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  1. Region: NA ACC / Display Name: Lae.2948 Current Team : Skrittsburgh Expected Team: Pheonix Dawn Selected WvW Guild: "Its Not That Deep [CALM" Our whole guild has been effected - we will try to individually reply here, but here is the list if you could manually adjust: Eris Thea.2538 vilenugget.5830 Kisaki OCE.4173 Striker.5069 Lae.2948 (ME) GARP.8453 electricapricot.4152 nebula.8423 juarez.6182 JarHead.2571 Almia Green.5894 fakealmia.6473 Thanks in advance
  2. There are many problems with the current mechanist design, many of which I have outlined in my contribution via my previous posts, and I am very happy Anet have actually implemented our feedback. The overwhelming theme that has constantly brought up by the community is that the entire trait line only affects the Mech -- if the mech if dead, stunned or doing it's own thing because of poor AI and no attack function -- you are effectively a core engineer with only two trait lines equipped.. My Suggestion to give it some more viability/flare:In addition to the Mech -- and as a justification for losing the tool-belt -- the player could have an extra "pet/utility" slot where they could CHOOSE a turret they would like to equip onto their shoulder (similar to iron-man)The Mechanist could use it's jade technology to augment and retrofit one of their turrets via a shoulder/back-brace onto the player. It would look similar to war-machine or ironman's shoulder gun. This would allow the player themselves to not feel so useless in isolation, and it could vicariously revive some old skills they ought to be shown some love. It may also be a solution to the out-right removal of jade siphon cannon, which could be added as an option in addition to the currently available turrets you could mount on your shoulder.The current turrets available are: Rifle Turret Flame TurretThumper TurretNet TurretRocket TurretHealing Turret (this could help alleviate the problem with Med-kit having no heal in PvE & WvW)From a balance POV, they would essentially carry over the same statistics, firing rate and cooldown as the normal turrets, and you could still overcharge them at the price of it being disabled for the length of the cooldown, which in it's current form depends on the type of turret selected. Just a thought. The Mechanist ALMOST feels really good... we're almost there. Kind regards,
  3. Sanctuary runes do not interact with: Nil to healing signet Nil to restoration signet Nil to Boon Regen Nil to Steadfast Rejuvenation Nil to the majority of passive necromancer heals. It would seem that given how strong alacrity is, this interaction may have been an oversight with the implementation of channeling conduits, and due to it being a beta it ought to be investigated. If it is working as intended, then I suppose it will be what it will be, but our job to to report such interactions to ensure unbalanced are checked before launch.
  4. Firstly, thank you Anet for listening to feedback; shift signet feels good and the rebalancing of the stats inherited on the Mech now feels realistic and not overpowered. Please investigate the interaction between Runes of the Sanctuary + Channeling Conduits + Compouding Chemicals. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Compounding_Chemicals (Heal when you gain a boon) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Sanctuary (Gain Barrier when you Heal) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mech_Frame:_Channeling_Circuits (Gain Alacrity When you Gain Barrier) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut (Gain Might + Stability Every 3 seconds Passively) This means in PvP and WvW you can have: Permanent Stability, Permanent Alacrity, Good uptime on might, all passively.... I am not sure if this interaction is intentional, but it ridiculously overpowered; you cannot be cc'd, and all of your cooldowns are permanently reduced by 20%... This is really toxic in WvW, especially if you run full condition damage.. it is the most passive, brain-dead, kitten build the roaming/dueling community has come up with thus far form EoD. Class is amazing, but compounding chemicals should not interact with Sanctuary Runes. Kind regards, Lae.
  5. After many hours of testing, dueling and roaming I'd like to leave a few comments about the Mechanist in its current state from a WvW/Roamer/Havoc/Dueler POV The general philosophy behind the Mechanist plays quite well, and it is most importantly fun. There are however some CRITICAL game-play/functionality problems which seriously affect it's viability beyond being a meme: 1) Why don't we have an "Attack Target Action Button"? This is the most important/critical problem for the Mechanist -- notwithstanding the the ranger. We have an entire trait line, that offers absolutely no damage or utility to the player itself, rather it augments the damage of the Mech. Part of the equation is being able to control the positioning of your Mech, and -- god forbid -- where your mech auto attack damage is going. Without this, it is not uncommon for the Mech to attack the wrong target, walk off into a random direction or just outright die. This is not new technology for you Anet, core rangers already have this; massive oversight. 2) Why are we unable to key-bind "Return to me" function? This is self-explanatory. Positioning and everything in competitive game-modes; DO YOU EXPECT US TO CLICK? 3) Break-bar has no place in competitive game modes -- if it remains, it needs to be significantly increased: The break-bar is being shredded, and the golem is more often than not either dead or stunned in WvW, even in small-scale encounters (3v3 etc). Cripple, chill and AoE CC are very prevalent in competitive game modes, and passive conditions are eating away at the break bars unbelievably quick (<3-5 seconds), followed up by a 5 second unbreakable stun. I'd prefer the mech to not be stunned all the time, and to rather reward my opponent for interrupting important skills. I suspect the middle ground solution here will be to increase the break-bar strength significantly, as without a break bar I suspect the Mech will be stunned majority of the time either way; more testing required in hopefully Beta 4. 