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Everything posted by Ailuro.2780

  1. Just to reinforce that it its just the basics that can be easily taught,
  2. They won't, and that's alright. That's the part that is left to learning through time and effort. This. All they need to know is the principles, which is what forms the basis of any good teaching/training mechanism in game-design. It's up to the players where they take it. But having a lightpost than none is the way to go. Through more practise, and live like strikes, raids and fracs, they'll understand themselves but at least they know the direction to go in.
  3. 100% That's the point of the second suggestion for better player to player interaction however what about the players that fall in between the cracks? What about the people who aren't all that ready to join a group? And again, the tutorial stuff does not go in deep detail. I do not understand what in my post has led you to believe it is about an in-depth tutorial but it is just an intro the the basics and providing a better structured path to end-game content unlike what it is now.
  4. No, the purpose of it is to make new-game content more in-depth and provide players the opportunity to be more prepared for all content. This means just being able to start and understand it. I really need to make this clear because half of the people on this thread understand my point, and the other are misinterpreting it. The whole point of the suggestion is to just SHOW some level of basic information not go all the way and feed them with a silver spoon. As it stands there is no integration whatsoever between beginner and end-game content, you're just thrown out there. This is faulty game design, in my opinion.
  5. I would like to hear your views on why you believe the complexity of the system is too great. Personally, I agree that to some extent, some parts of the system is indeed complex however I do believe some parts that are left untouched are very very simple to learn. For example, the ideal combo, and why. Every core build has a basic combo, and a "better" combo. This would teach the fundamental "attack" style of any profession and what they're good at for DPS, and what they're not. The combos for different weapons as well. This is an easy solution to just introduce the basics of how to master their profession via the Instructor/sparring/training instance. Another thing is learning about end-game content. Either in the instance via a board, or the NPC can answer questions on "How do I start Fractals?" "What do I need to know about WvW?" or another option that leads to the guild panel tab idea that says here are the guilds that specialize in WvW (which is just the filtered for WvW). Another common issue with new players who reach level 80 is they don't understand what an ideal rotation is. Just supplanting the idea of a basic team that has a basic rotation with the different profession and showing these NPCs rotate around a golem would do a great job of a visual explanation. The number of people that come on to strikes and raids, and have no idea how to co-ordinate nor even intuitively begin to understand the environmental or boss mechanics is insane. A huge issue in this game I've personally encountered is then the elitism of NOT casual players who look down on these players. Everyone starts off somewhere but people should definitely not be starting there for that deep into the game. Plus I believe if we did this, in the future we could have PvE leaderboards showcasing the top 10 guilds that are compeleting the gamemode in the fastest type, this would promote more of a community challenge drive.
  6. Furthermore, if not to solidify my stance, there is a recent post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/124305/how-to-start-a-new-player#latest Which mentions extra things I have yet to cover, the need for knowledge on how important collections can be, how important is to learn how to navigate the achievements panel and the priority to the things within the achievements panel is non-existent. The lack of information on how someone gets started on fractals, and then progresses. The list of absent information for preparing the new player to end game content just goes on and on.
  7. First of all, please don't insinuate things that I'm not claiming. My post is purely what I think would benefit new players. Like I said, I've been playing for nearly 8 years now. I have no issue reading the wiki or watching youtube for information. The same way you clearly don't have an issue for it. However, you're arguing against the idea of an option of it being in-game but that's purely subjective and an opinion because it suits yourself. Secondly, I've provided repeated examples of players who reach end-game content, and you haven't replied to that at all as if those kinds of players don't exist. There seems to be a very bad habit here in this post of misquoting, and not replying to the full argument. Finally, just answer this one simple question. Should there be an option for players to learn mechanics in-game through the help of incentive missions, NPC, and whatever it it is because many comments have offered alternative but great ideas? If no, then okay that's not the option for yourself but that doesn't mean just because you dont' want to do it, other players shouldn't have the chance to make an option.
