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Everything posted by Avatar.3568

  1. Sad to hear but understandable. But players that leaving because of that are making it harder for the rest to avoid the toxicness. I hope you come back after a few month's (as I do here and there) and can enjoy this game again.
  2. It's the forum, the biggest memes of the game are starting here
  3. There are enaugh reasons to do that outside of toxic behavior.
  4. I think boon removal has always the same priority, protection and stab are pretty high
  5. Actually the opposite, outside of hammer guard and hammer warrior lost their dmg, most classes where able to beat each other, most of the time the better player with higher reflexes and reaction was winning. They could have done a good job but they stopped pretty fast with it
  6. Unranked is a wild place, there are many different reasons and people why they jump into unranked. Some don't want to play ranked because they camp their rating or they wait till prime time. Also possible is that they want to try out new builds or even teamcomps with their friends. Playing with friends in general might be a reason too, not everyone wants to play at or has enaugh time to do it rn. Also many playing unranked because they just want to have fun in pvp and it's more given than in ranked most of the time. We can now also include a quiet big amount of pve players that are doing their dailys or/and don't want to play ranked because they feel to bad for it.
  7. With wvw balance bunker meta Inc. The beat duelist, +1, bunker and support should be always the best players, the different builds/specs should promote different play styles and not be worse Guard and necro are still to opressiv
  8. 1. Play what you feel most comfortable with, there are builds for every class, but testing out some classes might be not wrong, I was playing guardian in pve before i played pvp, and still after 9 years I can't play guardian in pvp but I directly got a taste with Ranger back than Ps: you can test out against other players in the ffa. 2. Learn to Dodge correctly, a lot of players are using Dodges for basically nothing (me included) using the Dodge to avoid incoming damage sounds simple but doing it is not that easy. Learn to read the minimap, try to outnumber enemys on the enemy captured points and don't outnumber on your captured points (only your mate is very low), try to never be more than 1 player as your enemy has (2vs1, 3vs2, 4vs3, 5vs4) most of the time is a simple "we are more players" enaugh to win the fight, but to many players on 1 point are giving the enemy the chance to still gain the map Control. Last thing to train, don't watch at your teammates mistakes, try to find your own mistakes and how they affect everything else in the match. Or even better look what you can do to help your mates to win. 3. Dying on node doesn't Archiv anything (outside the last 5 points) holding a point against way more enemys, has nothing to do with honor its just stupid, leaving the fight will let you have impact somewhere else (far or close), instead of getting 3 more points from holding the node but than dying, giving 5 points the enemy and let you be on 15 seconds respawn timer. If you want to play lost ark, than gw2 is the wrong game, what a stupid comment
  9. When you get target by a player it's a lot of reasons, main reason you are sitting in the wrong location, it happens me quite a lot of times that I have far secured but people are still running to me because they don't look at the minimal. Same happens in a 2vs1 where a + to Mr is stupid instead of using the possibility to outnumber somewhere else on the map. Next reason might be, to tell the people to peel you, because you are on many cooldowns and low life. Rez we already have and a target by mistake also happens, lastley because of toxicness but before I would check out the other possibilities.
  10. Or you can target an downstate from Your team to activate some rez action
  11. Or you Dodge the fear or are not running into the fear wall, or do what the other guy says
  12. Just give a checkbox to allow que on other server. If you accept you (eu) can get on eu and na servers, if not you only get into eu server but na players could still join
  13. This is the biggest problem in the game. That the game is more loosing than gaining players will probably only increase this problem. 1. Mirage dies to thief, and every team has a thief (and mostly a rev for bonus meme dmg) 2. Weaver Dies to warrior and to any match up when a thief +'s 3. Condi Druid kekw Outside of condi holo, nothing of that is rly good
  14. When I play on na I get a 180 ping and for me wsa warrior working pretty decent, zark is playing on eu with 400+ ping also from sea on warrior.
  15. Yeah but these are not pvp players, the player base is so low, that it really Makes a difference when people go to work/school. 95% of the player base does not even know about a different gamemode than open world
  16. In the morning most people need to work
  17. We had this, called courtyard. Imagine what happened Everytime I read your stuff I have to laugh Everytime
  18. I don't think that pets feel Useless in pvp, I actually thought lately the range is still very high
  19. I had something similar this season, I was low plat 1 atm and queing at around about 12 pm German time at Sundays. I was luckely to win the match because I was only getting +3, from that, I stopped queing on main during offhours and only que now when bigger streamer like, boyce, sind, Rom, etc.. Is streaming, many good people try to snipe them and the match quality is there at its best. EU is as dead as NA is, player below plat get super weird matches because one p3 wants to q, and people above plat never find a game and end in uncarryable matches that will ruin your day. Try to stream snipe and get pretty decent matches otherwise you should not care about your rating.
  20. Bro, you Literally counter lich by walking, it's not an 500s insta stun, it's just walking, that most people don't do it is just because they don't know it
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