4) Why does it immobilise you when you cast crash-down? This has killed me more times than I'd like to admit -- mobility is everything, and this feels really clunky. We already have the coding/technology to cast whilst we run as evidenced with supply crate. This is a very easy QoL fix that ought to be actioned. 5) 80 Seconds cooldown on crash-down is too punishing. I think we have already established our mech is dead or stunned half the time, and the cooldown is insane. Consider a 50 second cooldown. I think this would allow considerable downtime having respect to the recall function [recharge increase per 1% of depleted health] , but not feel awful. 6) Synergy with tool-kit to repair mech on auto attack chain, similar to turrets. This would be a nice addition to support the Mech and would open up build diversity via having a kit which acts as a weapon swap, and vicariously be able to take advantage of weapon swap sigils. 7) Superconducting Conduit Signet & discharge array are weak and too similar, and radius is too small -- potential for a flame-thrower rework?? I can't imagine a situation where this would offers any utility on a moving target outside of PvE in its current form. Perhaps consider reworking discharge array into a Jade Flame Thrower, allowing for an active, ranged burn skill, which would synergize nicely with both Mace, Pistol & the rest of the Engi Kit. 8 ) Elite Jade buster cannon is weak, and the animation under-sells the range of it: This skill was sold as a challenging decision to make due to it being able to re-summon your Mech. In its current state, you could never justice using the signet for damage because -- quite simply put -- it doesn't feel impactful. All of the mech active skills doing 2x as much dmg as this skill in one hit, rather than a 3.5 second channel. Increase the damage, or rework the skill (REFER BELOW). 9) Crash-down/summon needs to be an F5 skill, in line with Holo-form, unleashed, beastmode: As the title states, this would standardise the position of important skills/summoning abilities. As a side-note, it may offer an opportunity to MOVE "Jade Buster Cannon" from the signet elite, to an F4 skill, and to rework overclocking signet with another cool mechanic/choice, SOLVING THE DESIRE FOR THE RETURN OF TOOL KIT SKILLS. This would be a nice QoL change whilst not consuming much dev time. 10) Loss of toolbelt limits stunbreak options significantly AND Mechanist is forced to take a kit to trigger weapon swap sigils (some of the strongest in the game). Allowing Mechanist to weapon swap would alleviate this problem. Access to a reliable, frequent stunbreak is really important in competitive game-modes. Mechanist currently has access to 4 stunbreaks, down from 6 with our other specialisations. You have to take at least 1-2 stunbreaks for competitive roaming builds, depending on the class, traits and access to stability. Mechanist is however significantly limited however, because if we want to take advantage of some of the strongest sigils in the game (cleansing/energy/hydromancy), we need to take a kit, further limiting our ability to take a stunbreak. Therefore, if engineer was able to swap weapons, it would allow for more freedom utility choices. 11) Customizing the skin of the mech; Custom names removed after death of mech: This is not a gameplay issue, but it could offer an interesting opportunity to make some $$ on the gem-store, whilst giving players an opportunity for a unique identity. Thanks for reading, Lae
  6. The Mechanist is REALLY just not functioning at all in PvP nor in WvW. From a 1v1 POV, NOT WITHSTANDING THAT BEING OUTNUMBERED IS QUITE COMMON, I have found the following to be CRITCAL problems: 1) BREAKBAR: The main problem is that the "break-bar" is stunning the pet sooooooo easily. Someone can put a random chill on it, and it is stunned for 5 seconds only a moment later. 2) REPAWN TIMER: 80s respawn timer on a pet that your entire profession traits are dependent on is absolutely crazy.. Even if it was 40 seconds, if your pet is dead. 3) PET takes too much damage: 4) PET DOES way too much damage. Please consider removing the break-bar altogether, and perhaps reducing the damage it takes by AoE/cleave by 50% like it is in other MMO's
  7. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048Can we get a clear and descriptive rationale as to the Dev-Team's thoughts by removal "Empty Vessel" and replacing it with "Contained Temper (NEW): Gain fury when you disable a foe"? Firstly, "Empty Vessel" is actually integral to the flow of nearly all competitive builds, ranging from power heralds, to condi builds, to even ventari healing builds alike.Secondly, Revs don't need anymore fury -- "Contained Temper (NEW): Gain fury when you disable a foe" is really redundant, and rather underwhelming. I understand that generally stun breaks -- as well as stability -- have been wrecking havoc across the game for quite some time now, but other classes simply have access to a lot more stability, as well as utility skills that offer break stuns as revs are locked back as what legend you select. I am proud that you guys are rewards mechanically skilled players by making break stuns a rare commodity. However as a rev main, anyone who has played Rev somewhat competitively in WvW -- especially for small man groups --- knows that the energy costs associated with breaking stun essentially renders you useless offensively, and in some cases after only using a few skills, it will stop you from doing anything altogether-- other classes don't have to trade any of their ability to counter-play by using one of their break stuns. My thoughts:Perhaps put an ICD on the "Empty Vessel" break stun of ~25-30 seconds instead of butchering the flow of how Rev operates by removing it altogether Lae.
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