  8. Why would they not do it? It's the choice of between reading text and not playing the game, versus engaging in the game. Here the argument that "if it's optional" doesn't really work considering if you weigh the two, it is way more fun to actually learn in the game than read the wiki.Sure, it's subjective but speaking from my own experience, more people would choose to learn it in the game than read from the wiki. There are different ways of achieving this due to the difference in weapons and professions.Letting the players understand exactly how to achieve a higher DPS from a specific combo and understanding their trait lines is not something insulting. I'll say this again, many players come to end-game content with no clue what is the right weapons for them to achieve a high dps, much less knowing about combo effects in their chosen profession. The argument I'm coming from is there is more than enough evidence of people simply having to copy template builds and just forget about everything they've played with prior, it shows that they have poor understanding of the game mechanics. This is exactly why I disagree with: At the very least, if the game did a good job of teaching the necessary skills, then players would have to change a couple chosen traits in their specialization because learning that is pretty time-consuming. As far as I'm aware, a majority of new players who reach lvl 80 don't even understand why they should use a greatsword over axe/mace as as a warrior in PvE modes.
  9. This is a fantastic idea. Transparency and communication is what GW2 really needs right now. In my opinion, if at the very least there were weekly dev streams that pointed out the noteworthy bugs and issues talked about by the Community would give some level of baseline to knowing that hey they're really paying attention and while they might not be fixing it ASAP, they care. If we take a look at a game like Ashes of Creation, which is the current no.1 hyped up upcoming MMORPG, we see this is coming from that great level of interaction with the community and constant weekly back and forth communication and transparency on the issues they're dealing with and what they've noted from us.
  10. As described through the pre-existing examples of the "tutorials" in town and around the beginner maps, those are completely optional. I do not support the idea of mandatory tutorials. That would go against the nature of the hands-off approach in the levelling process of guild wars2. The mission you described is a great idea, and like another person commented on an incentive to get a chest. Here you said: It would be very easy to weave in either the story or around the maps bosses having critical weaknesses and the NPCs saying something. As you already know, the training golems exist and are great to practise rotations with however from my experience, most players never know they exist till they're mentioned by another player. Bringing back what you said, this is the essential thing. There should be the freedom of choice to the player that they can go to either the wiki OR in the game with an NPC OR learn with friends OR learn with friends and they can practise alone when they want but the integration of the idea of practising skills and being conscious of what they actually do is not a well made option in my opinion. Players who prefer the wiki and videos can do that, but not everyone wants to learn this way.
  11. Exactly, players who are dismissive and called it insignificant simply just learn to live with it. That's not the right attitude. A game, especially an MMORPG should always be focused on improving its gameplay, especially the minor inadequacies when they cumulate to the hundreds.
  12. one thing i wish they'd add to the starter zones, though not really an instanced area is a "CC-this-thing corner" with a chest on it kinda like the "dodge-the-spikes corner" with a chest on it. it wont be part of map completion, it would be super optional but it's a very small mini tutorial that could entice players to do it as soon as they can or come back for it later because it's a chest they haven't opened before. a tool tip popup would appear just like the one on the dodge-the-spikes informing the player for the first time how to get to the chest. it can be as simple as a stone pedestal (breakable object with a CC breakbar) with a chest on top that you have to use CC skills/abilities on in order to get the chest down and opened. maybe it's a good and friendly way to introduce breakbars and CC abilities to new players that in the future level 80 content they'd do, they'll get reminded of this "breakbar" That's actually a great idea! Things that promote the incentive to actually understand the essential skills in the game to prepare for end-game content is really needed in GW2. It'd be far simpler adding that than the instructor idea. The only benefit I see with an instanced training area is the fact that it allows the possible integration of playing around with different weapons easier and changing of stats easier as you can also put this in a home instance possibly with a bank.
  13. What is more engaging to learning fractals for example? Playing fractals, and practising with group friends OR looking up a wiki? It's dry. It's bland. It's boring.The focus here isn't for players who don't want to put in effort, it's for players who are trying to find answers IN THE game. More importantly, please do understand that the Instructor idea serves as a place to experiment and practise _over the course of the levelling journey.__That's quite literally asking for the need to put in effort and practise but IN the game, learning mechanics in a clearly designated training area PREPARING new players for end-game content.
  14. I understand but I definitely think that the game could do a better job of demonstrating stats at play in a training mode element. In fact, even today I was helping new players with fractals and dungeons, and they were level 76-80 who had no idea what makes a build useful for their profession. I think my main gripe is with how there is a lack of display on how important weapon skills are and affects what kind of build you should run.
