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Konrad Curze.5130

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Everything posted by Konrad Curze.5130

  1. I agree, since there's no expac nor new e-specs on the horizon, the dev team should put aside a bit of their time making cash shop bling and use it to polish/balance/rework the bottom ringers weapons and traits we already have. its almost as good as having new content
  2. Some people have high standards and aren't easily wooed.Others are the opposite and "ohh" and "ahh" at anything and everything. This thread has a bit of each
  3. The QoL I've been waiting for 7 years 2 new slots on the equipment tab: food and utility, where you can drop stacks And a check for each one: "auto-consume when expires"
  4. I used to play necro but I got disgusted with how dumb-proof easy and powerful it is, playing it makes me feel dirty.Im playing weaver now and enjoying the game 10000x more, because when I beat stuff I feel like Im beating it, not that the class is beating it on its own with built-in cruise control dropping the training wheels feels good man
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