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Konrad Curze.5130

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Everything posted by Konrad Curze.5130

  1. This If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW and similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion New expacs, elite specs, professions, weapons, fractals, raids... That's content Number tweaking, cash shop updates and a tiny LWS every so often is one step above skeleton crew maintenance mode
  2. Well, they didn't have much time to fix it, just 2 years you see. Wait just a wee bit more, they'll get to it soon I bet. Buy something from the store in the mean time, it's all there is for GW2's endgame anyway
  3. Why he doesnt just play guardian is beyond me
  4. Poor guy, flamed by the other 9 people on the entire server that still bother with WvW
  5. Just a small example of ANet's approach to balance and the great work done on character building options in gw2 :/
  6. the problem is that mobs in this game do absolutly rdiculous amounts of damage. 5k autos with zero windup nor animation, oneshots with fast animations that get easily covered with other player's effects so you cant see the visual clues stacking defense is useless because even if you reduce their damage by 30%, 70% of TOO MUCH is still TOO MUCH. thats why you will always, always be better off killing the mobs as fast as possible so they dont even get to attack you
  7. Staff is easily the worst PvE weapon in the game. I don't care if it's good or even OP in WvW or sPvP, GW2 is 95% a PvE game and no weapon should be allowed to be as bad as staff is in PvE
  8. If clipping issues were grounds for not having things, charrs would have been excised from the game 2 weeks after release
  9. Tbh that was something that always bothered me every time I log into an alt. "woah commander, your big business, you killed 3 elder dragons and a God!" I feel like my alts should reply: "yeah, about that, I'm not even half close to killing Zhaitan let alone the rest, you know... I'm here just doing tourism. And what is a commander? You must be mistakening me for someone else"
  10. I dont think it's a matter of "should" at this point rather than "could". They clearly are weary of committing to a long term development like an expac and are instead focusing on short term stints with LS, that should tell us volumes about the current situation
  11. Included in an expansion of the same size and scope as HoT and PoF? Sure Piecemeal? Not in a billion years I cant even see how that would work. If ANet nerfed it after you bough it, it'd easily be grounds for asking for refunds, such a headache for them
  12. straw mannoun1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
  13. Comparing gw2 to freemium piece of kitten games How low the mighty have fallen. Yeah, if you compare gw2 to the predatory kitten that currently plagues the industry, gw2 looks good. But for many of us that was a given and not even worthy of mention, I never understood why idiots played that type of games, they are completly atrocious But I guess it's true tho, slowly but surely GW2 has been losing its spot in the selected group of good MMOs with wow/ff14/eso, and now the best it can muster is comparing favorably to the bulk of awful, predatory sorry excuses for games that simply exist for hammering their cash shop down people's throat. Maybe your happy with that, I'm not Complains about GW2, then compares it to 3 MMOs which all have subscriptions (and the one where the sub is voluntary has been losing ground for a while). Where you trying to prove other people's points? The most predatory industry standards are not present in western MMORPGs but rather Sport games, cellphone games and some shooters. Please don't mention predatory monetization which plagues the industry if you do not intend to distinguish from those games.I assume you arent acquainted with NWO or PWE which OP (not me) use in his initial comparison. every single bit I said fits like a glove, they are in no way or shape better than your average mobile scam. if you really think that PC games are any different than mobiles, all I can say is that you really lack experience in the MMO genre, there's a huge world out there and its mostly fileld with asian pay to win crap P.S: I wish GW2 was a sub MMO
  14. Comparing gw2 to freemium piece of shit games How low the mighty have fallen. Yeah, if you compare gw2 to the predatory shit that currently plagues the industry, gw2 looks good. But for many of us that was a given and not even worthy of mention, I never understood why idiots played that type of games, they are completly atrocious But I guess it's true tho, slowly but surely GW2 has been losing its spot in the selected group of good MMOs with wow/ff14/eso, and now the best it can muster is comparing favorably to the bulk of awful, predatory sorry excuses for games that simply exist for hammering their cash shop down people's throat. Maybe your happy with that, I'm not
  15. 1) join as scrapper2) run around spamming bulwark gyro and autoattacks during warmup3) switch to condi thief before start4) farm the opps that switched to cunning warriors like they are npcs all match long
  16. because your being hit by a double whammy: noone cares about Engineers, not even arena netnoone cares about PvP, not even arena net
  17. Some people here seem to forget that companies and its employees make more money by supporting and keeping their customers happy than by milking them. ANet is perfectly free to create and charge for a new service that fulfils a need that their customers were requesting, but when they go out of their way to remove a service that its customers were already enjoying for free just to later tack monetization on it, it becomes exploitation. there's a reason why car makers dont charge you for using the steering wheel after 1 hour of driving. they COULD do that. but then people would stop buying from those car makers that do, and instead buy cars from others that dont. and that car makers and their employees would be very, very sad when they hit the unemployment line
  18. As others said, we already had it free, as in, fully free and unlimited. And it's being replaced by a festure that gives you a tiny amount of slots for free then charges thru the nose for more. There's nothing wrong with defending the game, but defending specifically that is dumb as hell, unless you absolutely adore being milked like a cow
  19. When ANet said this LS would have expansion-like features people thought they meant content. It turns out they meant expansion-like monetization, just without the content Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays out for them
  20. I dont think GW2 has 2 more years in it, specially with the current performance and direction ANet is taking
  21. I'm pretty sure that Icebrood saga already IS the maintenance saga
  22. Im not even sure what this tries to address. was scepter guardian doing too much dps? I find that hard to believe. is this just a philosophical change to make a melee weapon "better" than a ranged one? In that case let me tell you that all you have achieved is an epic failure. want me to melee more with guardian? bump its base hp to medium and give me one of those hilariously overtuned sustain traits like Invigorating Precision, Soul Eater, Heat Therapy or Parasitic Contagion, then I might consider going melee with guardian like I do with other classes that can actually stay in melee under pressure without slowly dying Nerfing his last usable ranged dps weapon (staff and lb still utterly suck for dps, great job, as per usual) wont make me melee more, it'll just make me quit the game, congratulations. With the myriads and myriads of mediocre-to-useless skills and traits that have been plaguing guardian screaming for a rework for years, you thought that this was the most productive use of your time, ANet? Really? It'd have been much better if you simply removed the root and increased the speed of projectiles. That's the issue with sword, compounded with the above, that guardian has the lowest hp pool and zero good sustain traits that dont cost you half of your damage , which makes meleeing undesirable compared to range in OW. A dps buff to sword is cool but largely unneeded, too bad its on a whooping 15s cooldown and we cant trait for it because the sword trait is in the radiance line, which basically guarantees it'll never be picked because there are only 3 things sure in life: death, taxes, and that power guardian goes radiance 333 and nothing else, ever, ever, ever if you want to do any dps at all. as for the rest of changes.....good golly. ANet please, outsource balancing to another company
  23. I liked the part where guardian is effectively left without a decent ranged weapon
  24. it's not like these people are not showing up to work everyday getting paid. They are just working on stuff many ppl find less important The thing is that they are working on stuff very few ppl find way more important, but that people are investors and frankly, their opinion is the only one that counts
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