  15. Yep, it is easy to fall into that rift of never really finding players much less having the option of choosing the kind of guild you want to be in.
  16. Here are some repeated points: I've never said they don't have access or don't want to read the info either from the hero panel or not. I said the textile formatting could be improved via an NPC that walks you through things, never that the naming is confusing but just forgettable. This is something of a just "no ur wrong" argument, I've said that new players and returning alike meaning those who are already aware of the main stats like power, condi, boon, are still confused to what makes a build viable much less traits come end-game. You literally said people can just go google it, nothing about in-game availability... because it doesn't exist. I'll leave it at this because as I said, I find this highly unproductive.Say what you will that I'm pretending something, and that I'm the one not reading yours but you are which works great in your favour.
  17. I said "players have no idea what having a build actually mean". This is quite literally the equivalent of not knowing what goes into a build. I don't really know what to say here other than why do you expect it is a sensible idea that players who dont know about traits and things as a result of the gameplay is their own fault? I've already explained this as a question, if you believe that it is more engaging and player retentive to go away from the game to find answers instead of practising and learning in the game then there's nothing to say there. Ultimately, the bias of an experienced player who also clearly isn't a casual MMORPG player is seen here rather than the new casual player where it's a "oh it's just there", just "google it, look at the wiki". With any reason of sensibility, no casual player would find it fun to actually go minimize the game to look at youtube tutorials and read the wiki than learning it with friends IN the game. Which is the main point.
  18. This is what the casual player sees when they level up: It is quite frankly just a word vomit. There is no lesson learned from either consequences or benefiting of a particular stat, and more than not this will be forgotten in the next half n hour much less 30 levels in and people are jumping from weapon to weapon. There is clearly no opportunity to actually understand the gravity of how much power I have actually effects my damage output. There is no integration from this to this: Which is even more of a visual screen mess. You don't need to ask hundreds of players to realize after helping run dungeons, much less t1-t2 fractals, to realize that players have no idea what having a build actually means nor the significance of their profession and what stats are most viable. Even after on and off years, this remains an absolute pattern amongst new players. This is just a core missed opportunity by ANET to drive player engagement and give the combat system a greater depth by providing players the actual hands-on training with varying stats. Everybody understands the sentence "more strength, more damage". But what does that exactly mean to World Bosses? Dungeons? Environmental mechanics? Fractals? To your build where in many rotations, there's no need for certain professions to be high DPS? There is no baseline for a player to comparatively weigh the effects of changing builds through their levelling process provided by the game.
  19. Definitely! Things that are integrated in the game keeps player in the game.
  20. That too is a great idea! In fact that would help integrate an introduction to PvP at an earlier level rather than at lvl 80! Yep, as stated, this would benefit new and later players alike but a demonstration would be superior to an explanation in my opinion. The issue of avoiding the holy trinity is solved with the freedom of being able to experiment with builds in the "training room".
  21. Ah I have worded it incorrectly.In the guild panel itself to have a new tab that allows for a search function. More importantly, this would be a process from Lvl 5-20 (where ever is most suitable to begin) to lvl 80 which would be easily enough time to grasp the core mechanics of builds. Indeed, the benefit here is that ahead of time the player can see the instructor perform skills of different weapons which allows the player to have the opportunity to evaluate the playstyle they want during lvl 5-80. In the current state of the game, new players for the most part drop one weapon for a better but different one through the levelling process. This is purely based off anecdotal experience from interviewing other players however most new players rarely browse the TP to buy a better but same weapon to play with throughout the game.
