the meta for 2 years is an Desaster without a doubt, but having mostly no skill changes for the past 2 years is probably the way worse disaster here. Simple numbers can't balance those classes
  19. Since they had a patch for dx11 I had like 1 or 2 crashes but I believe it was not because dx11 I play a lot
  20. What, if anythings pvpers have it is gold, ranked and at are high gold gainers. You do not farm as good as the meta gold farm trains but dang bro, you can easily make 500 gold a week
  21. We need the place where people can just hop in and out, it worked super well back in the day, clicking play now, being easy able to do your dailys or try builds out. Allowing matches up to 8vs8 (or 10vs10 in stronghold) to create a bit of a chaotic but fun time, and if you have enaugh you leave it. Splitting the community into unranked and ranked is a bit of a half baked cake. On one hand you have players that are completely new, joining unranked and getting farmed by veterans and getting no fun out of a match while veterans just wait till better time is for the ranked q. On the other hand is taking unranked a part of the toxic environment that competetiv play brings with it(which can be also resolved by playing hot join). Instead of having unranked and ranked, remove the minimum requirements for ranked, let new players start with bronze mmr instead of gold mmr. Make a play now, ranked and a 2vs2/3vs3 button.
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