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Konrad Curze.5130

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Posts posted by Konrad Curze.5130

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tungsten Monarch.6058 said:

    Please increase the range of all skills to 1200 like a Staff.


    This would be the first step on a mile long list to even begin to fix catalyst

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Because Cal can only do numeric changes, and doesn't like long request threads, so I'm doing a series of small threads.

    You're not wrong but in those same updates they stated that Berserker is well represented and has viable builds in all game modes...

    Cal can only tweak numbers. It is other Devs that do the bigger things.

    For Berserker though, reducing the Berserk mode downtime and the toughness penalty would go a long way in helping it.

    I get what your saying, but the spec is currently broken and I'm not content with making it "less broken". I want it right. 


    So don't take this personally but if I may, I want to express my displeasure with this thread and the ideas floating around, and let Cal et al know that NOOOOO, some of us are not fine with just some number juggling.


    Rework the kitten spec already, for Christ's sake

  3. What I don't understand is, why are we limiting this to only small numeric changes when the entire spec is soooo deeply flawed to the marrow? 


    Anet has reworked specs like scourge and scrapper several times. Scrapper's last one not even 3 months ago, to make it far more useful and give it a whole alternate playstyle. And scrapper already was bounds and leaps in a better place all around than Berserker. 


    They also reworked the mantra system entirely again not long ago for both mesmers and firebrand, again classes that are light-years ahead of Berserker in general. 


    When something is truly broken and in dire need of a rework they roll up their sleeves and actually put some effort into it.  Dunno about you guys, but to me that sounds like the textbook definition of Berserker. 



    I don't want Cal or anyone to do the bare minimum, I want them to actually fix the spec I paid them money for.

    If they tweak some numbers here and there now, you can kiss the spec goodbye forever, that'll be the last we hear of it. We gotta pull their ears and make them do their frigging jobs, no excuses. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Everytime I read Gw2 has grind on it or any kind of difficulty in its story content, Im asking myself if the person has ever played another game before. 


    tbh Gw2 balance is so enormously, ludicrously out of whack that its hard to dismiss complains of difficulty entirely


    you hear 2 people complaining about hard story/open world content. one of them play condi scourge. the other a zerker pWeaver.


    That people's experience is more different than a raider vs a rper

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  5. The place for doing this should have been IBS

    For a saga with "expansion-like features" it'd have been the perfect place to give a new elite skills to all classes, maybe even a new core weapon. Something awesome to look forward to, but smaller in scope than a fully fledged e-spec, that is normally reserved for real expacs. 


    Of course Anet botched that, just like they botched everything they have done the last 2-3 years... Oh well. 

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  6. On 8/21/2021 at 5:59 PM, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    Lotsa hot garbage advice here.

    After recent balance patch condi reaper is the top dog necro bar Harbringer which obviously you won't be able to play perma till xpac release (and who knows what will happen to it in the meantime)



    With combo field priority fixed and lingering curses giving condi damage to all weapons, reaper is now awesome as both power and condi, with condi being actually stronger. So play him how you like.

    Scourge as always is condi and/or support. Power sucks on scourge (least in PvE).

    Talking about Lotsa hot garbage advice here.


    The last patch did nothing to fix fields priority. It failed epicly, and chillmancer is as kitten as it's always been.


    EVEN if it did, it's real dps would be lower than power due to the nature of the build, which relies almost entirely on getting the full worth of shr #5 and #4 every single time like clockwork, and in most real fights that's just not going to happen, and the moment you miss it you'll see the dps falling off a cliff head first


    Stop giving advice when it's clear you don't know what your talking about and can't even be arsed to fact check your own arguments


  7. 13 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Well. They did say its a participation reward, not a skill reward, so i guess its working as intended.



    sure. then as I said let PvE play by the same rules, and give a tiny bit of progression  to anyone for stepping into a raid alone, smacking the boss once and dying gloriously in half a second.

    because thats also "participating", I suppose.


    Dunno why PvE is singled out to require having results, rather than "being kinda, sorta there but not really"  like the other 2.



    or as I also said, reset everyone's PvP/WvW armor and make them get it again, after  implementing truly epic requirements of performance and skill involved, so people have to actually earn it this time around rather than getting it for running a bot while they watch Netflix



    yes, Im aware all the PvP/WvW players are hating me right now...."what? this dude want us to earn our legendary armor? oh, the horror!!!!!!"

    • Confused 2
  8. 3 hours ago, TwoGhosts.6790 said:


    Not especially legendary, granted, but there is the ever present jeopardy of PvP combat whenever you venture out, so there's that.

    which isnt that much of a jeopardy when you can just /sit and let yourself be killed with zero effect on your "performance".


    because there is absolutly no requirement whatsoever for achieving anything. like, at all.


    eventually, PvP/WvW armor is handed out to any schmuck for standing semi-idle long enough


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  9. they really REALLY should remove all PvP and WvW legendary armor from everyone, and then make people get it again, but with actual requirements:


    - win PvP games by a difference of 300 and you are selected MVP of the game


    - Capture 200 WvW objetives and your server wins the bracket by a difference of 30% points



    alternatively, reward progression for stepping into a raid alone and dying without even scratching the raid boss.


    you know, the PvE equivalent of "Im literally doing nothing at all" just like in PvP and WvW

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  10. On 8/18/2021 at 8:22 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

    New pistol support  abilities:


    Commanding Presence - Threaten your party you will shoot them if they don't obey orders. Your party gains stability, fury and might.


    Lead by Example - Shoot a member of your party as an example to the rest, to know what happens when they don't obey orders. The chosen party members dies instantly (no downed state). The rest of your party (you excluded) gain every boon for 20 seconds. (in case you can't tell this will be the elite skill, don't want war to be too OP)


    If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing line! 


  11. On 7/27/2021 at 7:42 PM, LuRkEr.9462 said:

    Its an expansion, what are you thinking?

    He might be thinking about good, decent expansions. You know, like games such as FF14 get, unlike us


    Have fun fishing LMAOOOO

    • Confused 2
  12. For basic OW like doing hearts, story or killing fodder/vets reaper will be slightly faster


    For more advanced OW, like soloing champion/legendary mobs or metas, scourge is billions of miles ahead of reaper


    Scourge is the ultimate faceroll class of the game, minimal effort for maximum reward. Reaper is minimal effort for mediocre reward

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