  22. Currently the game is what could be described as an ideal spotlight. With the garnered attention from the expansion, and recent coverage by large MMORPG reviewers with positive views on the game, and the success of Living Season 4. Moreover, Path of Fire and the introduction of mounts truly reshaped the game experience hands-down and was the kind of bold move the game sorely needed however, Ice-brood Saga is generally said to have failed to deliver but this can be said to not have put off a lot of people. Now understandably, ANET must be more than likely bogged down with working on the expansion but I urge that they do not neglect the foundations of the game as I believe they can and should be reworked for a drastic change that will bring about a higher player retention and a greater transition into End-game content. Below is an image simplifying the player experience: The critical issues that need to be resolved to see are:1. The breakdown of stats.2. Bridge between interacting with other players. Before covering the solutions, the most important takeaway is that What would increase both player retention and engagement- learning alongside/from your game friends or navigating away to Youtube/Wiki and browsing for an answer? 1. The breakdown of statsGuild Wars 2's hands-off approach to telling the player where to go and what to do is one of it's greatest aspects however this hands-off nature is seen in the stats where many a new players and returning alike will find themselves absolutely lost. As it stands, a skill is unlocked with no explanation to what makes this useful. Currently, many players will just resort to googling for the meta build instead of intuitively being able to understand what works and what doesn't. This shows the absence of the games attention to player game mechanical development. The solutionAcross all races, the new player at level 1-15 will find themselves in an area where they can practise shooting, blocking, and rolling, which should be reworked to profession areas instead at level 3-5, they should be navigated to an area in the level 1-15 map, having just one or two towns with an instance based training grounds that is home to 9 instructors for each profession would not just benefit new players but end-game content alike. Breaking this down further: Only the instructor with the same profession is available to interact with on that character. The instructor can showcase what happens when you have a higher DPS and what skills are more relevant, and what skills in your profession are more about condition damage, and support for example.2b. This does not mean that the instructor shows the current meta builds or optimal skills. Just a generic basic skill 2 does little condition damage when I am focused on high Power and Precision but does higher damage when I change my gear.There is a mini golem/dummy to practise skills.Spar against the instructor who performs combos and blast fields correctly against you. Changing the stats of a full set of armour to experiment AND understand what DPS represents in the game, Condition Damage, and more.There is no better way of learning the difference between stats and builds then seeing it demonstrated and actually practising yourself. This also allows the player to understand the kind of player they want to be as they get to endgame content, and understanding what is viable instead of forcibly having to drop whatever weapons and build they liked to copy paste someone else's template. 2. Bridge between interacting with other players.The strongest aspect of Guild Wars 2 is the community but players can easily fall into the rift of playing the game alone due to how abrupt the introduction to finding a guild or finding a group is furthermore, just finding a group doesn't automatically mean you've found yourself a group of social players that are willing to have a fun time. To fix this, the guild panel needs to be improved.The solutionWe are aware that guild can be split up into 3 primary categories. PvP, PvE, WvW. Introduce a tab for guild search OR a location in town where there's a building that you can speak to an NPC or on a board that lets you search for a guild. Provide the option for a guild to be public or private to show up in a guild search bar in the guild panel.Introduce 4 filters:-> PvP, PvE, WvW focused.-> None of the above, and just a general guild.-> EU/US-> Home server (Gunnar's Hold, Underworld etc)-> Recent shouts (Guilds are allowed twice a day to say they're active thus avoiding the issue of contacting offline guilds) Upon clicking on a guild, it lets you read what they're about to and officer names that can be whispered for recruitment or further information. Guilds are the best feature of the game, and should be given more of a helpful walkthrough to both understand what a guild represents and finding the people for you. Thank you for reading. Any criticism is encouraged! A quick tidbit to myself, I have been playing GW2 on and off for around 7-8 years since I was a wee young kid and have a lot of love for the game. I've experienced the hardcore PvP/PvE, Fashion Wars and the chiller elements of the game and just see GW2 as a game with much more potential than realised.
  23. There were several bugs I encountered on this quest. 1) When I found the initial survivors, and was prompted to expand the search area, and following the green arrow/navigation to the area, nothing happened. Only when I went fully out of the area and walked back in then the NPC who continues the story started her dialogue.1b) Before I came out, I walked another way around and found the 3 asura and despite being right there and finding them, the quest didn't recognize I found them because it was waiting for the dialogue from the NPC to say I've found them.2) To find rescue team 2, I found the hidden entrance that had boxes in the way, and despite that the NPC dialogue wasn't prompted either, there was one remaining mob and after defeating it and going back, she still didn't respond until I again came out and walked back in.3) The final boss in the quest "Dzhudin Stormbreak" has an unavoidable skill for some reason. Despite evading at the right time, I was constantly stun locked despite not even being in the red targeted areas and even during my "i-frames". I even used Infilitrator's arrow to just tp way away from him and still got stunned.
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