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Posts posted by Xenn.1602

  1. 1 minute ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    TLDR make it easier and give me better loot.

    This was never about buildcraft and you just outted yourself.

    way to twist my words, i said as hard as raids or a bit harder, fractals can be a bit harder, solo lvl 100 cm currently is extremely hard and is only for a hand full of people, that doesn't make any sence at all to call that solo content, normal dungeons most of them you can solo if the mechanics allow it already, but take longer hence better loot for normal dungeons IF the bosses remain the same, because if you downscale most normal dungeon bosses, they become very boring. except a few. But let me take that back. On normal dungeons just drop some hp levels where needed so the entire dungeon would take no more than 20 to 30% longer vs a team fight. loot can stay the same I NEVER said solo should be easier and give more loot, I said make solo content which is the same or harder than current dungeons in group play.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    I think you might have misunderstood something here, what I meant is: you can just go alone into current dungeons, fractals, drms with cms, strikes and have the solo content on the harder difficulty level that you want. You don't need to chase OW bosses.


    many of them the mechanics don't allow for single player to go through and also it often takes way way longer to complete, so like I said, the trade off can be that it would take a little longer hence making the profit a bit less vs a group run, but yea I've seen vids of real pro players that do fractals cm solo and only the final boss already takes 50 minutes to complete on a good dps build with near 0% mistakes.. Yes for something as extemely challanging as this you will only find a hand full of players. I'm talking about as hard as raids in a team, or maybe a little harder, but solo. For normal dungeons, yes please just rework it so the mechanics allow it, and just up the reward a little, the boss levels in normal dungeons many of them are fine for solo play. So needs rework for mechanics and some adjustments so it's possible for solo within a reasonable time frame and still give decent loot, so it's still worth your while to come back to it now and then.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    And what stops you from doing it now?

    more interesting solo content, fractals, dungeons, raids, are the most epic / immersive pve content the game has to offer, as in my other reply; now i'm just hopping from boss to boss making and testing my builds. So the build part is fun, the soloing the bosses was also fun at first, but hopping from boss to boss all over tyria is not immersive at all, so I wish the game had more to offer here, and it can be done rather easily when anet only need to rework existing content a bit, unlocking a lot of new game play as it requires different builds and tactict than dungeons currently do in a team.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

    Why do you play a mass multiplayer game if you want single player experience? There are a ton of single player games out there to fill that need

    because I still enjoy being together, we all share the same hobby, we can chat, we can interact, help each other etc. Also I don't ONLY play single, like I explained I just can rarily dedicate myself to a hard long team effort, and also I need some freedom with time, play style, exploring stuff on my own, try out my own tactic and build. Like even normal dungeons are often farmed terribly efficient, skip mobs etc. I hate that, I don't want to farm, I want to play. And about single player games, apart from no interaction with other people at all, or not building your account to fit other game purposes as well, there are definitely not a ton of single player games that offer the same richness gw2 has to offer. There are only a few titles I play solo, and some that can be played co-op, but all these games only have a few hours of game play to offer. Also the combat mechanics of gw2 are really good and only a few single player games perhaps give similar experiences. Dungeons / Raids / Fractals are really one of the most epic and immersive content gw2 has to offer. Doing a bunch of open world bosses in a row is not immersive at all, you teleport all over Tyria, it just feels like a farm, so that's why I would love to have the most epic pve content also availalbe for single player.

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  5. 13 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    Using Buildcraft to substantiate this request is intellectually dishonest.

    no it's not, build craft is a significant part of the combat system and all intented to be this way. Wanting to do hard stuff on my own builds rather than running a copied meta build, gives me and many others even more depth / fun to the game, and having solo dungeons / fractals / raids gives lots of new opportunity's for getting creative with your builds and having fun with it. Also it's a completely different game play, you are responsible for your own CC/ healing / cleansing / dps etc., so it brings something new to the table with less effort for Anet to implement because largely the material is already there, it just needs some rework.

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    15 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


    I diden say stop making content, they will obviously make more content and the ratio will problabey still be those 90% to soloable openworld, drms, story collections etc.


    Why cant fractals/dungeons, strikes and raids be about groups and squads mate?

    Because fractals / raids / dungeons all are much more fun than a bunch of random open world bosses that are not challanging or rewarding, they look much better, are way more immersive. Making 2 versions of them should in many cases also not be that hard for anet, just adjust some mechanics and some boss levels. And like I said the trade off can be that doing it in a group can be a bit faster or a bit more rewarding to keep it fair.

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  7. Can we please get some of this Anet?


    Here are some key reasons why there are plenty of people like me that would like to have rewarding solo pve content as mentioned in the title;


    A; We like to experiment with builds and try it out at hard challanging bosses that are actually rewarding to within a reasonable time frame (like 25% longer than a team raids for example) (comparing it to doing current dungeons / fractals solo which isn't rewarding at all because it takes a lot of time). Also we would like to have the option of unlocking mastry / legendary gear without group raids (as a specific part of the rewards)

    B; I like the social aspect of an MMo, but, often hard content isn't very social and gets toxic; and having a team of friends on stand by isn't going to work for a lot of us, and thus i'm not looking to do something after work when i'm already a bit tired, that gives me stress because i have to meet the team expectations. Also often when it's not toxic it's just hi and bye and didn't feel social at all, just an efficient farm, which is the last thing i'm looking for.

    C; I like to do it in my own time; I have a family, I can't go on voice chat and isolate myself from my kids and wife, I can't be occupied for an hour straigt without the freedom to go afk for 10 min to help my kids with something or whatever, or simply break it off entirely if I have to.


    I just want to do it on my own, figure out how to do it on my own, in my own pase in my own time and with my build that I like, not the one that is meta, so what if my build happens to be 15% less dps, I just want to have FUN.

    I like many aspecst of the social online community, that's why I don't ever play any offline games, but just being online with them with chat and do wvw together is enough for me. I don't like to do things together when performance is required. I hope one day you will recognize the group of people like me and will add some of this content. 


    And before I get this comment; no open world champs are fun but too simple and ez when you become experienced; HOT / POF hero points are also ez and the hard ones I have already done many many times; legendaries are fun (but also simple mechanics) and you need to find them when they spawn and they have a timer, so not all leggies can be solo'd in the time limit with many of my builds. Same for bounties, some you can solo, but takes often long and therefore boring and not rewarding, and many cannot be solo'd within the time limit or they just start healing a lot at 50% or something. And actually I would like to do all of them solo, the timer makes no sence to me. Like, if it takes you longer than 10 min so what? If it takes you 10 min or more it's already not much rewarding I'd say that the skill and good build makes you kill it faster is more rewarding both in accomplishment and in loot, so the 10 min despawn adds no value at all.



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  8. a few months before COVID19 it already started. I'm saying this because COVID19 made number of active players grow. But this doesn't seem to be the root cause;sever lagg used to be an issue of full WVW servers when zergs were battling, which was already a bad thing, but now;

    server lagg on random pve maps at random times of day at random days... We experience massive lag on almost empty map instances in the morning.. In pvp which was never the case before. And wvw has become even worse.. Often a decent duel can't take place in evening hours....

    Anet please stop ignoring the community, put this on your "Known Issues List" and let the community know what you are doing about this!

    Thanks in behalf of myself and the entire community

  9. ^everything that has already been said in this tread, I just came here to support this and show my frustration. Even yesterday servers werent full, I was in a 5vs 5 on ebg, no zergs to be seen, skill lagging like hell, couldn't even get a single kill, my ping and FPS are great, just server lagg, please anet fix this, it really makes the game useless

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