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Everything posted by Ralimisu.2946

  1. Not able to log in here either. "Build: 114787 Error Code: 42:1000:7006:1232"
  2. Completed the Tier 3 part of the achievement, MP showed near the minimap and wasn't actually added as a spendable MP upon use.
  3. I can't see them hiding or removing it as it's likely meant to be a tell to show whether or not the player is merged - even if there is an icon on the buffs bar showing which archetype is merged. I think making it possible to change the colour, or for it to tie to a colour for part of what you're wearing, would be more likely but that'd just open a whole new can of worms and people would be asking for all sorts of abilities to get dye channels. Which, again, would likely mess w/ tells for abilities. I'd assume it's a lot more work than it may seem like and they probably want to have at least something visible to show the person is merged.
  4. The problem with resetting character names is if that player returns. It's impossible to know the reason why they aren't playing currently unless you know the person. Whether they reset names or not there'd be someone complaining in the long run about it. I'd assume they avoid doing it so there isn't drama created over players returning to characters without the names they gave them.
  5. In my opinion a better solution would be something similar to what is done w/ the clocktower JP which makes every other player look like a wisp if something were to be changed.
  6. The build templates seem ok, my only gripe is that there is no option to set one as the default per game mode. I feel like that's something that'll grow old fast.
  7. WvW is the middle ground between PvE and PvP.If you want to fight other players - head to one of the game modes that give you the ability to do so. It seems a bit silly to add PvP elements to PvE. WvW is literally what you're asking for as it's PvE with PvP elements thrown in.
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