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Everything posted by OldJanx.6798

  1. how about changing the game dynamic in ways that don't require 10 years of game development, kitten everybody off and kill off the game mode? how about putting bounding boxes on player models in wvw and forcing players to not "stack" when they play? ... give the game an actual new feel and challenge after 12 years instead of changing maths to boons / conditions... killing every server is a terrible idea.
  2. eagerly awaiting 3 Feb... i did pve, sad.. after not being linked to my server on second relink 😕 pains of a guildless player... very much enjoy playing on the server i pick to play on, with other people i choose to play with and know what they're doing. not random boonblobs who must follow pin, struggle to have independent thoughts, and be told when to w-key and 111111.
  3. so... with BGFX what's the chances we get metal thrown back into the mix? seems like it should not be that big of a stretch.
  4. i've written games using opengl, metal, and directx and have a good grasp on vulkan.and as i have no purpose in being here anymore, i'm done with this insane misinformed conversation.
  5. LOL... Vulkan is not OpenGL. Much like Metal (and is THE reason apple is dropping OpenGL because it is old and lacks features of a modern api) Vulkan is a next generation rendering api that provides rendering and task scheduling capabilities, further proving my point about OpenGL being past its prime. If you look at any of the triple a games being released, they'll primarily be released on directx on windows, and today will be on metal on macos. for linux they should be on vulkan (and would be if released on steam though more than likely would released as directx games and run under vulkan in proton). nice try but thx for the attempt. ;)
  6. like i said, the first mac beta (mid 2012) was wine based. the "native" mac client as it stands today (just going off memory so i could be wrong) was a few years later. i don't blame apple at all. they're a product company who doesn't care about lazy developers who refuse to provide good user experiences to their end users (cough) by not adopting modern software to fit modern hardware. if you want to talk about industry standards, I'm guessing that's just repeated talk on things unknown. not throwing shade but while opengl is open doesn't mean its for modern hardware, it doesn't mean its the best tool for the job, doesn't mean it produces the best result for the best user experience. just saying.
  7. Metal (OpenGL's replacement on macOS) was released in 2014, I think around the same time they came out with the native mac client... so its not like they had to do anything from scratch. the initial mac client was actually a wine based app, so they had everything they needed when the made the native app to do what needed to be done when it needed to be done to have a working mac app now. they just didn't. Similar to their windows client sporting a version of direct x from 2004... they just chose the oldest technology they could possibly get their hands on.
  8. ya, sad that anet can't invest back in its players like its players continually invest in its game. have bought this game 3 times on 3 different accounts, own only macs and won't be buying a pc to run any version of windows. Its sad when software development companies don't properly abstract their software and can't adapt to changes like when microsoft updates direct x or changes in opengl or apple's move to metal, and so they're stuck on the old and their game suffers, their users suffer. wow this is really terrible news. guess I'll never see cantha, if it does ever indeed get released. sad.
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