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Posts posted by TwilightSoul.9048

  1. There is nothing in this game I've had so many struggles with as I did with crafting. It's so incredibly time consuming non-interactive and thus boring that I have never bothered with it until I couldn't find a reasonable way around it anymore (which was when I needed the first ascendet things) and even then I struggled to level up my crafting and actually quit the game for a few months because I hated it so much.I hope they will change it at some point and make it more interactive - I don't mind crafting beeing tedious but atleast make it fun and engaging instead of just huge lists and waiting times until your 250 Mithril Ingots are done. At the very least give us some visual stimulation, like our Character using an Amboss or ANYTHING other than a progress bar filling up 250 times...

    pwetty pwease

  2. I'm a poor guy and could barely afford the expansion. I was hoping to be able to get some nice mount skins through Achievements but that wasn't the case. Then I told myself I'll save some gold and buy Mounts during Wintersday (hoping that we'd get some nice frosty Mount Skins) but seeing how incredibly expensive single Mount Skins are and how ridiculous the Mount Skins gambling is I have little hope left.

    Needless to say I'm not gonna buy a single Mount skin at this rate - ever.(I was sure Mount skins would be 500gems for normal Mount skins and 800gems for those with special effects... but now 2000gems for one mountskin? That's almost as much as we paid to play with Mounts to begin with...)

  3. @Tatsa.3269 said:So, uh... huh. Don't I feel stupid. Launching the game as Administrator fixes it.

    Doesn't quite fix it, I'm having the same issue you described above but not consistently it just happens sometimes when I don't expect it or sometimes the game will ignore me pressing the right mousebutton to turn the camera.Unfortunatly all of that only happens sometimes and I haven't been able to figure out when those things happen exactly I only know that it is very annoying.

  4. I love those people... Had the exact same situation only with the old 100 CM, that was the last time I did a CM, this community on average just isn't made for having fun.When we got the new 100 Fractal and I did my first run (not cm) we got flamed for not knowing the mechanic literally 2 hours after release (and our LFG said: First time new 100) and they demanded we (my friends and I) leave OUR group. Never kicked anyone faster than those guys...

    I unfortunatly don't see what anet could do against people like that, maybe donate money to education :P

  5. Wow 8 new PAGES since I last checked here 10h ago.I think it's safe to say that MAYBE someone in this thread has a point...Buuuut since people buy them anyway (because they don't have a choice if they want the mounts) I'll just guess nothing will change, hooray.....I wonder which sells more, the rng mess or the full pack, I'm not sure how... uh... simple minded... the average player is.

  6. @SmirkDog.3160 said:

    @Deihnyx.6318 said:Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?

    I'm amazed that no one has replied to

    As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did.
    I bought a single online.
    For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.

    I must have missed that comment but yes, I just spent 40€ on yugioh cards. And I probably saved a lot of money doing so instead of buying boosters. In my entire life I bought 2 Booster packs and I still regret it.

  7. @KingAsh.4570 said:like people skins do not affect gameplay okay stop crying plus they are not duplicates so stop crying

    Yes they aren't duplicates but they are also not tradable, so what do I do, I pay 400gems for a random skin, I only care about 1 skin per mount and I get some stupid glittering pink bunny and am forced to keep it? If they were tradable then I wouldn't be here complaining :)


    @Halbarz.3854 said:

    @TwilightSoul.9048 said:If this was a f2p game I would not mind this but I paid for the core game, hot and pof, I don't see any reason why I should GAMBLE for cash shop cosmetics!I mean come on, I'm paying for cash shop cosmetics either way, at least give me the ones that I actually wanted and not some random skin...

    When you bought the core game, you also knew there was a store that is 100% optional nothing pay to win in it.This is just another item being added to a 100% optional store. Besides the whole I paid for 2 expansion and the core game excuse is a bit ..... as they support the game with regular patches for years. With not asking for anything from us, as a customer we can express our feelings, but as a company they have to make money and sadly lootboxes are a good way to cash in. Another option would be to go the ESO route (put in the extreme), every patch with content they do ... charge us .... let's say how many people would complain then.

    It's not an excuse, it's a statement that I WANT to play the game, that I am willing to pay for this game. I am however not willing to pay for a random skin. There are skins in that Box which I am interested in, but I will not pay for a RANDOM skin. I wouldn't buy a random expansion either...Make them tradable (The Skin, not the Box) and I'm sure they'd sell more of them that way.

  8. (Both)

    I'd love to see a Pistol/Pistol Spellslinger type.A really fast and mobile class that can switch attunements really fast and utilize combos to surprise and adapt and just overwhelm the enemy through fast adaptive gameplay. Should be midrange single target dps focused.And I'd love to see some more offensive Water Skills, CC heavy Air Skills and Defensive Earth Skills with lot's of barrier and self Condi clear while Water acts more as a ranged DPS attunement (with Ice stuff) and Fire more Midrange Melee to gain distance again (for example some sort of quick "rocket jump" with an explosion in melee range that propels you backwards)

    But most importantly it should be very quick to switch attunements and there should be some Spec Mechanic that allows us to do combos, I think it would be great if we could get back the lingering attunements Trait as a minor (when you switch attunements all boni from the last attunement linger for 5 seconds) and get a class mechanic that interacts with those lingering attunements by adding effects to all spells based on that lingering attunement.

    Yeah now that I've spend so much time thinking about this I'll be really disappointed if this isn't gonna be the next ele spec... :expressionless:

  9. My Main: Elenia Fireborn - A heart of Fire trapped in the body of a goddess of ice, fighting a never ending battle against the eternal Winter.

    ! JcxSlOL.jpg! CYxfp99.jpg! I love the Snow Globe on my scepter, did you know it only snows in there when it actually moves? One of the best Weapon skins in the entire game for me :)

    My slightly bipolar Revenant (No special name which is why I won't post it :P ) - At times a kind heart, caring more for others then her own good, preventing harm with Glint by her side, wielding Glint's Bastion to show her passion. On the other side is a wretched beeing posessed by Mallyx with nothing but madness in her mind.

    ! t54cpNV.jpg! zUTIiYG.jpg

    Duff The Highlander - There can only be one!

    ! mDB0eoN.jpg! EDdbmN6.jpg

    Cptn Cool Cat think every day is a nice day for a flamethrower party - and to be quite honest, it's easier to agree with him then to argue.... His arguments are....quite hot.

    ! pfDCkCm.jpg

    My Sylvari Soulbeast - Born beneath the stars and always one of them in her heart, the celestial Soulbeast.

    ! 9mDPnKh.jpg

    My walking Plant Pun Necro - did you know you can dualwield hands? Still looking for the Severed Dagger Skin so I don't have to run around with Focus anymore...

    ! LOMr0vY.jpg

    And last but not least, my Arghthief - Master of pewpewpewpewpew (I love the Sound of Unload with SAB Pistols, probably the only reason why I have a thief)

    ! 9bCk3Uk.jpg

    And, although it's hard to believe, I also have a mesmer but she looks hideus (Asura) - I'm still trying to find something that looks good on her.

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