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Everything posted by Lyssia.4637

  1. In these days of cutsy demon wings and anime princess dresses, I'm waiting for it to show up in the gemstore as a focus skin. 😆
  2. Harkening back to the days of GW1, since it's now in the game that our own alts can show up and follow us, I'd love to see the ability to summon our own alts as full-size "minis." No combat, no need for the "Follow Me/Stay Here" command, just the ability for us to adventure with one of our own other characters, for RP purposes.
  3. Seems like, at least right now, the last ten you logged into and left in the homestead are the ones that show up. They'll rotate positions on their own, but not the characters themselves, that depends on who you play. Gives me a reason to play my lesser-used alts, I suppose, just to keep things fresh. 😊
  4. That's why they released the tea table! 😊 Seriously, though, without being able to see the back end of things, I'm guessing that it might be impossible with the coding. The chairs seem to work like mounts, with the built-in emotes as "skills". I suspect the best we'll be able to get is eventually the ability to buy furniture with the emotes built in. Even crafting it may not be possible, I doubt there's a good way to link the emote in after the item is created in-game.
  5. Maybe a bug? If I remember correctly, you just walk right out the front door the way you came in and they were standing there.
  6. You can portal out, if you have a home portal stone or a lounge. The advantage to the latter is that you can pick up the materials if you have what you need in the bank or just want to buy it on the trading post. To be fair, the quest does tell you before you go exactly what you need to make the bed, just doesn't force you to have it in your inventory.
  7. It was confirmed that you are supposed to be able to exit your homestead into Janthir, and it's simply bugged. So, this shouldn't be a problem, it's just a matter of waiting on the fix.
  8. I didn't see the livestream, but back items don't show up either.
  9. They'll appear in one of three places, depending on what kind of armor they have: light armor in a cave back behind the farm, medium armor near the bridge to the portals (except for one riding a mount in your stable), or near the front and side of your house by the gardens. They won't stay where you move them, and they'll randomly appear in different set spots in the starting area. There is an upper limit on alts, as well, it looks like (10, I think?) with the last logged in being the ones that show up. Hope that helps a little.
  10. I haven't tried to scan for them, but they were popping up properly on my map and mini map today as events, which is at least a step in the right direction. At least, in the second of the new maps.
  11. Heck, I have all of the above and have since they were released, and I've only done the bellows one before. Edit: Aside from rift hunting, of course. The rift hunting is the only one that seemed egregiously reused to me. 🤷‍♀️
  12. Thank you for letting us know! I have a ton of alts, so I really appreciate you passing that on. Now I don't have to pay my daughter in ice cream for letting me taxi them all. 😄
  13. Just a thought... it's only recycled if you have and have played all those various, separate expacs. I kind of prefer seeing something spread across the entire world, instead of locked in just once place. Feels more natural, and less like a gimmick. None of those, imho, felt overwhelmingly overused, so it's like reusing the cooking event from PoF and Gothmar for SoT; just something I know how to do and as fun as a bar filler, a little different from the other grind. Again, just me. I did like what they did later with a warclaw in a story mission. Also... "recycled," I suppose, but fun enough to do, interesting, and a different way to approach a mechanic for completing the fight. I've played enough WvW to have used those warclaw skills before, and you might argue it's like a mount story mission in... PoF or the follwing LW, I forget. But again, something totally new would have that random, connects-to-nothing feel. This felt creative while making sense.
  14. Wonder if it will be added as a later mastery update in the next November installment? Was the Wizards Tower portal scroll available with the first or second installment? (I didn't get to playing through that far until after the second update.) There was chatter in a map I was in this morning that it was an effort to keep down alt farming and such, but obviously, that's hardly the most reliable source, although with the new crafting mats, I could see that making sense. Or perhaps a gemstore lounge might be coming later.
  15. Without spoilers, I'm on chapter 8, and there's only been the one mastery required so far. It only requires the initial two points be spent, and I had more than that by the time I got there. It was just the time it took to level, and even that went pretty quick. I mean, I was kind of kicking myself for having bought access through the WvW currency, because I expected a scavenger hunt again much later in the story, but that's just on me. I thought they're doing a pretty good job of keeping those "pauses" interesting and well-paced, myself, and with reasonable story-based explanations.
  16. You can buy it in the homestead. At least, you can as of now.
  17. Same for me. There were tags on the maps doing T2 and 3 rifts, so maybe that works for some people, but the only way I got past that part was by following them.
  18. Doesn't appear there's a fast way out of the homestead into Janthir lands, which is what I was expecting, the way there is with the Wizard's Tower, unless it unlocks with mastery points later or something. The prologue was fine once, but I can't see sitting through it repeatedly just to access the area, so hopefully there's something that either unlocks later or they'll release a lounge or something. Or the portal in Divinity's Reach will become accessible to alts after a certain point in the story.
  19. Was wondering this too. Didn't show up after the homestead was fully unlocked, but perhaps that's just a bug they'll fix in the upcoming days.
  20. Pretty sure you can reach out directly to support, in that case, and have them manually move you to join your guild.
  21. I've seen this a lot as well. Weird times, too; morning-midday weekdays, when I don't usually ever see either at all. Edit: neither que's nor outnumbered.
  22. Hey, now! I ALWAYS tip my JP taxi very generously, and every time I use their services! 😁
  23. I racked up more deaths that... what a week? than in two months of playing. I thought I was going crazy, the first time I saw one zipping around the other day. Got snuck up on and killed dead while I was still going "just what the heck ELSE was in that WR patch?!"
  24. I agree completely, but hand in hand with what you wrote is that this would also simply exacerbate the problem I see far more often with Skyscale fireballs, which is high-level characters using them to blast out of existence an event in open world before characters leveling in a zone appropriate to their level can even get close. I know Anet has been handing out instant level 80s with new expansions, but, as someone who regularly plays with my one daughter who just likes leveling and her sister, who is trying to level her first character for the first time, this gets obnoxious very, very quickly. I'd far, far rather see leeches.
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